cbuekkjiFIY, you want to know why you are getting those daily messages? Cults NEED to control information. That's why people like lh1008 get savagly attacked (also called disconnection) for even talking to me. Break the information embargo, break the cult. Who would sign up to Scientology if they knew from the get-go that is is about a sci-fi alien overlord? Who would sign up to MAGA if they knew what a loser
cbuekkjiTrump is?
cbuekkjiYou don't sign up to MAGA to do a failed Viking LARP and some time off in club fed. You sign up because you feel like shit and they promise to give you self-respect. It is a total lie of course, you are still a joke even when cosplaying a Viking. Just like Monero's promise of privacy is a lie.
ejscanaxWord of guys running Monero community should be BELIEVED. Why would anyone that stole money and laughed at the losers that took the bait ever have a reason to lie to you? www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/6d5yt5/what_fluffypony_just_did_is_not_ok/
izbmugqazsifWhy are you here? For the tech? Then you should be off at Zcash instead of trying to con newbies into a coin that doesn't work. For the money? If you put your money in BTC or ETH you would have been better off. For the magical crypto friends? Monero leadership laughs from losers like that. Find yourself more healthy realationships that don't laugh at you when they steal your money.
jhbibefyaitDear fireice_uk. I must strongly object to you reporting our great Monro community members to Freenode for racism AND getting people K-lined as a result! i.imgur.com/R0T9GGY.png THEY ARE NOT NEO-NAZI!!! THEY ARE JUST SAYING NEO-NAZI THINGS!! i.imgur.com/JYu44As.png I know this because they have been nice to me and made me their Magical Crypto Friend! If you don't cease immediately I shall throw anothe
jhbibefyaitr tantrum!
jhbibefyaitMonero Community Member PS. You are interrupting my session of masturbation to The Man in the High Castle.
hhyzsfavlLook on the bright side. At least you don't need to obsess over signs of life from FUK now.
yroglodkzliWord of guys running Monero community should be BELIEVED. Why would anyone that stole money and laughed at the losers that took the bait ever have a reason to lie to you? www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/6d5yt5/what_fluffypony_just_did_is_not_ok/