NickvanSaberhagnDidn’t the last CN variant have ASICs that were only discovered after the switch to Rx?
niocI guess by discovered you mean confirmed, was obvious both times that there were asics
niocat least to me
gingeropolousi dunno NickvanSaberhagn . CN-R seemed like it was holding - bitinfocharts.com/comparison/monero-hashrate.html
NickvanSaberhagnGingeropolous: right it was steady I’m just saying I think via nonce analysis we discovered later there were FPGAs or ASICS on it
gingeropolousperhaps sech1 dived into it?
niocguess imma confusing CN-R with the earlier change
gingeropolouswell the naming scheme was always a matter of confusion
Inge-I wouldn't mind a cn-heavy/xhv asic if anyone has one lying around :P
sech1cn/r had ASICs in the end, ~10% of the network: reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/eqecqn…ghtr_is_mined_by_asics_or_fpgas_now
hv-bridge<sech1> 30 out of 300 mh/s which is not as bad as previous Cryptonight variants, so it was more resistant
hycsure, CN-R would have required a slightly more expensive ASIC
hycBig fire in OVH data centers in France travaux.ovh.net/?do=details&id=49484
lkcl_sech1: i know.
NickvanSaberhagnYep that’s what I was referring to
hyca phone with 18GB RAM arstechnica.com/gadgets/2021/03/the…am-two-usb-ports-crazy-rear-display
hychas the latest flagship snapdragon, 888
hycmine xmr on that while gaming
sech1All these ARM CPUs lack cache. They better have 2 MB cache per core than 18GB RAM :D
sech1Cortex-X1 is an interesting CPU, it can have up to 8 MB L3 (but not in snapdragon 888 though)
sech1a cluster of 4xCortex-X1 and 8 MB L3 cache would make a nice and efficient RandomX capable CPU
hycindeed. might happen, if more ARM server designs spring up