00:08:49 helo 00:09:05 the node became unresponsive and stalls, Failed to 00:09:07 invoke command 1007 return code -4 00:09:33 anyone had similar issues that the node is trying to sync, says it's staring to sync but nothing happens 00:12:53 ocb: which version are you running? 00:16:21 selsta: sorry runing 00:17:18 https://termbin.com/ff9x 00:17:50 are these the last messages? 00:18:05 and it froze afterwards? 00:19:17 it keeps running, for hours and hours but never syncing. last successful sync was 1.1 days ago. and at the same time i consumes a lot of cpu resources as if it's doing something but actually i see no disk i/o nor network traffic 00:19:34 it doesn't actually freeze 00:21:14 ok, can you stop the daemon, delete ~/.bitmonero/p2pstate.bin and then start again with --enable-dns-blocklist ? 00:21:34 if that still does not work then try to pop some blocks with the `pop_blocks 1000` command 00:21:37 1 second. tried deleting p2p already but not the second part 00:26:11 selsta: woah, adding enable-dns-blocklist=1 to monerod.conf worked. i don't know why but it did together with p2pstate.bin deletion 00:26:15 thank you very much 00:26:33 maybe it was just luck 00:27:10 unless all you peers are sybil peers it should not be needed 00:27:28 i'll wait for it to sync and try to remove it and see what happens 00:27:49 however i did play a while ago with limit-rate-up= 00:28:23 i don't know if setting limit-rate-up too low might have been preventing it to sync 00:29:35 the node is public for 2 years but temporarily made it private due to some huge traffic coming in ~120 MB/s constantly for 2 days using the whole 1gbps link i had to lower it down 00:30:40 i wonder if limit-rate-up=0 could have broken the upload and it couldn't communicate with other peers. then i saw it doesn't work have set it to 500 and went to sleep. but now deleting p2pstate b in again and --elable-dns-blocklist made it work again 00:31:06 setting it to 0 might be an issue, yea 00:32:46 i don't know if limit-rate-up=0 should prevent syncing with others, or just disable contribution to the network 00:32:54 anyways, thanks for the help. works well now 00:33:03 --in-peers 0 might be better for that 00:33:20 will set it at limit-rate-up=32000 and look into in-peers as you suggested 00:33:30 thank you 03:04:33 https://twitter.com/HerdAlert/status/1394482638094807040 03:08:26 someone just made 98 transaction in the last 2 hours that use the tx_extra field 03:08:42 they are still going too 03:10:02 wonder if they are using custom software to encode data into the blockchain across multiple transactions🤔 03:18:46 I actually considered making something like this recently, basically get data (picture, text, etc) -> optional encryption of data -> convert to hex -> generate a bunch of transactions in which data in placed in tx_extra 03:18:46 software would be able to then reassemble the data if given the transactions 03:18:46 considered against it because it just reduces anonymity set for other users 03:19:16 *data is placed in 03:25:23 Hey whats a good privacy based portfolio tracker? 03:25:43 I remember seeing a new project but the name escapes me 03:35:30 .faucet 03:35:30 N​orkle: Sum of 1000000000 digits of pi, di​vided by itself 03:35:35 1 03:35:35 Norkle: @bonuspot tipped 0.000045 XMR to Norkle [fc843146] Wait ≈1 day 43 sec before trying again. @bonuspot: 0.01669088 04:38:14 .faucet 04:38:15 zt6d[m]: Access denied for faucet. Are you logged in? 04:40:09 hrm, the case in monero talk re: 20 minute locktime is pretty cumbersome 04:40:38 at a coffee shop, buy a coffee .... then realize you want a muffin ... 04:41:24 i need to wave my magic wand over my keyboard and have it create the whole tx by id instead of index thing 04:41:59 humanaaaa humunaaaa ooohhhmmmmmmmm 05:34:21 Good morning everyone. 06:45:39 was genuinely surprised to discover how hard it is to trade TF2 items for crypto 06:46:12 the whole point of crypto is that you can make transactions like that, and the guy's like "nah, let's use paypal" 06:46:29 "oh shit we're in different countries... there's a fee." 06:48:31 BirdOfCourage: pls 06:48:55 BirdOfCourage: stoppit 06:49:18 BirdOfCourage: hey 06:49:21 grrr 06:51:02 how do I stop that appearing on my feed 06:51:05 I wanna mute BirdOfCourage 06:51:26 I'm using Weechat is there a /command? 06:52:49 hello 06:52:52 hiya 06:53:33 any thought on what is happening here http://paste.debian.net/1197946/ 06:54:38 what is it? 06:55:01 compile stops 06:55:16 for android 06:55:21 ah 06:55:22 before was working 06:55:41 I'm gonna confess I know little to nothing about doing terminal stuff on linux 06:55:53 android* 06:55:58 linux is fine 06:56:19 yes linux compile 06:57:33 well on linux I didn't have to compile it, i just navigate to the folder and type ./monero-gui-wallet-v01.AppImage 07:00:21 I'm using Arch if that helps 07:00:36 but as far as I know, .AppImage files are like the sort of 07:00:42 "this works on any distro" 07:03:53 you could try asking on #android if that exists 09:19:21 so both Binance and Kraken are having some XMR withdrawal issues today 09:20:02 https://status.kraken.com/ "XMR Monero Funding Delays - Investigating - We're investigating an issue with the XMR Monero funding gateway. Withdrawals are currently delayed by 1 hour. We will provide any updates as soon as possible. May 18, 03:34 UTC" 09:20:02 Inge-, can you confirm the Kraken problems... So far I've only seen this mentioned in -markets 09:20:10 ohhhh... thanks 09:20:45 I don't have similar confirmation from Binance, only the quantity of r/xmrtrader threads 09:21:11 I can personally confirm Binance. 09:22:07 I withdrew 1 xmr from kraken about an hour ago... took no more than 10 minutes 10:31:36 .faucet 10:31:38 w​alton: How long is the wor​d my 10:31:44 2 10:31:44 walton: @bonuspot tipped 0.000005 XMR to walton [25abd0b3] Wait ≈23 hrs 57 min before trying again. @bonuspot: 0.01668579 10:41:59 .faucet 10:41:59 Mochi102: OOPS! 30 min penalty. 12 hours to go. 10:42:05 oh no! 10:47:24 Game theory actually works! 10:50:54 In theory. 11:06:03 Nice theory 11:09:19 Moonaro Gayme Theory FTW! 11:24:26 .faucet 11:24:26 I​nge-: Of​ 4 or 3, which is 3 11:24:28 3 11:24:29 Inge-: @bonuspot tipped 0.0000011 XMR to Inge- [c2b26686] Wait ≈23 hrs 59 min before trying again. @bonuspot: 0.01668469 11:24:30 .balance 11:24:31 Inge-: • Your balance is: 0.005262 XMR (≈1.86 USD) 11:31:02 .faucet 11:31:04 ​azy: How m​any chars in APIX 11:31:06 4 11:31:07 azy: @bonuspot tipped 0.0000004 XMR to azy [fd468e6e] Wait ≈1 day 1 min before trying again. @bonuspot: 0.01668429 11:31:15 .balance 11:31:16 azy: • Your balance is: 0.00190328 XMR (≈0.68 USD) 11:31:17 .balance doge 11:31:17 azy: • Your balance is: 0 DOGE 11:35:21 .balance doge 11:35:21 ern: • Your balance is: 4.56 DOGE (≈2.27 USD) 11:35:28 .balance 11:35:28 ern: • Your balance is: 0.00018422 XMR (≈0.07 USD) 11:42:51 .balance doge 11:42:51 Mochi102: • Your balance is: 0.217 DOGE (≈0.11 USD) 11:42:57 .balance 11:42:58 Mochi102: • Your balance is: 0.0025431 XMR (≈0.91 USD) 11:43:19 .balance XRP 11:43:19 Mochi102: • Your balance is: 0.0025431 XMR (≈0.91 USD) 12:09:55 Is this official "The Monero Channel" where world changing tech is discussed or a shitcoin penny arcade?? .lol 12:10:39 both? 12:10:46 Neither. 12:12:52 .balance xrp 12:12:52 azy: • Your balance is: 0.00190328 XMR (≈0.67 USD) 12:13:46 Just retire now azy 12:18:12 Hmm... 12:18:15 .faucet 12:18:15 MrSenshi[m]: Access denied for faucet. Are you logged in? 12:18:18 kloinka[m], brings up a valid point 12:19:00 Tip bot & faucet? 12:19:04 Huh 12:19:21 It doesn't provide enough funds to even allow for a transaction to occur, does it? 12:19:38 yes, this isnt bitcoin 12:19:54 Yes it doesn't or yes it does? 12:20:10 yes 13:02:42 hello 13:04:17 why is 1.5 and not anything else 13:04:18 size_t base_requested_outputs_count = (size_t)((fake_outputs_count + 1) * 1.5 + 1); 13:05:52 Because if it was something else, people would ask about that something else. 13:06:54 If you change it to, say, 1.8, and if you use a third party daemon, the daemon would be albe to fingerprint you. 13:07:18 But since you don't use a third party daemon since you know the risks, it doesn't apply. 13:07:42 In that case, feel free to change it to something significant higher than 1, it doesn't matter. 13:10:31 how much is fake_outputs_count 13:14:02 10 IIRC 13:14:34 (may be different from pre-rct outputs, if you have any) 13:14:49 thank u 15:22:30 i love how some folks just assume data integrity. here, download this data file you paid for. hash of the file? why would u need that? 15:23:04 all of our filesystems and network are perfect! so, its fine. 15:23:06 like jebus 15:23:43 well, yeah. this isn't the stone age of acoustic modems running over noisy voice-grade copper wires 15:25:30 I remember benchmarking crc16 and crc32 functions back in the days of kermit and xmodem 16:58:10 Non Terrestrial Or Terrestrial Beings which can help me with Trans Universal Transportation (Please PM Me)21 18:37:36 ErCiccione: (replying to https://twitter.com/HavenoDEX/status/1388624001124143107 but i dont have twatter) - what is the benefit of mining with haveno instead of just using any other monero mining pool? 18:38:17 It could be another pool, it just matters that the user proves they performed work up to whatever threshold. 18:39:49 so you mine monero and get it like normal? or does some special dex magic happen in the middle? 18:40:12 It's all just theory at this point, so those kinds of details would have to be fleshed out. 18:40:32 that was just as idea. We are not planning to implement that feature for now. 18:40:49 Could mine the entire amount necessary for bond, could mine to some set threshold of hashes to lower barrier to entry, etc. 18:41:32 oh does it require a small deposit before you can even buy monero with fiat? and this is a way for people to bootstrap it without having to buy monero elsewhere 18:41:57 Yes, there is always some requirement to ensure people don't just DoS offers 18:42:07 okay that makes sense, sounds like a good idea 18:42:21 Some bond to ensure it goes through or the maker gets some recompense for their time. 18:42:24 Same model as Bisq overall there AFAIK 20:02:16 oh monero what have you done 20:02:28 monerod starting straining my disk extremely in the last few days 20:02:40 is there an attack or something? I ended up having to take down my node 20:03:16 What indicates "straining my disk extremely"? 20:03:27 Disk IO usage, storage space usage, something else? 20:03:38 I haven't heard anyone else talk of an issue around that lately. 20:13:55 mawk: do you have open rpc port? 20:15:01 nothing visible on my full nodes 20:15:15 sethsimmons: I'm using hdd and not ssd 20:15:35 and, well disk read or write speeds are maxed out 20:15:46 are you fully synced? 20:15:51 yes 20:15:57 is rpc port open? 20:16:04 I had an open rpc port yes selsta 20:16:08 hm 20:16:11 no, just on LAN 20:16:18 and with password 20:16:38 then there is not much that should be disk io expensive 20:16:52 weird 20:17:05 was it persistent after restart? 20:26:51 after restarting the node? yes, I can try again and make some measurements 20:47:18 hey there 20:54:59 You get all synced up solominer ? 21:17:48 of course not, Mochi102... 21:19:04 but i've switched back to blockchain import - it's actually faster than download, for whatever reason 21:19:19 block 1702190 / 2359887 21:24:37 You're almost there. 21:24:50 Just 4 or 5 days left hey? 21:28:40 .faucet 21:28:40 m​foolb: How many letters​ in point 21:28:43 5 21:28:44 mfoolb: @bonuspot tipped 0.0000012 XMR to mfoolb [5c0dbea4] Wait ≈23 hrs 55 min before trying again. @bonuspot: 0.01668796 21:29:52 I should be mining since yesterday, Mochi102! 21:30:18 solominer, what would your hashrate be? 21:30:21 .faucet 21:30:23 Mo​chi102: What number ​is FOUR 21:30:26 4 21:30:26 Mochi102: @bonuspot tipped 0.000006 XMR to Mochi102 [6ade9181] Wait ≈1 day 24 sec before trying again. @bonuspot: 0.01668196 21:36:35 Mochi102: https://xmrig.com/benchmark?cpu=Intel%28R%29+Xeon%28R%29+CPU+E5-2620+v3+%40+2.40GHz 21:37:12 and how many of those do you have solominer ? 21:38:36 Mochi102: sorry, i've meant https://xmrig.com/benchmark/5XsNTY 21:39:20 a shame L3 is too low so i can only use half of the cpu................. 21:42:12 You're going to solo mine with that? 21:43:01 At 2650 h/s with network diff of 3.05e+11 your expected time for find a block is 1.15e+08 s or 1334.01 days. 21:44:44 Maybe this is a stupid question, but how does the Monero community feel about the PRISM consensus engine? 21:44:45 i know it's like a lottery but I'll be trying for a few weeks, since there are reports of people who found a block after little time with VERY little H/s 21:45:19 I heard about the paper through Charles Hoskinson meming about Doge. Then I looked into it... 21:46:39 It seems to provide similar security guarantees to PoW nakamoto consensus with a much lower latency and with much higher throughput. 21:46:53 I'm shocked that people haven't been racing to adopt it... 21:46:59 What am I missing? 21:48:20 is prism proof of stake? 21:48:21 Anyway, any comment on the topic would be massively appreciated. 21:48:24 No 21:48:51 At least, the proposed variant isn't 21:49:35 I think that Cardano adopted concepts stemming from PRISM in it's PoS design though. 21:50:28 Haha, I notice everyone is leaving as I message, I can't be that boring can I? 21:52:01 That's a correlation, not causation 21:52:03 bye folks 21:52:27 In other words, they would leave regardless 21:55:02 Oh don't worry, I wasn't being serious 21:55:36 But yeah, I'd like to know how everyone feels about PRISM. 21:56:25 Okay, I wasn't sure if you are :D 22:15:31 Does anyone know why is I2P support implemented using SOCKS and not SAM? 22:52:53 whats sam? sounds proprietery 22:55:29 https://geti2p.net/en/docs/api/samv3 22:55:34 louipc: 22:56:18 what's the advantage? 22:56:27 socks can be used with both tor and i2p 22:56:55 SAM requires extra code, what would be the advantage? 22:58:08 it's designed in a way to not leak metadata [afaik] 22:58:45 i'd guess whoever implemented didnt wanna bother learning SAM 23:00:35 extra codes good if it leaks less tho 23:03:01 onf: which metadata gets leaked? 23:06:46 selsta: look, I'm no expert on i2p or anything like that; I just remember the i2p devs say that SAM should generally be preferred over SOCKS.. something along the lines of "SOCKS is for performance, SAM is for anonymity" iirc 23:07:13 so I was just curious why monero chose to implement SOCKS instead since i2p has dedicated protocols for this stuff 23:11:02 i'd say stick it up as a feature request on github 23:12:20 one advantage of SAM would be the ability to treat other i2p nodes as "regular" peers 23:12:30 https://geti2p.net/en/docs/api/socks 23:12:57 the metadata leak mentioned here is in regard to running regular programs over i2p which is not the case with monerod, as the code was specifically written for i2p 23:13:32 basically monerod would tell the router to create a dedicated set of tunnels automatically, rather than requiring the user to set up the proxy tunnel manually 23:18:25 also I don't see how using SAM would reduce metadata 23:19:01 unless the idea is SAM means that someone has to add extra i2p support so they would try to also avoid metadata leaks 23:19:07 but that's nothing inherently SAM related 23:40:15 I think the fear for socks were stuff like DNS leaks 23:40:35 but if you're careful and do it properly, there should be no problem 23:40:47 eh, as selsta said