vwfrvffkzhqnDid you know that all witdraw-buyer-seller-depoist chains are trackable in Monero? No? You should have read Breaking Monero. How many people are you endangering with your 'privacy' coin?
cwlfvnzjcjcjRemember kids. If you call project coral reef for what it is - fluffypony embezzling half a mil usd from the monero fund for a website with smaller adoption than monero woo plugin, you will get excommunicated. Why do you think charities need Teslas? They don't and Elon won't support Monero 150k will sure buy a lot of party time for those that actually do get it.
zcrfzffrDo you also secretly wisth your mother was Howard's groupie? reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/bxl87y…s_since_monero_was_released/eq7qior
hqvcnfvduozxWhy does the Saviour of NASA take a group achievement award and present it as a proof of individual glory? twitter.com/hyc_symas/status/1203709575226183683