03:40:57 on stop wallet, monero-wallet-rpc connection gets closed... how to stop wallet without closing connection ? 03:43:19 hey the monero wallet gui is doing something weird for me 03:43:28 i was supposed to receive a transaction like 20 mins ago and 03:43:43 2020-05-25 03:40:29.418 E daemonBlockChainHeight: daemon error 03:43:43 2020-05-25 03:40:29.418 E daemonBlockChainTargetHeight: daemon error 03:43:43 2020-05-25 03:40:29.419 E daemonBlockChainHeight: daemon error 03:43:43 2020-05-25 03:41:02.244 W Transaction extra has unsupported format: 03:43:54 it says that on the terminal 03:44:08 I assume this has something to do with my transaction not showing up? 06:45:48 if you type status are you on current block height 08:23:48 can you see the number of tx a monero address did? 08:31:05 > "Transaction extra has unsupported format" 08:31:05 Is yanmaani already working on embedding his data in the chain? 😀 09:02:00 jsut by watching a Block-Explorer you can not tell, no 10:25:20 hello, is there a way to with Monero even though the address is for another cryptocurrency (like BTC) ? 10:25:39 because otherwise I have to first manually trade XMR to BTC and then pay with BTC for example 10:30:45 ForeverNoob[m]: xmr.to for paying btc addresses with Monero 10:31:06 (it is directly integrated into Monerujo and Cake wallet I think) 10:31:14 cool, I'll check it out, thanks! 10:31:15 ForeverNoob[m]: morphtoken for any <--> any 10:31:41 but I'd wager xmr.to is the best for quickly paying btc with xmr 10:34:01 You know what? I'll check out both! 13:27:24 Hello! Can anyone explain what are seed nodes (from list: https://community.xmr.to/xmr-seed-nodes)? How do they differ from ordinary p2p nodes? 13:29:32 rogu86: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bootstrapping_node 14:40:17 What is the difference between starting the daemon with the add-peer and add-priority-peer options? 15:05:28 rogu86: it tries to maintain a connection with your priority peers 15:05:38 if a peer you --add-peer goes away and comes back, you might not always reconnect to them 15:06:15 got it 15:21:13 What are the minimum requirements for VPS to run a monero node? 15:21:57 interested in memory consumption and how many cores are needed 15:31:58 It was reported that monerod runs on a Raspberry Pi 3b+. it think it has 1 GiB ram. 15:34:44 yeah, that runs, but more RAM is better 16:04:49 What is essential is that you have a SSD. Everything else will just be painful 16:05:18 My node runs on a RPi 4b with a SSD and works just fine (albeit approx. 40% slower than a node on a laptop with a SSD) 16:33:05 I've been running my node on a geekbox. 2GB RAM, 64GB microSD card 16:49:41 Wow - that geekbox looks cute.. Never heard from it. 16:52:03 But it looks like the gap between the two antennas are to close for the 2.4 GHz range. Should be at least 6cm (lambda/2) 5GHz should be ok. 16:54:55 You could turn one antenna 90 deg. That should do it. 16:57:33 yeah I have them at 90 degree separation 16:57:58 very good 16:59:59 I also have it plugged into a pair of 10Ah USB battery packs, so it never dies in a power failure 17:00:16 but I think in the future I would just use an old cellphone 17:03:40 a full node on an old cellphone? 17:04:58 yeah, integrated battery, 4G and wifi. automatic network fallback 17:05:29 true. 17:07:48 all you need is an open source operating system running on it. 17:08:35 an android phone comes with linux kernel and busybox already 17:08:51 needs nothing else added to it 17:09:52 But in most cases you do not have root access, do you? 17:09:59 don't need root access 17:10:20 ah. good to know. 20:17:16 I like monero 20:17:31 what is your opinion on Tezos? 20:28:29 It is implemented in OCaml. 20:37:09 hi 20:38:30 https://news.bitcoin.com/russia-law-criminalizes-buying-bitcoin-7-years-jail/ 20:40:18 wow 20:48:09 how's that for your 'just buy it on the black market' ideas y'all 20:48:46 we must go to buy immediately 20:49:14 im not sure how you fight that 20:49:27 that'll easily shutdown adoption there 20:49:42 It is just a propose. 20:50:24 bitcoin will go to the sky if they vote it 20:50:24 The same person doeing that propose is buying a bunch of Bitcoin now. 20:50:33 yep 20:51:52 > bitcoin will go to the sky if they vote it 20:51:54 ahahaha 20:52:21 yes or no? 20:53:30 no lol 20:53:32 won't move 20:55:17 it wouldnt be a benefit 20:55:21 why's it being proposed? 20:56:13 privacy is not desired 20:56:31 A smoke candle so smart money can buy more Bitcoin. 20:58:01 selsta any news about avoiding gcrypt for android 22:06:42 Reminds me of the "China ban bitcoin" meme 23:36:30 That's not what this is about, it's about the unregulated OTC market being cracked down upon