eqnaieogWhen Tari finally comes out, will you dump your Monero to buy it? Will others?
xair[m]huh people still spamming... seems you guys have an issue with a particularly annoying user lol
xair[m]hopefully they get bored and go annoy other people soon
qhpwwdvrgxWord of guys running Monero community should be BELIEVED. Why would anyone that stole money and laughed at the losers that took the bait ever have a reason to lie to you? removeddit.com/r/Monero/comments/6d…ds_to_give_up_his_commit_access_and (changed link to removeddit since /r/monero mod removed to try to cover it up - maybe fluffy himself?)
sech1rehrar what's the point of monero-guard if voice is not required to post here?
binaryFate<sech1> rehrar what's the point of monero-guard if voice is not required to post here? <-- none indeed afaiu. Done
rehrarsech1: oh LOL, sorry. Forgot that important step.