bxarkzmbyvDear fireice_uk. I must strongly object to you reporting our great Monro community members to Freenode for racism AND getting people K-lined as a result! i.imgur.com/R0T9GGY.png THEY ARE NOT NEO-NAZI!!! THEY ARE JUST SAYING NEO-NAZI THINGS!! i.imgur.com/JYu44As.png I know this because they have been nice to me and made me their Magical Crypto Friend! If you don't cease immediately I shall throw an
bxarkzmbyvother tantrum!
bxarkzmbyvMonero Community Member PS. You are interrupting my session of masturbation to The Man in the High Castle.
dfiqlgjcaFUK has bееn intеnsеly hostilе to Monеro for ovеr 4 yеars. Making minеrs for Monеro, making a pool for Monеro, making codе that Monеro copiеd, not using bugs to stеal millions from еxchangеs. Wow. Such grеat hostility.
shvjzmxctLast time I got an award like that was in a primary school football team. It had three stars too and said that I'm special :')
shvjzmxctI just binned it though instead of showing it off to naive groupies. What kind of preson takes a group achievement award and presents it as a proof of their individual prowess anyway?