<sarang> Both the signing keys and the amount commitments ,,, right, i was trying to think of a way to speed up verification time, if there's such a thing as a homomorphic hash function...
because im where im at, I don't understand the specifics, but I think I get that for a tx to be verified, the transaction is taking data from the blockchain as inputs to some equation, and doin a lotta math, and creating outputs
with a ringsize of 64, its gotta pull 64 things from the blockchain and do the math on 64 of em to validate.... each ring member?
but i dunno. yeah, and so instead of doin all 64, you smoosh em all together in some weird math object by hashing the hashes of each input data, and then do the math on those new hash objects
or im talking absolute nonsense because im like bouncing around with this poor understanding of all this
yeah cause each ring member could be valid, so it must be checking the validity of each reach member. but some part of the magic tells it which ring member is being used.
though i guess have 2 + 2 = 4 and 6 + 4 = 10 doesn't necessary mean that 2(6) + 2(10) = 4(10)
gah. 2(6) + 2(4) = 4(10)
unless it uses the zero thing
well it works with multiplication. i think im recreating wheels. ill let myself out
You might think of the batching multiscalar multiplication operations kinda-sorta like that...
You can "smoosh together" uses of the same input if you're clever about it
gotcha. im just trying to figure out, in the way that i can, why verification scales linearly
<Angad Mutha> @sgp : What is the current strategy to attract full time university/undergrad/ researchers and developers, and how do we persuade them? Basically what according to the community would be a structured way to attract more Sarangs and MoneroMoos 😋 ?
There is MAGIC, a grant org started by... surae IIRC ?
I'm not sure how people are made aware it exists though.
If only one of you gave Papa ChooChoo some TLC when I wrote a faster miner, instead of ignoring him, things could have happened differently
<sgp> @Angad Mutha there isn't really a formal process yet. MAGIC can currently help with grants for specific relevant projects, but it can't really hire people full time like that
<Angad Mutha> I am aware of MAGIC, and glad it exists. I was referring to what other efforts exist in the community to attract, engage and persuade the intellectual workforce into Monero consistently.
<Angad Mutha> I have a few ideas I wanted to bounce off before submitting a CCS proposal to the community if I cannot fund it myself) and so one of my key points was to formalise university outreach programs to persuade active blockchain research groups to contribute.
<Angad Mutha> The key struggle I identified was the lack of clarity on where the industry is heading and what to focus on.
What does "where the industry is heading and what to focus on." ?
s/on/on mean/
why does the rest of "the industry" even matter? the majority of cryptocurrency projects are all using transparent ledgers, which means the majority must be immediately discarded from consideration
What active blockchain research groups are there? Afaik all such groups are affiliated with one coin or other (or category of coins). A number of papers on Monero have been worked on and published independently of monero core/ppl in this irc channel. Also, there is continuous ongoing independent research on privacy-centric transaction protocols, because they are of general interest (omniring, lelantus,
ringct3.0 are the main examples).
well, the industry of creating digital money is headed in one direction: make digital money. to do that, we need math, cryptograpy, and protocols that create completely fungible digital tokens that can exist on a decentralized p2p network (so maximum efficiency in size and computation time)
sprinkle trustless and permissionless in there somewhere . season to taste
» moneromooo permissionlessly spends gingeropolous' monero
» NickvanSaberhagn permissionlessly mandates permission for spending gingeropolous monero
i feel like the rest of the "industry" is trying to build roads, interchanges, and racetracks, while the car itself is being ignored
monero is a freaking good car gingeropolous
Why does the Saviour of NASA take a group achievement award and present it as a proof of individual glory?