00:22:05 turns out my 1 core @ 100% monerod problem is back. It happened right after the Tor process exited suddenly. SystemD attempted to restart the service a few times and 5 minutes later it was back up, and since then monerod has had 1 thread taking 100% of 1 cpu core 00:22:10 https://paste.debian.net/hidden/7c8722ec/ 00:22:25 obviously I need to figure out why tor is crashing, but also this seems like a monero bug 00:25:21 ExecStart=/usr/bin/torsocks /usr/local/bin/monerod --config-file /etc/monero/monero.conf --non-interactive --pidfile /run/monero/monero.pid 00:25:28 is how systemd is calling monerod 01:48:23 Dean_Guss: does it also happen without torsocks? 01:49:27 Also any reason you are running monerod over Tor instead of using --tx-proxy ? 01:50:17 I just haven't used the new option yet 01:50:22 I will try 01:51:12 ./monerod --tx-proxy tor, --add-peer xwvz3ekocr3dkyxfkmgm2hvbpzx2ysqmaxgter7znnqrhoicygkfswid.onion:18083 --add-peer zbjkbsxc5munw3qusl7j2hpcmikhqocdf4pqhnhtpzw5nt5jrmofptid.onion:18083 01:51:38 If you also want anonymous inbound connections see https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/master/ANONYMITY_NETWORKS.md 01:51:52 ok ty 01:53:03 if this is on a server it would be cool if you add anonymous inbound connections, monero benefits from every i2p / tor node :) 01:54:54 OK i will test it out.. I am pretty low resources though so I may turn it off again if it uses too much cpu/ram 05:41:24 selsta: --tx-proxy arg Send local txes through proxy: 05:41:38 I need more than just to send my own transactions through tor 05:41:45 I want all communications going through tor 05:46:01 Why are #monero-community:matrix.org and #freenode_#monero-dev:matrix.org locked? Does it have anything to do with the spam about power levels? 05:46:59 Bridge is broken? 05:47:21 spam 05:47:24 Spam? 05:47:45 Someone is spamming the channel. 05:47:46 Is there a motive? 05:48:00 For the spam? 05:48:09 Just general disruption. 05:49:06 Nothing to do with Matrix though. 09:44:34 https://romotow.com/ 09:44:36 when XMR? 09:44:38 :D 12:57:55 just fyi spn* and sel* are the only two i2p mipseeds I've been able to reliable connect to for the last ~24ish hours 16:19:47 moneromooo could you give my IRC hande voice in -dev? (erciccione[irc]) 16:20:48 No. Needs an op. 16:20:59 You're an OP :p 16:21:08 :o 16:21:20 aren't you OP in -dev? 16:21:22 :P 16:21:27 sorry, didn't realize, done now. 16:21:38 I thought it was core team only. 19:15:49 win 4 19:36:13 Lyza: I just setup a second i2p mipseed, so hopefully s3l* will also be reliable in the future 19:55:21 mine says i2pzero is already running 19:56:23 is there a way to get status or any sort of info on if its doing what it should? 19:56:33 stupid daemons just lurking in the top shadows 19:57:32 gingeropolous: can you run print_cn on daemon? 19:57:45 also according to Lyza your i2p node is reliable 19:57:48 on monerod? 19:57:58 yes on monerod 19:58:30 yeah i can run print_cn 19:58:40 im actively screening for AHP on this node 19:58:46 does it show i2p peers? 19:59:04 selsta that's great can I get the full address to add to my daemon manually? also I'm running a connectable i2p node if y'all wanted to add it. Should have pretty good up time and I plan to run it for the foreseeable future 20:00:21 s3l6ke4ed3df466khuebb4poienoingwof7oxtbo6j4n56sghe3a.b32.i2p 20:00:26 ty 20:00:30 but I just started it, this i2p stuff takes time 20:00:36 so might not work yet 20:00:41 yeah no worries 20:02:17 selsta, yeah i got an i2p peer 20:02:55 Lyza: theoretically it should work with only adding one i2p peer 20:02:59 s3l is already working :) 20:03:15 it does but i2p peers get dropped a lot 20:03:15 nice :D 20:03:45 I wonder if this is a bug or if this is just because we barely have i2p / tor peers yet 20:03:51 I still have this issue and ahve to keep several nodes added as priority nodes in order to be able to reliable send i2p transactions https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/6631 20:04:11 gingeropolous: you can also setup tor anonymous inbound 20:04:18 on the same server 20:04:26 it could be a lack of peers but it appears imo that the daemon needs to try harder to maintain at elsat one outbound i2p connection at all times 20:04:35 selsta, is there copypasta for that? 20:04:44 almost, can give you one 20:04:55 ubuntu? 20:05:09 ill get the parmesan 20:05:12 yeah, ubuntu 20:05:35 but im loggin off here in a sec, and my bouncer is stupid 20:05:49 sometimes it bounces stuff after i log... sometimes not 20:06:43 so ploppin on a repo would be ideal :) 20:26:10 If I synced the monero blockchain to 65% and then downloaded the raw blockchain and imported it, would my sync/verification start at 65% where I left off or restart from 0%? 20:27:00 I don’t think the raw blockchain is updated currently. 20:31:42 So would it still pick up verification where I left off and then once it hit the height of the imported blockchain download the remaining part from peers? 20:32:35 the blockchain.raw on getmonero.org is apparently outdated 20:32:55 I would just sync with daemon, if possible 20:35:19 sync with daemon and possible add more out-peers ? 20:36:57 Im trying but it is just really really slow, it will take over a month at current pace. I have my out peers set to 16. 20:37:08 viperperidot[m]: do you have a hard drive or an ssd? 20:37:19 ssd 20:37:58 raspberry IIRC? 20:38:41 Yes but I was having very slow speeds with my laptop as well 20:40:44 does your laptop have ssd? 20:41:02 you can try setting out_peers to 64 20:43:01 this is with v0.17.1.1 I assume? 20:43:04 I was using the external ssd for that as well 20:43:09 Yes latest release 20:43:31 external ssd is your problem 20:45:00 yes, monero without a fast disk is a bit of a nightmare 20:45:42 still surprised that it makes that much of a difference, seeing that syncing in 2h+ is possible with nvme and good hardware 20:46:41 my theory is that an hdd will seek a lot because of the constant looking up for older chain data (decoys) 20:47:16 obviously hardly a factor with a fast ssd/nvme 20:47:45 i suspect page cache plays a huge role as well 20:48:14 well, i got a caching NVMe in front of a zpool, and that's the saving grace 20:48:27 but i can always tell when monerod is busy (data not in nvme cache) 20:48:37 and by tell i mean hear :D 20:50:04 spinning rust ftw 20:50:52 it's very painful after a reboot (thankfully, rare) as there's nothing in cache then 20:51:06 or restoring an old wallet, that's gonna take its sweet time 23:39:06 Doesn't monero do assumevalid?