01:43:04 How long should it take for prune_blockchain to run? 01:43:40 And should the CLI show some sort of progress indicator? 01:44:11 I ran it since over an hour and it’s still just a blinking cursor 01:47:24 xmrhaelen: no progress indicator, I would wait a bit more 01:48:54 Does it take a few days like it does to download the blockchain from scratch? 01:51:23 no 01:51:46 but you are aware that your blockchain size will not get smaller? 01:52:08 Ok thanks. Yeah it just leaves the free space open from what I read 01:52:10 also syncing from scratch does not take a few days unless you use a HDD 01:52:25 I synced up v0.16 in 2:40h 01:52:48 with a 30€ VPS :D 01:53:39 Nice. It’s been great seeing the improvements over the last couple of years. I am just now starting to experiment with the CLI. Not a dev... 02:19:05 xmrmatterbridge: cli is awesome. i've always used it. The GUI has come a long way though 03:02:31 If someone were to do a fresh download of the pruned blockchain, what would be the required storage at the moment? 06:07:22 If someone were to d"> https://web.getmonero.org/2019/02/01/pruning.html 06:09:45 ~26gb 07:31:05 What was the reccommended ram/thread when compiling the monero source? 2GB/thread? 07:35:15 endor00[m]: In my experience, slightly under 2GB/Thread. 4 threads using 7.2 of 8 installed, 0/2GB swap used. 07:38:24 Lol, that explains it. Ran make -j8 instead of -j4 on a laptop with only 8GB + 2GB swap 🤣 poor thing completely locked up for like 10 minutes before it managed to kill the process 20:13:14 wow this higher chain activity is slow to sync 20:13:34 this makes no sense 20:13:35 2020-05-26 20:13:19.704 I Synced 2097998/2106982 (99%, 8984 left, 30% of total synced, estimated 1.0 hours left) 20:13:57 30% of total syncd? 20:14:02 but theres 99% syncd 20:16:59 that % is what you had left today to sync. 23:23:11 81AC591FE9C4B65C5806AFC3F0AF4D462A0BDF92 23:23:11 is this correct gpg key for binaryfate? 23:25:10 cannon-c[m]: yes 23:25:41 Looks very much like it. 23:26:31 thanks, and hi selsta. 29A5B386FB943B684FBF7BBD2EA0A99A8B07AE5E this yours? 23:26:42 just building up my key trust and playing with new monero update 23:27:14 Looks very much like it. 23:27:24 looks very much like good then 23:27:43 reproducible builds are amazing 23:28:35 the unicorn of open source, trust+easy 23:30:33 Agreed. Made by TheCharlatan.