gingeropolouswell, monero isn't fully documented :)
hycthe source code is the documentation
binaryFatequite a bump in HR today
binaryFatewas it ever at 2.33GH/s outside of the obvious azure hack?
hycdon't recall. but # miners is mooning. bugs.openldap.org/buglist.cgi?bug_s…OGRESS&email1=bugs%40openldap.org&e
hycoops wrong paste
sech1Network ATH was at block 2159135 on August 7th - 2827.89 MH/s
gingeropolousjesbut, we're on month 15 of randomx
sech1no, 15 full months passed already, this is 16th month
gingeropolousstill amazes me that this development is so passe in the cryptoverse
gingeropolousbut i guess like all things, people won't realize its importance until its needed
gingeropolousdanke sech1_bot
sech1WinKey + '.' and you get a nice selection of smilies
hycmost of the crypto world who has even heard of monero thinks we're still tweaking pow every 6 months
hyccrypto journalism is weak...
hycbut considering how many people thought it would fail within a year, yeah, not much being talked about
TenFootAlicemaybe get coverage by saying that it is broken