00:37:04 https://eprint.iacr.org/2021/232 00:37:04 Not entirely sure what this paper means, but perhaps one of our resident cryptographers might find this interesting? The "This destroyes the RSA cryptosystem." in the abstract seems rather ominous 00:40:18 man can't even spell destroys correctly tho 00:40:26 is that like, the, schnorr? 00:40:55 No, typo, it's schnoerr 00:41:04 I'll... find the door... 00:41:05 :P 00:41:22 apparently it is THE schnorr 00:43:47 I do not understand what this means: "Our prime basis of n = 1800 primes is much 00:43:48 smaller than the prime basis of the quadratic sieve QS and the number field sieve NFS." 00:43:59 specifically "prime basis" 00:54:41 it seems like what's references is in polynomial time, which if I remember correctly, is already the time needed to factor large numbers that are two large primes multiplied together.  But 99% of that went way, way, way over my head. 00:54:52 Someone want to email the guy? 00:55:09 Every spammer. 01:14:14 We don't use RSA right now, although I believe the MPC technique that could facilitate multisig in Triptych uses an RSA-like algorithm. <- read from this my ignorance 09:46:04 I think everyone here knows that most Monero exchange withdrawals and desposits are traceable (Breaking Monero - poisoned outputs). How does it feel to go out and lie to people that they are private and then earn less than holding BTC on your bag? 11:00:40 Here's an idea, make a few XMR > XMR transactions 🙂 11:01:01 you're talking to a spammer 13:00:54 he's talking to dead air, the bot leaves as soon as it spews its junk 13:09:25 Howard Chu is a high IQ scholar, he has more Google images with a violin than Sting with a guitar, he singlehandely saved NASA from doom. Why can't the saviour of NASA save Monero? 13:22:34 For a community that prides itself on manipulating people, you can't manage a single guy that spends most of his time in his underpants :D 13:29:11 Did you know that all witdraw-buyer-seller-depoist chains are trackable in Monero? No? You should have read Breaking Monero. How many people are you endangering with your 'privacy' coin? 13:40:28 What kind of person steals from own community? np.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/6d5yt5/_/ Your own leaders are laughing at how stupid you are for falling for thier 'Magical Crypto Friendship' 13:50:05 “I thought, ‘I’m going to pump it and dump it,’ because I was interested and taking the ideas and implementing them in bitcoin. The bitcoin code base was far more interesting to me than monero, and I thought, ‘I’m not going to work on this codebase, it’s terrible,'” he recalls - fluffypony in an interview about Monero 14:09:06 FUK has bееn intеnsеly hostilе to Monеro for ovеr 4 yеars. Making minеrs for Monеro, making a pool for Monеro, making codе that Monеro copiеd, not using bugs to stеal millions from еxchangеs. Wow. Such grеat hostility. 14:23:49 needmoney90: Let me quote your hero. 'How do I ban FUK? AAAHHHH I don't remember. youtube.com/watch?v=mdLfkhxIH5Q Keep tryin' champion. 14:45:44 FUK has bееn intеnsеly hostilе to Monеro for ovеr 4 yеars. Making minеrs for Monеro, making a pool for Monеro, making codе that Monеro copiеd, not using bugs to stеal millions from еxchangеs. Wow. Such grеat hostility. 14:52:49 I think everyone here knows that most Monero exchange withdrawals and desposits are traceable (Breaking Monero - poisoned outputs). How does it feel to go out and lie to people that they are private and then earn less than holding BTC on your bag? 15:10:29 All you are 'fighting' for is e-penis of a guy you never met, that doesn't even have common decency to pay you for your time. 15:10:30 Do you think they care about Monero, or privacy or anything other than money? 15:25:49 'Oddly, no one who was directly involved with the SIR-C missions and currently still working the Lab, remembers the name Howard Chu, except for one who vaguely recalls Eugene Chu as having a brother names Howard' 15:25:49 Ed Caro, NASA Chief Engineer. cryptogazette.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/1-768x1445.png 15:33:06 Do you think that you are too intelligent to be in a cult? Then I would encourage you to look into how any other cult works. They aren't populated by stupid people. Aum Shinrikyo was almost exclusively university professors and graduates. For Pete's sake - they had the know-how and means to make WMDs. 15:33:06 As to Monero, I would encourage you to look at Jonestown mass-suicide. You know why Jones killed them all? Because he was afraid he is loosing control over them. People like that will burn everything around them rather than give up control. Being smart doesn't make you immune to being in a cult. This is the most valuable lesson Monero taught me. 15:36:26 luigi1111: do you also want to set registered only here? 15:48:21 You will DO what Monero tells you to do. You will JUMP when you are told to jump. And most importantly you will DISCONNECT whoever Scientology^H^H^H^H^H I mean Mnero tells you to disconnect. Otherwise you WILL end up like lh1008 here: 15:48:21 monerologs.net/monero-community/20210114#c181614 And you will do it all for FREE. Because Monero is open souce :D Just like Linux is there to pay for $700k watches that Torvalds wears. 15:49:28 ahhhh ice-fire-uk is spamming bullshit, I was wondering what was up 15:50:59 fire-ice-uk: "MONERO IS TRACEABLE!!1!@ CULT!?!!" 15:50:59 The darknet: Oh no.......anyways 15:56:37 Is this where the meeting is gonna be in 4 minutes? 15:57:54 WillSellBody4Xmr: there is a meeting in #monero-swap before the one here 15:58:24 Thanks! 15:58:26 so here in an hour maybe 16:53:02 Howard, you know why all the 'Titanic intelligence Saviour of NASA' posts stopped last year? They know you are an embarrassment. Your arse didn't learn anything new in 25 years, and that includes C++. They just can't say it to your face. 17:20:17 ^ for the record, the embarrasing part is that your star witness Ed Caro claimed nobody remembered me, even though the fact that I worked on that project was trivially proven. 17:25:42 hyc don't bother. I understand must be annoying and frustrating, but they are not really looking for the truth. 17:33:05 When Tari finally comes out, will you dump your Monero to buy it? Will others? 17:38:23 Good question, ryfjaoxcklm! I’d respond but you don’t exist! 17:43:19 There are multiple psychological hooks to keep Monero community members in place. Here is one: 17:43:19 https://vimeo.com/272691039 17:43:19 Notice that Scientologists don't stand on street corners saying "Would you like to talk about our Lord and Saviour, Xenu?" 17:43:19 Put yourself instead in the shoes of someone who spent $10,000 and 2-3 years of their life on their courses 17:43:19 And you get a bunch of bad sci-fi - you have two choices: 17:43:19 - either swallow a very bitter pill that you wasted a pile of money and a portion of your life 17:43:19 - or swallow the sci-fi, and from that point on, you will swallow _anything_ they tell you. 17:43:20 In the cult trade that's called "insider doctrine". 17:43:20 Would you like to talk about our Lord and Saviour of NASA, Howard Chu? 17:43:21 https://medium.com/@crypto_ryo/senior-nasa-engineer-calls-out-howard-chu-hyc-symas-monero-developer-on-being-a-fraud-db0b46688041 17:53:22 uh oh we're being taken over by a bot 23:29:27 There are multiple psychological hooks to keep Monero community members in place. Here is one: 23:29:27 https://vimeo.com/272691039 23:29:27 Notice that Scientologists don't stand on street corners saying "Would you like to talk about our Lord and Saviour, Xenu?" 23:29:27 Put yourself instead in the shoes of someone who spent $10,000 and 2-3 years of their life on their courses 23:29:27 And you get a bunch of bad sci-fi - you have two choices: 23:29:27 - either swallow a very bitter pill that you wasted a pile of money and a portion of your life 23:29:27 - or swallow the sci-fi, and from that point on, you will swallow _anything_ they tell you. 23:29:28 In the cult trade that's called "insider doctrine". 23:29:28 Would you like to talk about our Lord and Saviour of NASA, Howard Chu? 23:29:29 https://medium.com/@crypto_ryo/senior-nasa-engineer-calls-out-howard-chu-hyc-symas-monero-developer-on-being-a-fraud-db0b46688041