Inge-Sounds like it would be interesting to have a discussion with Peter Todd on RX and on dynamic block size
sech1Miners 90145, minexmr 30.5%
hycmore than double the pre-RX #miners
sech1pre-RX was hovering around 40000
sech1after the fork it dropped to 30000 and has been climbing up ever since
hycyep. seems like quite an essential step in strengthening the network
sech1btw top 2 pools can't do 51% anymore with these numbers
sech1we need 3 pools to collude now
Inge-or 2 chip manufacturers :P
moneromoooNot just one ?
moneromoooNo, 3. A, M, and D.
moneromoooI guess none of the alternatives are any good.
Inge-isn't ARM just some cache away from competitive chips?
hycyes. but not sure it's in their design philosophy to ever do that
hyccertainly hasn't been so far