06:10:28 EU mulls total ban on cryptocurrencies 06:24:45 Mostly about stablecoins, which they explicitly stated they would be OK with banning altogether. Full report by end of month. 06:24:48 https://www.eu2020finance.de/en/news/joint-statement-on-asset-backed-crypto-assets-stablecoins 06:31:08 Stablecoins can go as far as I'm concerned. 06:47:10 First they came for the stablecoins, and I did not defend them, because I don't like stablecoins. 09:12:19 on rpc get_transfers pool transactions are allways inbound tx or can be outbound transactions there too ? 09:16:19 MalMen: seems like it's just incoming (based on https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/61dd04b68121b4057b4b88356761fbfb3fa73c90/src/wallet/wallet_rpc_server.cpp#L2531 - since there's get_unconfirmed_payments and also get_unconfirmed_payments_out) 09:38:25 hmmmkay 09:38:38 the oudbound should ne the pending then 11:35:02 Those stablecoins are pretty handy when it comes to moving value from an on-ramp that does not list xmr to one that does. 12:02:19 dogecoin is the ultimate stablecoin 12:08:09 what 12:08:15 oh yea 12:08:29 1Ð = 1Ð 15:12:47 That was not what I had in mind when thinking about stablecoins :) 16:35:30 all coins are stable. just like how all bases are base 10 18:34:33 1 xmr = 1 xmr 18:42:59 Anyone in here able to help? https://www.reddit.com/r/monerosupport/comments/is0daf/qubes_os_daemonwallet_isolation_not_working/ 18:44:02 The guide on getmonero.org for setting up isolation on Qubes between monerod and monero-wallet-cli seems to be outdated or missing something 18:56:58 xmrhaelan: Whonix has the cli embedded now if i'm not wrong. Anyway, could be that that guide is outdated, but i don't use qubes, we should find somebody who does that is also willing to update the guide 19:02:34 https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/4147/how-do-i-connect-an-appvm-running-the-cli-to-a-separate-appvm-running-monerod-in/4165 19:03:20 This seems to have the information that the guide is missing, but it is not very clear as to what VM the user is supposed to be adding these scripts to 19:03:37 At least for the first script, it’s unclear 19:04:46 I will do some trial and error later, but if someone has the answer please let me know :) 19:49:23 The first one should be in the daemon VM, I think. It accepts new connections. 19:50:06 If you work out how to fix it, please let me know. I use basically that system and it sometimes works and sometimes not, and I have no clue why. 21:47:02 Moneromoo I will let you know if I figure it out, thanks 22:46:52 how long(ish) does 'make release-test' usually take ? say on an average 4 core machine 22:47:52 1-2 hours? 22:50:02 thanks - hmm mine seems stuck on step 3 "core_tests" for 3 hours with no output 22:51:59 ^^ sorry "test #2 start 3" 22:54:04 guess I just have to be patient :) 22:54:56 can’t really say from here :) how is CPU usage? 22:56:23 mostly shows just one core at max - I ran it with -j4 incase it uses that 22:59:09 don’t think tests are run in parallel 23:00:09 right doesn't seem like it 23:23:22 Does anyone know who wrote this? https://www.getmonero.org/resources/user-guides/cli_wallet_daemon_isolation_qubes_whonix.html 23:25:22 Oooh, I like. 23:25:51 I didn't realize you could use qrexec like that, and my earlier attempts were horrendously slow... 23:25:58 THank you :) 23:27:54 I think there’s a problem with the monerod.service script in “step 2” 23:28:24 Or the way the other configurations call it. 23:28:44 I am having trouble making it work as it is written in this guide 23:30:13 The guide was written when Monero was v0.11, so I’m thinking some of the commands might not be up to date with the current Qubes version either