05:26:07 Howard Chu is a high IQ scholar, he has more Google images with a violin than Sting with a guitar, he singlehandely saved NASA from doom. Why can't the saviour of NASA save Monero? 05:44:50 For a community that prides itself on manipulating people, you can't manage a single guy that spends most of his time in his underpants :D 10:39:23 Why does the Saviour of NASA take a group achievement award and present it as a proof of individual glory? twitter.com/hyc_symas/status/1203709575226183683 17:10:43 Why lie about something that can be easily disproven? monerologs.net/monero/20201207#c165563 - github.com/fireice-uk/cryptonote-speedup-demo/blob/master/ecops64/ecops64-c.c#L4 Why steal from your community and then laugh at them? reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/6d5yt5/what_fluffypony_just_did_is_not_ok Reason is the same - to laugh at morons that are gullible enough to believe you and repeat your l 17:10:43 ies. 21:34:33 Hey, does anyone on here happen to have a good understanding of the RingCT 3.0 paper and might be able to help me understand it better? 21:34:44 Atm I'm only looking at the "basic construction" in appendix B.1 (page 24) as this seems to be the simplest form of this proof system. 21:34:44 So far I understand that it is pretty similar to how range proofs with Bulletproofs work by using the inner product argument to achieve logarithmic size. 21:34:45 Most of the proof follows similar structure, just using 1^n instead of 2^n for the right hand side of one of the dot products. 21:34:45 However what is really throwing me off is the use of the additional challenge variable w. 21:34:46 Could anyone help me understand, why this is needed? 21:34:46 My intuition is that it is somehow related to the commitments A and S from the range proof being split into A_1, A_2, S_1 and S_2 in the RingCT 3.0 membership proof... which are needed to allow the PoK of commited value of a pedersen commitment in equation (12) on the next page, right? 21:34:47 But I'm really struggling to work out what exactly the purpose of the additional challenge variable is...? 21:34:47 I'd really appreciate if anyone might be able to help me out with this, or just point me in the right direction 22:01:59 sarang ^ 22:59:22 Did you know that all witdraw-buyer-seller-depoist chains are trackable in Monero? No? You should have read Breaking Monero. How many people are you endangering with your 'privacy' coin?