00:25:15 Holy crap. Reading more of the Google v. Oracle majority opinion by Breyer shows that actually a lot of previous expectations and assumptions about copyright adjudication are being subtly, but strikingly, overturned. 00:26:32 I'm beginning to sense a mortal blow to the copyright maximalists' "copyright is a property right" side, with Breyer running a lance through that motherfucker while wearing the favor of the "copyright is a pragmatic incentive for innovation" principles. 00:54:51 apotheon, is that why the 'copyright' privilege has been extended to 200 years after the death of the author or so? 00:55:57 That's part of it. 00:56:03 Mostly, it's money. 00:56:12 hehe 00:56:13 Money at that level is a proxy for political power. 00:56:34 . . . but the people with that money *love* to argue that copyright is property, because that serves them. 00:56:48 Mostly, they just want to be served, and will latch onto any argument that works for that purpose. 00:57:00 Copyright length always extends when Disney's copyright on Mickey Mouse is about to run out. 00:57:12 well the utilitarian argument that it's good for 'innovation' is even worse IMO 00:58:44 ...because utilitarianism boils down to "anything goes" 01:00:45 Plummybo[m]: Not always, actually. The earliest Mickey-related works have entered the public domain, because Disney was too busy sucking all the blood out of Marvel. 01:01:00 . . . but up to that point, yes, what you say was right. 01:01:11 I think Disney decided that Steamboat Willie doesn't matter any longer. 01:01:49 I also think that Disney decided that the overwhelmingly huge trademark situation around Mickey is plent for the sake of crushing people who get near its copyright. 01:02:39 as2333: The "incentive" argument at least doesn't result in the entire culture being frozen in concrete for all time, with creative people never being able to make anything new unless they're working in the coal mines of major copyright holders. 01:03:19 The incentive principle of copyright means that, if something doesn't incentivize innovation, it's not protected from being reused in some way. 01:04:01 The property principle means that just *looking* at someone a big corporation "owns" is dangerous if you are professionally creative. 01:04:12 s/at someone/at something/ 01:04:18 though perhaps "someone" applies a little, too 01:05:23 The dissenting opinion by Clarence Thomas is basically just a bowl of sour grapes and assertions that nobody should ever be able to make API-compatible things without paying so much money it becomes effectively impossible. 01:07:03 Clarence Thomas' opinion, if it represented the majority decision, would basically result in the death of a lot of open source software and probably the entirety of the industry of independent software development. 01:07:26 apotheon, so you think the utilitarian 'justification' may lead to less insane copyright laws? Well, could be. 01:07:52 Hell, it might even create an opportunity for someone who wrote a howto book years ago to sue a bunch of other authors and publishers for organizing a book in a usefully instructive way. 01:08:19 as2333: I think it'll lead to less insane court decisions, at least. I don't know if this will make a dent in Congress at all. 01:09:02 I guess the downside of this is that, if Clarence Thomas had won, darknet-based software development and distribution would almost *certainly* have to become *HUGE*. 01:09:50 Open source devs would have to move to pseudonymous dev with distribution via onion and garlic routing just to survive the legal fallout, probably. 01:10:36 That's a little bit of an upside, but it's kind of an "accelerate toward open war to overthrow the regime" upside -- and I'm uncomfortable describing dead bodies as an upside. 01:11:08 Copyright-as-inviolable-property-right would basically be a new war of prohibition. 01:11:42 Well . . . I'm getting too exhausted from reading all this stuff from the court decisions. 01:11:47 I should get off the computer for a bit. 01:19:27 would the play in 3 acts be banned 01:47:59 louipc: No. The fourth century use of the three act structure would no longer be protected by copyright. In fact, it would be substantially more than a thousand years later before the first example of meaningful copyright as we know it was even conceived. 02:09:43 are there any stats on how many attempted double spends have occured? As a thought experiment, I was wondering about monero being accepted at brick and mortar stores. Obviously, waiting 20+ minutes for a transaction is unacceptable, but 0 or 1 confirmations might be enough if the risk of double spending is equal to the likelihood of counterfeit 02:09:44 fiat 02:19:13 I don't know the answer to your question but the other thing to consider is the value of what is being sold 02:22:45 grsec sells a non distributable gpl licensed product just fine :D 02:22:46 from both the perspective the amount that the merchant could lose and the likelihood that someone would try 02:23:03 for mad bux 02:23:35 for a cup of coffee I don't think either side cares 02:24:24 depends. sometimes they must protect their brand 02:24:52 what about for groceries? Someone can spend more than 100USD at checkout 02:24:55 nioc: is your last name tib? 02:26:33 I was thinking for groceries, they could prepay how much they think they'll spend, and on checkout, they'll be refunded (like preauthorized gas pump via credit card), but it's complex with lots of potential problems 02:26:37 boogerlad: ultimately it's up to the merchant 02:27:24 what's wrong with just sending monero to pay for groceries? 02:27:25 boogerlad: yes I think that someone mentioned something similar quite a while ago 02:27:38 if it's a physical checkout line, you don't need escrow I wouldn't think 02:27:55 double spending is not easy 02:28:29 right now I have to pay with a debit card at the grocery store. Or cash. 02:29:31 when xmrto was in business they would send as soon as the tx hit the mempool for smaller amounts and $100 would definitely qualify 02:30:33 Now that xmrto is down, where do you go to exchange monero for bitcoin, or vice versa? 02:31:21 isn't double spending as easy as broadcasting transactions to nodes on opposite sides of the world? 02:31:57 if it was easy then nothing would work 02:32:13 *attempted double spending 02:32:33 double spending is one of the first problems addressed in 3blue1brown's video "But how does bitcoin work exactly?" 02:32:34 in reality, I'm sure timing the network is hard 02:33:12 transactions you make have a unique ID so if you wanted to double spend you'd have to make a new transaction with a different ID 02:33:36 which has to be signed again by the sender 02:40:18 so wouldn't double spending by "not easy" as in if you had the ability to do a double spend attack you might as well just empty the victim's address/account too? 02:51:24 boogerlad, yes you can attempt to double spend as much as you want. The whole thing is designed to prevent double spends =P 02:55:04 correct me if I'm wrong: "The whole thing is designed to prevent double spends" AFTER several confirmations right? 03:12:29 boogerlad, yes. 03:14:01 so for high value transactions, how can monero replace cash? Right now, you'd need to wait for however many confirmations the recipient feels is necessary 03:14:20 assuming an in person situation 03:19:53 boogerlad, yes, the higher the value, the more confirmations you should wait for. I'm not sure that's the biggest obstacle for cryptocurrencies to replace cash tho. (I don't think cash should be replaced anyway) 03:21:35 yes, the more that I think about it the more it makes sense for monero to be for general online transactions (it's totally fine to wait for confirmations since it takes time to prepare an item to ship) 03:21:45 boogerlad, notice that in order to double spend you have to be a miner and to re-write many blocks you have to be a big miner. 03:25:35 big miner as in > 50%? 03:26:07 of the network hashrate 03:36:20 I don't know the exact relationship between % of hashrate and the number of blocks you can re-write. If you had say 10% you might be able to reverse a transaction after say 5 blocks. Something like that. But the thing is, if you're selling something to a potential scammer, the scammer has to be a miner, or somehow contract with a miner. 03:38:38 (which is not something a random is scammer is likely to do IMO) 03:38:39 I see what you're saying. In that case, the scammer wouldn't bother trying to double spend 100-1000USD since the costs might not be worth it? 03:39:07 right 03:39:41 They would want to try to double spend a much higher value, but then since it's a higher value the recipient would naturally want to wait for the standard 10 confirmations 03:39:52 yeah 03:39:54 thanks as2333, that puts my mind at ease 03:40:22 0-conf is fine for brick and mortar stores :) 03:40:23 and to reverse big transactions with many confirmations requires a 'rogue' miner. 03:42:26 a rogue miner can in theory exist but attacking the network is likely to go against his own interests. 03:43:31 then, I'm interested to hear your thoughts on why "(I don't think cash should be replaced anyway)" 03:44:40 (though in the case of monero where commodity hardware is used for mining, I gues it might be possible) 03:44:48 guess* 03:49:43 boogerlad, well, digital systems are rather tricky when it comes to tracking/surveillance. Physical cash has less problems in that area (though of course curreny physical cash is controlled by the govt, which is pretty bad) 05:00:26 For a community that prides itself on manipulating people, you can't manage a single guy that spends most of his time in his underpants :D 06:12:09 Been in the rabbit hole for a while now but I’m curious as to what made you choice element over any other messenger 07:06:08 monerod logs say "Verification failure". Should I be worried? What is it about and why did it happen? 08:18:06 Does this mean that there's an invalid block/transaction in the blockchain now? I suppose not, but that's what it sounds like. 08:45:12 what up Norkle 08:46:12 .tip Norkle $0.05 08:46:13 Bill48105 tipped 0.0001864 XMR (≈$0.05) to norkle [7d1690ed] 08:46:19 hey Bill48105! 08:46:40 WOH! 08:46:49 thank you Bill48105. 08:47:19 so generous and kind 08:47:24 Wallet taking over the world eh 08:47:29 tytytytyty 08:47:36 sure. 09:25:10 .balance 09:25:30 .bal 11:02:38 Dear fireice_uk. I must strongly object to you reporting our great Monro community members to Freenode for racism AND getting people K-lined as a result! i.imgur.com/R0T9GGY.png THEY ARE NOT NEO-NAZI!!! THEY ARE JUST SAYING NEO-NAZI THINGS!! i.imgur.com/JYu44As.png I know this because they have been nice to me and made me their Magical Crypto Friend! If you don't cease immediately I shall throw another tantrum! 11:02:38 Monero Community Member PS. You are interrupting my session of masturbation to The Man in the High Castle. 11:46:59 imagine being british 11:50:45 dont need to. what did we do now? 11:55:14 being british 11:55:32 https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/13/139955/5301298-5982151061-Okay-.jpg 11:56:23 wish matrix could embed images 11:56:39 oi mate, got a loicense for that (beeing british)? 11:56:42 im glad hexchat doesnt 12:10:02 azy: you guys still need loicence to leave your country? 12:13:50 funnily enough we're currently not allowed 12:14:27 its somewhat possible to just swim to france though 12:19:45 you'll need a license to stay in other countries tho. just ask the brits living in Spain about that 12:21:09 It's just what passports are. You need to request permission from your govt and the other in order to move around. The default is DENIED. 12:21:37 Currently, it's just that the default is seldom overridden :) 12:21:44 laws are for good bois 12:21:54 bad bois do whatever they please, and get away with it 12:23:07 guess i'm a bad boy 12:25:43 illegal immigration seems to be very popular, and tolerated, especially in europe 12:30:02 ive kinda tickled myself with the bad boi analogy. i actually genuinely believe that. i dont think it pays to be a good boi at all, you'll just get trampled on 12:32:49 brb swimming to france illegally 12:35:53 azy: probably true in most of modern society, but that's because criminals are controlling govt and writing the rules 12:38:12 there's also massive limitations on what police forces can actually achieve, and so so so many people doing so many illegal things. it's herding cats 12:39:34 I wish they wouldn't waste *my* money on spying on me and bothering pot smokers. That might free a lot of resources to actually do some police work. 12:39:51 OK, that's a bit flippant but... ffs, it pisses me off sometimes. 12:41:01 even that. i saw a guy on tv with a house full of plants, stealing electricity, and he gets a caution 12:42:59 in that game, to get caught i think you need to get really really unlucky, do something really dumb, or have someone snitch on you 12:43:14 it seems incredibly hard to enforce laws, we should have far less of them 12:46:01 who governs least, governs best 12:46:36 most laws are just nitpicky special cases anyway 12:46:56 should just have a few, like don't harm others, don't deal dishonestly with others. done. 12:56:34 I don't remember getting a stamp of approval from my govt whenever I try to visit other countries. 12:57:00 EU ? 12:57:26 Those (most) have an agreement so it doesn't apply there. 12:57:28 Not an explicit stamp, anyways. 12:57:52 Oh, the fact it might not be checked doens't mean you're supposed to ask. 12:58:20 Like, you might not be searched when you leave the supermarket, doesn't mean you're allowed to steal :) 12:59:48 Also wear ten masks 13:00:00 moneromooo: well the with the uk you get to be searched for thieving everytime you leave the supermarket 13:00:03 If the analogy permits 13:01:03 Well you better get used to requesting them stamps 13:01:34 Communism is back! 13:02:00 It never went away, merely changed its aesthetics 13:02:25 * moneromooo steps back carefully 13:02:40 Hmmm... Long walk through the institutions.. 13:12:21 In RPC-Pay, does the client that generates the hash know whether that hash is valid for a new block or not? That is, could the client filter out all hashes that can be used to mine a new block and send only the other worthless hashes? 13:14:12 Yes, yes. 13:16:05 Ok! Does the monerod server need to run in mining mode for it to utilize these hashes? Or can it not mine, but just when someone sends a valid hash, then use that. But otherwise, not mining. 13:16:28 No. 13:17:15 And yes, if the second sentence was also a question. 13:17:24 "No" = "doesn't need to mine"? 13:17:34 Yes. 13:17:39 Yeah, my message was very unclear.. 14:35:15 how long does an XMR swap take usually? 14:36:03 you mean an atomic swap? 14:36:47 what's an atomic swap? 14:38:25 how are you swapping monero 14:38:56 Monero doesn't need sweeping, it's naturally untainted. 14:39:21 Alternatively, Monero can't be sweeped, it's naturally tainted... 14:39:43 using an online swap service 14:39:50 it's actually LTC to XMR 14:40:12 you're sure you didn't get scammed? 14:40:18 Ah, an exchange. It then depends on both chains finding blocks really. And whether each of them has txpool backllog. 14:40:47 then it's a question for the service, not monero 14:40:51 Monero's unlikely to have serious backlog, and 2 minutes per block. 14:43:26 what would be the block time for LTC 14:45:56 Pretty sure it's less than 10 minutes. 14:46:18 Of course, these are averages/targets for both monero and litecoin. You could get unlucky. 14:46:57 Is there a recommended swap service that you can vouch for 14:49:06 LTC block time is 2 minutes 14:52:42 What is a recommended way to do LTC to XMR swaps 14:53:34 Someone (can't recall who) posted this list a few days ago: https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/XCkPRAVKhSmVWfzhakFcWkru/message.txt 14:53:58 Now vouching is another matter. 15:16:44 .faucet 15:16:44 somethingUniqueR: Access denied for faucet. Are you logged in? 15:17:54 .faucet 15:17:58 .faucet 15:17:58 somethingUniqueR: Access denied for faucet. Are you logged in? 15:19:56 .faucet 15:19:56 rupee[m]: Zero less than ​9? 15:20:04 yes 15:20:04 rupee[m]: Oops that is not correct. Try again later. 15:20:19 dammit. i knew that one. I've seen it before. 15:20:37 Oh, I bet it wanted "9" 15:20:37 It's numbers. 1 is true. Then again, 2-9 are also true. 15:21:11 .faucet 15:21:12 rupee[m]: 10000000 times 3 di​vided by 7 multiplied by 0 15:21:23 nice one 15:21:23 rupee[m]: Oops you took too long. 15:21:23 0 15:21:38 .faucet 15:21:38 somethingUniqueS: Access denied for faucet. Are you logged in? 15:21:44 .calc 10000000 * 3 / 7 * 0 15:21:44 rupee[m]: 0 15:22:03 this is hard 15:22:05 .faucet 15:22:05 rupee[m]: 1 more ​than six 15:22:16 rupee[m]: Oops you took too long. 15:22:23 7 15:22:32 wth. I can't type that fast. 15:22:37 screw it 15:22:38 .soak $1 15:22:38 rupee[m]: Really soak 0.00376569 XMR? y/n (10s) 15:22:49 Cancelled Soak 15:22:50 y 15:23:00 :( 15:23:17 .soak $1 y 15:23:17 rupee[m]: Really soak 0.00376569 XMR? y/n (10s) 15:23:20 y 15:23:20 rupee[m] soaked 0.00025 XMR (0.00376569 Total) upon 15 users @ 955 minutes charolastra louipc moneromooo bxbapgjanfd stev3 hyc Elon_Satoshi NickvanSaberhagn Bi​ll48105 norkle nioc Wallet boogerlad chaper fdidmwkk @bonuspot (0.00001569 scraps) [9efc171e] 15:23:37 .help dice 15:23:38 moneromooo: I'm a cool multi-coin multi-platform bot by Bill48105. Docs: https://bill48105.github.io/wallet/ | My core commands: .balance .deposit .faucet .ping .soak .tip .val .withdraw | .help to see others | .help for more details. 15:23:47 oh well 15:35:12 .balance 15:35:12 somethingUniqueR: • Your balance is: 0.0000013 XMR (≈0 USD) 15:35:18 .faucet 15:35:18 somethingUniqueR: Of 3 & 0, which is ​3 15:35:24 3 15:35:24 somethingUniqueR: @bonuspot tipped 0.0000041 XMR to somethingUniqueR [d989d790] Wait ≈23 hrs 54 min before trying again. @bonuspot: 0.01236468 15:36:03 .balance 15:36:04 somethingUniqueR: • Your balance is: 0.0000054 XMR (≈0 USD) 15:48:35 .balance 15:48:36 nioc: • Your balance is: 0.01023936 XMR (≈2.75 USD) 15:48:51 w0w 16:01:18 .balance 16:01:44 Damn, you both rich rich 16:10:49 .balance 16:10:50 azy: Your default coin is now set to XMR. Change with coins command. 16:10:50 azy: • Your balance is: 0.00025 XMR (≈0.07 USD) 16:11:09 .tip moneromooo 0.00025 16:11:09 azy tipped 0.00025 XMR (≈$0.07) to moneromooo [5fd72843] 16:13:18 ty 16:13:29 .tip gingeropolous 0.00024 16:13:30 moneromooo tipped 0.00024 XMR (≈$0.06) to Gingeropolous [953f6b1a] 16:13:45 Let's play the pass it around till it reaches 0 ^_^ 16:26:11 .tip nioc 0.00023 16:26:11 gingeropolous tipped 0.00023 XMR (≈$0.06) to nioc [eb2ede3c] 16:26:12 .balance 16:26:12 NickvanSaberhagn: Your default coin is now set to XMR. Change with coins command. 16:26:12 NickvanSaberhagn: • Your balance is: 0.00025 XMR (≈0.07 USD) 16:26:30 .tip moneromooo 0.00025 16:26:30 NickvanSaberhagn tipped 0.00025 XMR (≈$0.07) to moneromooo [bf0ea4fb] 16:28:23 .balance 16:28:33 gingeropolous: • Your balance is: 0.002941 XMR (≈0.8 USD) 16:30:16 .tip NickvanSaberhagn 0.00022 16:30:17 nioc tipped 0.00022 XMR (≈$0.06) to NickvanSaberhagn [4371af81] 16:30:38 Am I doing this correctly? 16:31:14 Just woke up from a nap 16:31:27 .00021 is next? 16:54:49 .balance 16:54:49 donkeydonkey[m]: Your default coin is now set to XMR. Change with coins command. 16:54:49 donkeydonkey[m]: • Your balance is: 0.0005 XMR (≈0.14 USD) 16:55:44 .soak 0.0001 16:55:44 Total was <= 0. Minimum: 0.00015 XMR. (Min per user met?) 16:56:04 .soak 0.00015 16:56:05 donkeydonkey[m] soaked 0.00001 XMR (0.00015 Total) upon 15 users @ 871 minutes Bi​ll48105 hyc stev3 fdidmwkk moneromooo rupee[m] nioc Elon_Satoshi norkle boogerlad bxbapgjanfd charolastra hv-bridge louipc Wallet [3480d715] 16:56:16 nice 16:56:20 .balance 16:56:20 yeswepump: • Your balance is: 0.0000077 XMR (≈0 USD) 16:59:43 .balance 16:59:44 hyc: • Your balance is: 0.001061 XMR (≈0.29 USD) 16:59:48 woohoo 17:00:03 chile09: i posted that list originally and since have had feedback that https://xmr.is/ works great and actual people respond to support questions. 17:15:21 Why lie about something that can be easily disproven? monerologs.net/monero/20201207#c165563 - github.com/fireice-uk/cryptonote-speedup-demo/blob/master/ecops64/ecops64-c.c#L4 Why steal from your community and then laugh at them? reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/6d6okb/what_fluffypony_just_did_is_not_ok Reason is the same - to laugh at morons that are gullible enough to believe you and repeat your lies. 17:32:13 .balance 17:32:14 ra33it0[m]: Access denied for balance. Are you logged in? 17:46:49 Is there an app that can perform atomic swaps between locally held wallets 18:07:33 Hey, I need some help, a transaction I made over 16 minutes ago isn't in the mempool 18:07:36 What should I do? 18:07:46 Wait, it says "failed" now? 18:08:51 BTW, I need to get a place to buy monero or BTC in small amounts fast, any ideas? 18:08:53 That's odd. "Failed" implies it's neither in the txpool nor the chain. 16 minutes is way too early to have been dropped from the txpool with a timeout. 18:09:19 So it implies the tx is invalid. But if it were, your daemon would have rejected it outright... 18:09:48 Binance, kraken are good places to buy monero with bitcoin. 18:09:50 Using a ledger to sign the transactions 18:10:02 Yeah, im using gemini 18:10:08 But its S L O W 18:10:17 Let me resend the XMR... 18:10:19 raccoondude: which wallet are you using? 18:10:20 Can you this in monerod: print_tx TXID (and replace TXID with the actual txid). 18:10:40 Ok resending it worked (371412cf0a5161aed12112427f5982e80dbfda47cc297f9295e02b8d7a4066da) 18:10:48 Im using monero gui 18:11:02 wallet, on getmonero 18:11:09 the one that supports ledger 18:11:40 Sadly I can't find many that do, I might switch my wallet to one thats just a seed instead of my physical wallet 18:17:22 How can I join the pool 18:17:40 Like a mining pool? 18:20:52 You point a miner to it, with your monero address as username. 18:21:31 Then you wait while it mines. You'll get monero to that address after your share of the spoils reaches the payour threhold (which varies per pool). 18:21:41 xmrig is the go to choice. 18:25:11 rupee[m]: I suspect the "Zero less than 9?" is Bill48105's way of saying "Of Zero and 9, which is smaller? Render your answer in the form of a single digit." because grammar doesn't matter at all. 18:26:02 rupee[m]: The rules of this game seem to be "the answer will be in the question unless it's an arithmetic operation, and it will always be a single digit", so if the question makes absolutely zero sense you should just pick a digit to represent one of the things mentioned. 18:29:00 I remember a cultural knowledge thing about... pigs IIRC. 18:48:38 https://signal.org/blog/help-us-test-payments-in-signal/ 18:48:41 WTF 18:48:50 why MOB and not XMR? 18:49:04 Then I should've typed "Zero" instead of 0, maybe? 18:49:24 Because monero is decentralized and permissionless 18:49:37 yep 18:50:30 another shitcoin on cryptonote, with Ring Signature and RingCT. Pff... 18:50:35 ridicolous 18:50:44 rupee[m]: Oh, did you answer 0? 18:50:45 hmm 18:50:52 . . . and it was rejected? 18:50:56 damn it 18:51:01 Grammar is actually important. 18:51:11 hurricane[m]: afaik signal creator also created mobilecoin 18:51:15 hurricane[m]: What's MOB? 18:51:24 ah, no I typed "yes" 18:51:30 MOB? One new shitcoin 18:51:31 rupee[m]: I see. 18:51:41 hurricane[m]: What's the supposed value proposition? 18:51:50 I don't think I've ever heard of it. Is MOB short for something? 18:51:57 Mafia. 18:52:02 https://community.mobilecoin.foundation/t/what-is-mob-market-cap/657 18:52:02 idk 18:52:05 (like how XMR is stock-ticker-style abbreviation for Monero) 18:52:13 mobile 18:52:14 hmm 18:52:16 'kay 18:52:27 MOBile shitcoin 18:53:02 it uses stellar consensus protocol combined with ringct, also you have to use an intel CPU to run a node 18:53:04 So . . . what's the actual problem with it? 18:53:14 btw, i don't think the sec will let them, like they did with telegram 18:53:18 Oh, the Intel thing seems weird. 18:53:24 It gives intel the right to mint AFAICT. 18:53:35 That seems like an issue. 18:53:40 Is that the main problem? 18:53:49 also they had an undisclosed premine 18:53:53 weird 18:54:00 no, it was disclosed 18:54:01 I'm not sure, mind. It does give intel some special power though. 18:54:02 250 mm coins 18:54:11 they just don't disclose who gets them 18:54:21 right I meant undisclosed is who they are distributed 18:55:04 and if they ever do disclose who got what there won't be anyway to prove they're not lying 18:55:08 that wasn't a proper english sentence :D whatever 18:55:33 Don't worry, we also fuck up our grammar. 18:55:59 moneromooo actually 0 less than 9 is 9-0 or 9 :) 18:56:05 Oh, undisclosed recipients . . . slightly less weird. 18:56:11 Ah. 18:56:13 still a little weird, in a way 18:56:39 they're designed to be weird & ambiguous they're text based captchas 18:56:41 weird in a big way. 100% of monero was/is distributed to miners 18:57:06 Bill48105: Oh, that wasn't as ungrammatical as I thought, in that case. It was just ambiguous as to whether it was awkward grammar or incorrect grammar. Sorry. 18:57:16 kek 18:57:54 no point in over-analyzing them. they're not meant to be grammar school pop quiz questions 18:58:14 https://github.com/mobilecoinfoundation/mobilecoin/blob/master/TERMS-OF-USE.md 18:58:23 i mean guess it's cool they make people think a little but they're supposed to be fun not cause stress 18:58:28 > Purchasers of MobileCoins may not transact, transfers, or trade MobileCoins in the United States or with U.S. Persons or entities, or persons or entities present in the United States. 18:58:31 that's also weird 18:59:41 Yeah, it's ungrammatical. 18:59:58 Safeguard against SEC/IRS 19:03:31 Bill48105: It's not over-analysis if one doesn't yet know how to even answer it. 19:03:50 one 9 with a 7 boat 19:03:51 lol if you say so 19:04:18 6? 19:04:21 in school we were taught x less than 9. maybe you werent 19:04:23 What's the answer? 19:04:31 42 19:04:34 yours is literally gibberish 19:04:43 In school, I learned "What number is x less than 9?" 19:05:07 Bill48105: So was the subject of debate about grammar in another channel. 19:05:11 you're being pedantic 19:05:44 Question for the crowd, I'm following the directions for running monero on QubesOS at https://www.getmonero.org/resources/user-guides/cli_wallet_daemon_isolation_qubes_whonix.html however the monero-wall-cli is unable to connect to monerod in the other domain. I'm not sure if I should ask here or over in #qubes, but i'm trying to figure out what might be wrong. 19:06:36 I guess one question for this channel would be, does monerod need to be fully synced before a wallet can make a connection to it? 19:07:04 probably at least very-nearly-synchronized 19:07:04 No, however not all RPC will work. 19:07:16 getinfo will work, for example. 19:07:19 But.... /me thinks 19:07:33 Well, memory fails, but at least one will return "BUSY". 19:08:00 Also, having monerod sync while the wallet tries to sync off monerod kills performance. You don't want that. 19:08:40 Ah, that's interesting. 19:17:34 .faucet 19:17:35 nioc: 3 m​ore than six 19:17:37 42 19:17:38 nioc: Oops that is not correct. Try again later. 19:17:55 6+3=9 19:18:04 .faucet 19:18:07 moneromooo: How many wolves in Th​ree Little Pigs 19:18:09 1 19:18:09 I think nioc enjoys testing incorrect answers. 19:18:12 lol 19:18:12 moneromooo: Oops that is not correct. Try again later. 19:18:14 see ? 19:18:19 Cultural thing 19:18:32 i had someone bitch at me for 2 hours that it's wolfs not wolves 19:18:38 Though that one I know. It wasn't the one I was thinking about... 19:18:43 Bill48105: That person is wrong. 19:19:08 wolves 19:19:09 .faucet 19:19:10 moneromooo: Zero​ less than 8? 19:19:13 point isnt if they were right or wrong it's that they were so obsessed they wasted 2 hours on nonsense 19:19:14 . . . and I wouldn't care much about wolfs vs. wolves, anyway, because it doesn't interfere with figuring out the answer. 19:19:15 Indeed. 19:19:15 moneromooo: Oops that is not correct. Try again later. 19:19:32 But wasting hours on nonsense can be *fun* :D 19:19:58 The only thing that bothers me about the three little pigs here is that it's not clear whether it's 1 (because there's one wolf in the story) or 0 (because it only refers to three little pigs, not any wolves, in the prompt). 19:20:00 pro tip: all answers are single digit 0 thru 9. while some may have multiple correct answers the correct one is the best one within that scope. 19:20:40 it's no different than taking an iq test & failing miserably because you over think "how far can the human eye see" 19:20:42 "best" 19:20:44 in someone's head 19:20:46 Ooooooh, good point apotheon, very pedantic outlook :D 19:21:08 Well, fucking far. Light years away at least. 19:21:11 There is no limit to how far the eye can see 19:21:16 more proof of over-thinking a Fn bot text captcha based on children's stories 19:21:18 It didn't occur to me that 1 was a valid answer until Bill48105 offered that answer. 19:21:27 . . . but it is valid given the lack of clear parameters. 19:21:43 or, the limit is 0, since it can't actually see anything at a distance - photons must hit your eye 19:21:48 overthinking is what humans do 19:21:53 i need to remind myself daily there are people on the spectrum online 19:21:56 OOooh, I like your answer Inge- 19:21:58 The human eye can see to the first obstacle, at least. 19:22:12 indeed Inge 19:22:34 anyway that story totally mischaracterizes wolves 19:22:40 If i want to learn more about the project, is Zero to Monero v2 a good start? 19:22:47 you can see as far as light can travel but you can't focus on it 19:22:53 Yes, definitely a good start. 19:22:54 I like Inge-'s from a sort of "that's interesting" approach, but I think that abuses the term "see". 19:22:57 Guest_28: that should take you trhough a lot of detail too 19:23:06 If you're technically minded anyway. 19:23:27 apotheon: then perhaps Existential Comics aren't for you :P https://www.existentialcomics.com/comic/1 19:23:27 nioc: How do you mean it mischaracterizes wolves? I can think of several answers, but I'm curious about yours. 19:23:51 some of the questions on the bot were taken from my kindergartener's school book so.. lol 19:24:14 In the one I know, it implies wolves are capable of complex communications with humans (well, at least one wolf with at least one human). 19:24:15 Inge-: I like existentialism, so . . . maybe? 19:24:19 like the 0 less than 9 one.. was about apples Jane had 19:24:34 I see thanks. Math part looks challenging, should be doable though. 19:25:00 Also, the unlikely size of a wolf's stomach. 19:25:12 The expected lifetime of a human in a wolf's stomach. 19:25:34 The ability of a wolf to eat a human without the humans's or the wolf's death. 19:25:54 wolves are not the indiscriminent (sp) predators that they are portrayed in so much of literature 19:26:06 The lack of fight/flight response from the wolf when confronted with a human. 19:26:29 * moneromooo stops the pedantry 19:26:51 do Pedantic people naturally end up with software, or does working with software development make you a pedant? 19:28:06 Good question. I don't remember... I suspect those things kinda reinforce each other... 19:28:29 wolves are amazing beings 19:29:28 apotheon: This sentence contains exactly one error. 19:29:46 * moneromooo goes find it to prove Inge- wrong on a technicality 19:29:58 moneromooo: That's the Red Riding Hood story, not the Three Little Pigs story (re: human in a stomach). 19:30:27 Right. I'm not familiar with the pig thing. Kinda rings a bell though... 19:30:28 nioc: Oh, so you mean literally. cool. 19:31:15 Inge-: Software dev, for someone trying to be good and thoughtful at it, probably makes people more pedantic, regardless of what kinda people software development attracts. 19:31:56 if moneromooo doesn't know the story of the 3 little pigs then my whole view of the universe will crumble 19:32:11 To my disquiet, I have been thinking coders and lawyers have a fair bit in common re pedantry... 19:34:12 heh 19:34:46 Software development and ambiguous specs are always fun. 19:34:50 "fun" 19:34:53 Inge-: That's a good strip. I come to different conclusions about various parts of it, but it's a good story anyway. 19:35:14 apotheon: and that is just one of many ... lots of fun stuff there 19:35:16 moneromooo: The pig thing is the story where the wolf will huff and puff and blow the house in. 19:35:45 moneromooo: It's an admonishment to build things to last, to value quality, and to not be a slovenly jerk who has to mooch off others because of a failure to plan for the future. 19:36:30 moneromooo: I think the main difference beween programmer-style pedantry and lawyer-style pedantry is that programmers want to build things and lawyers seek rents (in the economic sense of the term). 19:36:40 There are exceptions, of course. 19:36:59 There are almost certainly more exceptions on the programmer side than the lawyer side. 19:37:18 Inge-: Thanks. I might read more of that. 19:37:41 One big failing in that specific strip is that it assumes a world where longevity research isn't getting anywhere significant. 19:37:45 . . . which we don't yet know. 19:37:52 . . . but that's fine. As a self-contained tale, it's good. 19:38:32 Another is that it assumes things about the source of consciousness that evidently aren't provable at this time. 19:39:35 (By training, I'm more philosopher than anything else, I guess.) 19:46:40 moneromooo: Did that "multisig messaging system" ever take off? 19:55:23 It's in. Whether used, I don't know. 19:56:17 moneromooo: does it work good etc? 19:56:28 is it considered stable for production use? 19:57:03 I don't know. 20:01:16 my favorite part is being so pendantic to analyze and break down specific classes of pendantry LoL 20:05:20 following up on my question, i figured out the problem. the documentation needs one change to mention that the rpc action file in the monerod-ws needs to be executible. I'll make a PR for the documentation update. 20:07:40 will monero GUI wallet work in Qubes? 20:07:59 Yes. 20:08:22 er, actually... I did a year or two ago. I assume it will still do... 20:08:50 but it requires separate ws for monerod and wallet? 20:09:32 Dunno what ws is. 20:10:23 workstation 20:10:46 Oh, course not. Just an appvm or two. 20:11:34 but will it work in 1 appvm or it requires 2 20:11:44 Either works. 20:12:07 how long to sync? 20:12:19 Days with HDD, hours with SSD. 20:12:32 pruned? 20:12:48 chile09[m]: i'm going through that process right now. throw some solid vcpu on the monerod appvm while syncing. 20:12:49 Should not matter that much, network should not be your bottleneck. 20:13:52 Currenrly, syncing pruned still writes everything, then prunes ~5k blocks earlier. This is for simplicity in case you're used by another peer. 20:14:35 But it does mean more I/O usage. 20:14:43 now if I can just get monero-wallet-cli to recognize my trezor... 20:16:27 Disorganized: try installing trezor bridge 20:18:02 yeah i think that's gotta be my problem. i've got it installed, but not sure it's working. 20:19:34 try systemctl start trezord? 20:21:36 it fails 20:24:48 failed (Result: exit-code) 20:24:50 nice lol 20:25:19 and /var/log/trezord.log is empty 20:28:59 is it possible for sync to be blocked? 20:31:01 Yes. If no peers, if there's a bug which causes it to reject valid blocks. 20:31:08 okay, fixed that 20:32:59 Is remote node faster? 20:33:08 or security is bad 20:34:13 Remote means your comms with it are going through the internet, so use SSL and a cert whitelist. But traffic analysis can be done. 20:34:27 Your server may also be compromised, if it's a VPS somewhere. 20:34:41 Now, if by remote you mean "some stranger's node" then... duh. 20:37:52 yeah then no lol 20:38:29 so bottleneck for sync is not network speed? 20:38:45 On your setup ? Dunno. But probably not. 20:39:09 network speed is slow according to sync_info 20:39:35 What is the queue line looking like ? It should have lots of o and . in it. 20:39:51 Near the top. 20:40:17 more o than . 20:40:39 Does it start with m(atch) then several o ? 20:41:16 If so, the network download's ahead. 20:41:41 .oooooooo_ooooooooooooo 20:42:20 Oh, not good. It means it's waiting fo the network for the next block. Though it's got a nmber of the next blocks ready. 20:43:54 its at ~40% 20:54:49 is it possible the traffic is being throttled or blocked by port# or protocol its TCP right? 21:01:05 how can you tell what the . o and _ mean 21:03:08 . is requested, o is received, _ I can't recall. Some rare thing. 21:03:25 m is received and matches what we need next. 21:04:29 where did you find that info 21:04:53 I made it up. 21:05:05 It's true though. 21:05:36 I'm confused 21:05:59 I coded the thing, so made the symbols up. 21:06:35 oh ok, is there documentation that contains a legend 21:06:42 No. 21:07:13 But if it says mooo, you're good. And the more o's the better. 21:08:08 is that a joke 21:08:11 IIRC / or _ mean a break in the set, something was not requested but we need it. 21:08:15 No :/ 21:09:14 it just seems to be staying at the same % 21:09:40 Does the sync line starti with mooo ? :P 21:09:46 8 kB/s 21:09:50 is that slow 21:09:54 Yes. 21:10:12 But if it's downlaoded enough, it'll stop for a bit and wait for the queue to drop. 21:11:49 the queue? 21:13:57 As represented in that line. 21:14:35 It downloads spans of blocks to a queue, and monerod verifies those spans. The mooo line represents the state of the queue. 21:17:59 ok what protocol is used to contact the blockchain 21:18:12 Custom. 21:18:19 over HTTP. 21:19:41 its plaintext protocol? 21:20:06 Yes. 21:20:54 can't MITM just block this 21:21:04 isn't it supposed to use encryption 21:21:36 MITM can block it. It's public atm, but vtnerd may add encryption at some point. 21:23:02 vtnerd? is CLI wallet more secure? 21:23:11 Than what ? 21:23:32 than GUI 21:23:53 I would say yes, but not great certainty. 21:24:47 what I mean is, is it using same HTTP protocol? 21:25:27 Yes. 21:25:37 However these don't squawk P2P, monerod does. 21:27:26 how do they squawk 21:28:02 JSON RPC between wallets and to monerod, P2P between monerod and monerod peers. 21:30:27 P2P is a protocol? 21:30:58 monerod uses a custom P2P (peer to peer) protocol over HTTP to talk to other monerod. 21:31:31 erm 21:31:56 Are you saying monero-wallet-cli effectively uses the same P2P protocol because it's attached to the monerod node? 21:32:05 No. 21:32:07 okay 21:32:09 JSON RPC between wallets and to monerod, P2P between monerod and monerod peers. 21:32:20 I guess I'm confused about why this: 21:32:22 21:23 < moneromooo> I would say yes, but not great certainty. 21:32:29 (re: "more secure" than GUI wallet) 21:32:45 Is that just a commentary on software complexity? 21:33:39 hello 21:33:40 I'm... not sure. I think it's mostly a bias due to knowing it less, and it using javascript. 21:33:57 Both use wallet2 internally, so only the shell differs. 21:34:32 I see. Okay, thanks. 21:34:38 for smartphone mining is not working 21:35:08 with disabled jit works but is useless 21:35:25 Then don't mine on the phone. 21:35:47 why not to have real mining on phones too 21:35:57 today smarphones are very powerful 21:35:59 Yeah, it doesn't seem likely that mining (even in a pool) is an especially useful pastime on a smartphone. 21:36:03 RPC is JSON is more secure than P2P HTTP? 21:36:29 mining on a phone means to decentralize more 21:36:29 If you find a way to speed up mining / make jit work on that phone, a PR would be welcome. 21:36:40 melona: Smartphones consume a lot of resources just for the base OS setup with its default-included services and applications, so it's difficult for me to imagine it being productive with leftover resources. 21:36:46 IIRC hyc said he was mining happily on his phone, don't recall the details 21:37:10 The P2P comms are more secure, mostly because there's much less attack surface and that's suppose dto be exposed. 21:37:40 Not that powerful, you'd get around 500h/s if you're lucky but you'd be wearing out a lot of components 21:38:30 i mean that are not like 10years before and this help on decentralize more 21:38:40 Yeah 21:38:42 but http is plaintext and you can just firewall to DoS 21:38:57 can it sync over tor 21:39:09 hyc is here? 21:39:27 signed in, at least 21:39:35 i have xiaomi note 4 and 8 21:39:35 Both are over HTTP. It can sync over tor. Not much point though unless your ISP will report you to your govt for running a monreo node. 21:39:40 not working 21:39:45 Whether hyc is paying attention to the channel right now is another matter entirely. 21:40:10 melona: ISPs might do that. 21:40:26 block monero 21:40:28 moneromooo: I meant to send that to you, but whatever. 21:41:08 Weirdly, if I type m and start tab-completing, it seems to want to go through the whole list of m-names other than moneromooo before it gives me moneromooo. 21:41:19 Anti spam measure. 21:42:04 I'm guessing that was a joke. 21:42:17 . . . because I'm pretty sure tab completion is implemented in the client here. 21:42:51 It was. 21:43:14 ISPs throttle and block traffic 21:43:21 how to route via Tor 21:43:31 See README.md, grep for torsocks. 21:43:44 moneromooo: good one 21:43:53 I just started second-guessing. "Wait. Is that possible?" 21:44:10 "It's a good joke -- almost *too* good." 22:00:14 Thank you for your patience and responses🙂 22:37:52 Hi 22:38:02 On macos trying to install the Monero cli 22:38:12 Where do you guys recommend extracting the folder to? 22:42:52 ok cool good catching up too many a's 22:43:28 That guy whould win the lottery first try, no question. 23:02:09 I'm still here 23:02:40 Then as long as it's not overwriting anything else, it should not matter. 23:03:37 Somewhere in your PATH if you want to use it later without cd or writing path. 23:06:41 Thanks 23:11:07 Ok another question sorry still new, its giving me the "monerod" cannot be opened because dev not verified error 23:11:15 I know I can right click > open to get past this 23:11:29 But if I want to do everything through terminal how do I allow it to open 23:12:33 "cannot be opened because dev not verified" doesn't look like monero error. GFive the exact error. 23:12:52 aaaaaaaaaaaa_: you have to open it once through finder I think 23:13:00 then you can use from terminal 23:13:18 Oh it's a "signed by apple" thing ? 23:13:22 Yeah 23:13:22 yes 23:13:24 That annoying thing 23:13:32 we sign the GUI 23:14:06 Ok ill just open it in finder once 23:14:21 Just messing around with monerocli to learn so I was trying to do everything through terminal 23:14:37 you can compile monero yourself :P 23:14:43 then you can open it through the terminal 23:35:20 Do you also secretly wisth your mother was Howard's groupie? https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/bxl87y/it_has_been_a_5_years_since_monero_was_released/eq7qior/ 23:42:45 Failed to bind IPv4 (set to required) 23:42:45 Failed to bind IPv4 (set to required) 23:42:45 Failed to bind IPv4 and Failed to initialize p2p server 23:42:51 Oh shit I spammed it my bad 23:43:04 But I'm getting that when trying to run ./monerod 23:45:29 aaaaaaaaaaaa_: do you have monerod already running? 23:45:33 try ./monerod exit 23:45:36 wait 20 seconds 23:45:40 then ./monerod 23:45:51 hmm he quit 23:46:51 Sorry did I miss the response 23:47:30 yes 23:47:54 maybe monerod is already running in the background 23:47:57 try ./monerod exit 23:48:05 wait 20 seconds and then ./monerod again 23:48:10 Can I buy monero using cake wallet? 23:49:13 moneromooo: Do you use any smartphone-based wallets for Monero? 23:49:38 ndorf: Do *you* use any smartphone-based wallets for Monero? 23:49:47 selsta: thanks that worked 23:49:48 No, I won't ask everyone in the channel individually. 23:58:47 Can I use a remote node as a seed to sync? 23:58:59 Like one off moneroworld or something