01:27:24 When will we get android wallet that works with Tor/offers socks proxy support ? 01:40:22 adeus[m]: maybe soon 01:40:29 4-5 months 01:40:48 depending on how much time I have 08:53:40 lol 08:59:24 oh boy using monero sure is pain, you type transfer into teh wallet cli and it freezes 08:59:42 for next hour it might or it might not come back alive 08:59:47 but then I know it will work second time I try that 09:00:05 so whenever I want to trasnfer some, I just plan ahead to give it that hour for thinking 09:06:54 nevermind it changed its mind and asked if I am sure 09:07:04 took just 5 minutes, did I over exagerate? 09:28:34 horsepatat: I never have issues like that. unless it has a huge amount of inputs it uses to create a transaction? 09:31:13 how would I know if it does? 09:37:36 incoming_transfers available ? 09:43:56 horsepatat: that does not sound normal at all 09:44:17 are you using a hardware wallet? 09:48:07 incoming_transfers says 1 transfer 09:48:17 I am using monero-wallet-cli 09:48:28 which kinda connects to monerd me figures 09:48:44 yes, but are you using monero-wallet-cli in combination with a ledger / trezor? 09:48:59 also which node are you using? 09:50:02 no idea what those are, so probably no 09:50:14 my local node? arent you supposed to use it like that? 09:50:19 yes, you should 09:50:29 is this a normal computer? 09:50:36 my desktop puter, yes 09:50:59 it should not take longer than a couple seconds 09:51:13 should I describe disks the blockchain sits on? 09:51:24 yes, if it is something special 09:51:38 it's raid I forgot which level, but total of 5 spinnig rust disks 09:52:05 so not a single 2.5" dying piece of hard drive 09:52:20 network drive? 09:52:31 no, literally in this computers case 09:53:14 mounted without any magic 09:53:26 and I make sure nothing else is running when I try to transfer anything 09:53:51 to be honest there is not much disk activity going on 09:54:09 for testing purposes, can you start monero-wallet-cli with e.g. --daemon-address node.xmr.to:18081 09:54:14 and check if it is faster? 09:54:35 maybe weird monero version? it's 0.15 09:54:56 should be okay but I would recommend to update to v0.16 09:55:06 also v0.17 will be released today so might want to wait one more day 09:55:29 hah 09:55:34 good timing, will wait then 09:55:45 it's been always like this with previous version I remember too 09:55:54 definitely not normal 09:56:10 there is also bitcoin-qt running ( sometimes ), not now, and it has no such issues 09:58:42 I would try v0.17 once it is released. if the issue persists ask again here 09:59:05 okay, interesting, I had impression its just how it works for past 2 years lol 10:04:47 somehow I feel unease with connecting my wallet to some 3rd party node 10:05:15 I think I had a chum change on testnet of monero 10:05:26 testnet should work too 10:05:30 if that one lags too, might be muh computer 10:06:08 "The blockchain is on a rotating drive: this will be very slow, use an SSD if possible" 10:06:22 I mean, there are probably only 5 people in world who can afford SSD for blockchain storage 10:06:43 pruned blockchain is ~30GB, storage isn’t really an issue 10:07:10 then I might store it even on my laptop 10:15:01 how big should the unpruned blockchain file be? 10:18:19 90G 10:19:03 BTC is on 320G 10:23:56 god damn that mining not enabled nag opening new wallets 10:26:28 so how long should that Starting refresh usually take? 10:26:39 Height 1334465 / 1544280 10:27:19 very annoying indeed 10:27:40 oof, how long since you last synced your node? 10:27:55 that's that testnet 10:28:02 I am going to see if its slow as hell too 10:28:17 oooh, makes sense 10:30:09 ok, it synced, I am create a new one to transfer some from this one 10:30:25 starting refresh on new 10:32:15 hit transfer addr 1 10:32:30 entered password and now waiting, ( this is where mainnet freezes for up to an hour ) 10:32:51 and its sent 10:33:08 other wallet detects it with refresh 10:33:15 so it doesnt lag on testnet 10:44:28 hellooooo can somebody tell me about a good open node? 10:44:33 public node, whatever it is called 10:54:22 node.xmr.to:18081 node.supportxmr.com:18081 uwillrunanodesoon.moneroworld.com:18089 10:54:38 That message is supposed to appear only once. After you say no, can run run "set" and see what the value of setup-background-mining is ? 10:55:30 once per wallet? 10:55:46 Yes. 10:55:54 yea, I think horsepatat was talking about this 10:56:39 You mean... it was appearing just once and that was too much ? 10:57:01 is connecting to a random node dangerous? 10:57:10 Somewhat. 10:57:19 Depends what you mean by "dangeorus". 10:57:31 You can't lose your coins directly. 10:57:46 (though it increases the attack surface, so you never know). 10:58:02 it does appear only once you create the wallet, then it goes on to appear in red every time you open wallet 10:58:04 A malicious node can do things like make you think you got money. Or prevent you from sending. 10:58:28 You mean a prompt, or just a message ? 10:58:45 just a message in red you havent turned on mining 10:59:03 Ah. Good. And a message you don;t have to answer is too annoying ? 11:00:10 because its in red - it makes me feel bad 11:01:13 Well, you can turn it on then :) It's not full tilt mining, if that wasn't clear It'll just use some percent of your CPU when it's otherwise idle.. 11:18:08 well as soon i don't trust it, but my bills are paid im fine, right? 11:18:13 as long* 13:26:16 Why was yesterday (this morning) so many big transactions? Someone was spending old coins that used old outputs? Or i dont knwo what I am talking about? 13:27:39 like in this block? https://xmrchain.net/block/2189062 13:28:58 yes 26k instead of 2 13:30:44 someone was merging a lot of outputs, but it doesn't look like old outputs 13:31:56 this is not Bitcoin, you know. We never can know for sure. 18:23:03 how do I figure out the network byte for a monero fork? is it whatever the new prefix is but converted to hex? 18:23:04 https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/master/src/cryptonote_config.h#L206 19:09:02 lza_menace: I would say so. Just take something that results in the addresses you want. Turtlecoin produces an address prefix of "TRTL" with: 19:09:03 const uint64_t CRYPTONOTE_PUBLIC_ADDRESS_BASE58_PREFIX = 3914525; 19:16:13 Just found this now: https://cryptonotestarter.org/tools.html with a tool to find out those prefixes 19:20:34 nice! 19:20:36 thanks rbrunner! 19:23:45 hey guys i'm new - probably a stupid question. If I purchase a stable coin on an exchange like binance, then use that to purchase monero , then move that monero to a private wallet that I own, is that tracked? how "private" is the monero in my wallet at that point? 19:24:17 wow, that tool is great 19:24:28 I had heard of the site but didn't realize it gave so much insight into the internals 19:26:59 Binance will know you bought that many monero. Typically, they won't know when you spend that monero, and how much. 19:27:17 However, there are special cases where they can get some hints. 19:27:43 But at a first approximation, once you have the monero, it's private. 19:29:34 if you're running ur own full node nobody should be able to connect your transactions that u make from it (untill quantum computers at least), so if that is where u move the monero & then send it to a different wallet, it should be pretty much disconnected from what binance knows (unless ur computer tells on you) 19:31:11 thanks guys 19:31:20 yw<3 19:31:24 just out of curiosity what are the special cases? 19:32:33 np: Massive Attack - Special Cases 19:34:42 dsc_ is a special case :P 19:34:57 also iirc u have to give ur view key to another node if u use a mobile wallet or a remote node in the official wallet, so if that node keeps it & binance then somehow gets it they would be able to view ur wallet 19:34:57 (not sure if that's how it works exactly, might need somebody who knows more than me) 19:35:55 Something with sending someone repeatedly, and that person sends to Binance. 19:35:59 * also iirc u have to give ur view key to another node if u use a mobile wallet or a remote node in the official wallet, so if that node keeps it & binance then somehow gets it they would be able to view ur wallet 19:35:59 (not sure if that's how it works exactly, might need somebody who knows more than me, but I *think* that's right) 19:36:30 Then Binance can notice there a lot more matching history than chance would normally suggest. 19:37:13 chaya2766[m]: no, you don't surrender your view key when using a remote node. only when using a specific type of wallet service, like MyMonero, that does the scanning server-side 19:38:27 hmm.. so if I were to create a bunch of wallets and transfer the monero between them from the wallet I received it from binance it should theoretically be completely in the void to them 19:39:05 aka churning. and it's somewhat controversial 19:42:59 Yeah, it doesn't really help as much as you think it does unless you do it very carefully. 19:43:17 And I'm not 100% sure what very carefully here is :) 20:24:12 After a thankfully long run of uptime the Mattermost relay finally went titsup today. pigeons, can you please prod the poor thing? Thanks! 20:48:18 moneromooo: sweep_single a few times at irregular intervals? 20:49:18 So, will the US stop people from downloading wechat and tiktok and from paying via them in the US now?