02:29:47 Why do people use telegram? 02:50:26 because it has more features than Signal 03:42:56 bigslim[m]: because they are yet to discover tox 03:43:13 bigslim[m]: try trifa if on an android-like device 15:31:35 damn. mdb readers full again 16:03:11 huh. i had the crontab mdb clear thing runing to 16:24:56 then maybe you just had a lot of active connections 16:53:53 would this be caused by my database getting cleared in between things? 2020-11-24 16:37:40.604 [P2P6] ERROR cn.block_queue src/cryptonote_protocol/cryptonote_protocol_handler.h:95 Error in handle_invoke_map: Attempt to get cumulative difficulty from height 2237691 failed -- difficulty not in db 16:55:51 what did you clear? 16:55:56 That looks bad. 17:20:50 the mdb stat thing 17:20:58 it runs every 5 minutes. well now every 3 minutes 17:21:24 this lil' number: */3 * * * * /home/user/monero/external/db_drivers/liblmdb/mdb_stat -rr ~/.bitmonero/lmdb/ 17:30:20 well, that won't clear anything that's actively in use, so no, it can't break anything else 20:32:07 Why does the incognito pDEX work at all? 20:34:38 I just managed to do Bisq -> BTC -> Incognito.org pDEX -> XMR. I did that. And it worked. 20:35:01 I didn't think swaps from anything to XMR existed yet. 20:36:50 https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/imlu2c/is_incognitoorg_legitimate/ 20:36:59 All I can find on it, but it's still mixed. 20:42:55 There's around 4554.4XMR locked up in this network. 20:42:55 https://incscan.io/pdex/tokens 20:57:43 @xx how the hell 21:06:32 Apparently it's much like bisq in the background, but you never ever need to see the details, it's much easier to use.. Something's fishy. 21:12:27 Hi! I've been out of the loop for the last 1.5+ years but thought I would log into my wallet yesterday and have a look. To my suprise my wallet is empty, and the last think I remember I did before the fork april last year was to send ~8 coins from Bittrex wallet to my MyMonero wallet. I can see the transaction from Bittrex and everything looks good from what I can tell at least. Have I missed 21:12:29 something? 21:13:27 you probably need to trigger the wallet to get scanned on the mym server 21:13:39 hit up their support w your wallet addr 21:18:00 endogenic: Thanks! Do you know where I can contact the support? 21:19:00 this is a good start 21:19:08 then try support⊙mc 21:19:12 neobarn 21:23:21 endogenic: Great thanks, I'll wait here for a while then and see if someone from the support finds my question :-) 21:23:53 they wont 21:23:58 i'm support here ;) 21:24:07 go ahead and email and let them know 21:25:14 haha I'll do that then! again thanks :) 21:52:09 neobarn: Is your transaction history fully blank? 22:26:08 .solo 12000 22:27:02 .mine 1000 22:27:08 .mine 22:27:16 mine 1000 22:27:21 hm...