virgildante[m]Are PRs and Issues locked for now? Been wanting to close an issue I opened that didn't get much support.
selstavirgildante[m]: didn't get much support in what way?
selstawas it a support question or general discussion / suggestion?
virgildante[m]It was a new feature essentially
selstaIt is locked currently due to ongoing spam attacks.
virgildante[m]7408, happy if its closed
xmxpfkwvIf only one of you gave Papa ChooChoo some TLC when I wrote a faster miner, instead of ignoring him, things could have happened differently np.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/5lsfgt/_/dbz0jnp
nxsjust fyi: Ive been bugging mooo constantly this week testing PR #6616 (historical reserve proofs) and it looks good to me. I haven't contributed to project before so I can't comment directly in the PR, so Ill just give me ack here.
mj-xmrmonero-project/monero #7016 <-- Can I get a witness?
mj-xmrReviewed by vtnerd , addressed the points, but not approved yet.
eelln00b here, need some help, if this is right place
eellVerified the Monero GUI wallet binary, and it doesn't match with the hash
moneromoooThe hashes are usually made for the archives containing the binaries.
moneromooo#monero is the best place for this.
eellI'll hop over there, thanks. I was checking the hash on the Windows zip file, btw.
mj-xmrBelow is the LCov report of master. There are many lines not covered by UTs. If I asked you to point at the code that you'd like to have tested better as the first one, what would it be?
mj-xmrFor instance something that changes and breaks often.
moneromoooFeel free to add tests for stuff that's easy to test. If it involves much butchery, meh.