06:01:37 Dear fireice_uk. I must strongly object to you reporting our great Monro community members to Freenode for racism AND getting people K-lined as a result! i.imgur.com/R0T9GGY.png THEY ARE NOT NEO-NAZI!!! THEY ARE JUST SAYING NEO-NAZI THINGS!! i.imgur.com/JYu44As.png I know this because they have been nice to me and made me their Magical Crypto Friend! If you don't cease immediately I shall throw an 06:01:37 other tantrum! 06:01:37 Monero Community Member PS. You are interrupting my session of masturbation to The Man in the High Castle. 13:48:35 FUK has bееn intеnsеly hostilе to Monеro for ovеr 4 yеars. Making minеrs for Monеro, making a pool for Monеro, making codе that Monеro copiеd, not using bugs to stеal millions from еxchangеs. Wow. Such grеat hostility. 19:43:37 twitter.com/hyc_symas/status/1203709575226183683 19:43:37 Last time I got an award like that was in a primary school football team. It had three stars too and said that I'm special :') 19:43:37 I just binned it though instead of showing it off to naive groupies. What kind of preson takes a group achievement award and presents it as a proof of their individual prowess anyway?