WillSellBody4Xmrsarang do you have some equations for the impact on plausible deniability of EAE attacks? I'm curious specifically when the confidence interval that this person is likely the same as the entity Eve has been sending money too hits 90%. How many transactions are necessary to hit 90% if all poisoned outputs from Eve to Alice are sent by Alice all at
WillSellBody4Xmronce to an exchange that reveals these outputs (also the case where Alice sends each transaction one at a time). And how that number needed to hit 90% is affected by an increasing ring size.
ucefxrdwtlclLook on the bright side. At least you don't need to obsess over signs of life from FUK now.
sgp_[m]WillSellBody4Xmr: it's based on the activity of Alice for sure
sgp_[m]basically, you can think of it as first E writing down that outputs it gives to Alice
sgp_[m]then second E looks to see if 1) both outputs are spent in the same transaction to generate a new output that goes to the exchange, or 2) if one user sends two transactions to the exchange, each with one of the poisoned outputs in the ring
sgp_[m]for more poisoned outputs, the more likely it is to attack
sgp_[m]* for more poisoned outputs, the more likely it is for the attack to be successful
sgp_[m]the short of it is that for even 2 poisoned outputs, many ringsizes aren't going to help you if your behavior sends both of these outputs to an exchange "stupidly." Certainly not any ringsize under 50
sgp_[m]in practice, 2 is a little messy to rely on however, so most investigators will probably go for 3 if I had to guess
sgp_[m](at least without other information/evidence)
oaaeuhujwnnI think everyone here knows that most Monero exchange withdrawals and desposits are traceable (Breaking Monero - poisoned outputs). How does it feel to go out and lie to people that they are private and then earn less than holding BTC on your bag?
bqsmkyywofmy'Oddly, no one who was directly involved with the SIR-C missions and currently still working the Lab, remembers the name Howard Chu, except for one who vaguely recalls Eugene Chu as having a brother names Howard'
bqsmkyywofmyEd Caro, NASA Chief Engineer. cryptogazette.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/1-768x1445.png