02:39:51 total miners 88747 03:04:17 Wow big decline. Why is that? 10:25:45 dunno. now i wish i had screenshotted the entire thing so i could see each pool's contribution to that number 10:26:09 minexmr used to be over 50k miners, 41k now 10:40:53 maybe the loopholes that got closed everywhere, where people mined? 10:41:37 lol windows update probably killed a bunch of miners? 10:42:20 rolling out their mining sniffer thing? 10:42:30 but the update happened days ago? 10:42:52 🤷 10:43:03 i feel like this dropoff was sudden. 10:44:06 so more the action of one lever being flipped vs. 9k individual levers 10:45:44 however, supportxmr reports by mining address, right? so as moneromooo indicated one day, a botnet probably wouldn't generate a unique address per mining instance 10:46:00 unless it thought it was a way to avoid detection 10:47:21 how small can you pack address generating code? 10:47:55 though i guess viral load size really doesn't matter 11:16:19 <\x> they can just use subaddresses 11:17:33 That's a very good point. 11:18:28 one subaddress per infected machine? But then it has to reach minimal payout on its own 11:18:46 <\x> doesnt make sense yeah 11:18:58 minexmr minimal payout 0.004 XMR 11:19:05 That's a very good point too :D 11:19:14 <\x> im sure most botnetters are aware of xmr-node-proxy and xmrig-proxy 11:19:28 <\x> and its not like its hard to host them 11:35:08 well, i guess windows update coulda happened in a short time window for some reason or another 15:07:39 The miner count that miningpoolstasts shows for minexmr includes workerids 15:07:48 the number of unique wallets is around 13k 15:08:29 and there have been cases of a single entity using a large number of wallets 15:09:44 so only 13k unique users 15:09:55 we've been fooled this whole time :D 15:09:58 I wonder how many there were before, when #miners was 40k 15:11:09 so we actually have 60k miners if we count minexmr as 13k 15:21:43 unique wallets 2021-02-01 6k, 2021-03-01 8k, 2021-04-01 12k 15:26:44 so still substantial growth 15:26:52 just not same magnitude as we were talking before 15:53:55 <\x> hyc, Hashvault was talking about this last time 15:54:43 6k to 12k in 2 months is more in line with https://subredditstats.com/r/MoneroMining 15:55:04 <\x> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/725316395428085831/837356319610241036/unknown.png 15:55:08 <\x> ^^ 16:00:48 w0w 18:23:21 wassamean