hycwhile waiting for lenovo legion 7 to be available here, I've ordered an M1 macbook
hycshould arrive in a week or so. will do a little dev work on it then leave it in a corner mining
selstaDid you buy the Air or the Pro?
hyc13" pro
kinghat[m]better cooling? i think LTT did a video on it and got it to not throttle while removing the fan iirc.
gingeropolousminers 83789
gingeropolouswonder why the dropoff
hv-bridge<\x> hyc: im interested on a 1 thread xmrig run/bench of that macbook if youre willing
hv-bridge<\x> oh and yeah, intel took 1t again
hv-bridge<\x> 11th Gen Intel® Core™ i9-11900K @ 3.50GHz - RandomX - 1MH - 848.477 seconds
Inge-NVIDIA Grace for RX mining?
hycInge-: was wondering that too. not enough info published yet
gingeropolousis RX our new slang for randomX?
Inge-it is in this channel at least
sech1* it is in this channel at least I decided
sech1ftfy ^
Inge-Them's the rules
niocmy gpu is a RX570 so should be perfect for mining RX
hycah yes the model number == hash rate