10:58:01 hey :) 11:09:44 hellooo everyone 11:10:00 so I have a few questions about integrating PoW into javascript or python 11:10:12 which is the most feasible and which is the most efficient? 11:10:28 I want to be able to mine directly to RandomX pools either through NodeJS or python 11:18:06 Chcek whether python can set rounding mode on float operations. 11:18:17 If so, python will be faster. 11:18:34 most feasible depends on wich you're most familiar with already. 11:26:25 I'm much more familiar with js, but if learning python will make it significantly more efficient I'm down to learn 11:26:45 "Round() is a built-in function available with python. It will return you a float number that will be rounded to the decimal places which are given as input." 11:26:49 Is that what I need? ^ 11:29:18 "With IEEE754-based platform (as most modern ones do, including x86, ARM, MIPS...), it's default mode "round to nearest, ties to even" is the only mode available in Python standard library. That is "provided" by standardized defaults and absense of library methods to change it. There are more languages that doesn't allow to change rounding mode - e.g. Java - so this isn't an isolated Python whim." 11:33:03 What workarounds would there be 11:33:07 Or should I stick to javascript? 11:34:58 Workaround (for both) is to implement float ops yourself. Lots of not fun. 11:36:17 When you say float ops what exactly does that mean 11:36:58 A float is just a number with decimals right? So I can round that in JS with (num).toFixed(decimals) right? 11:37:33 "Lots of not fun" yeah, this: https://github.com/SChernykh/RandomX_OpenCL/blob/master/RandomX_OpenCL/CL/randomx_vm.cl#L1405 11:38:11 OpenCL doesn't have rounding modes too, so this is what I had to implement 11:41:29 o.o 11:41:36 What exactly would I need to implement tho 11:41:50 I don't know what the goal is if JS has .toFixed() already? 11:42:10 Rounding *mode*. Like, in which direction to round depending on inputs. 11:42:30 ie, does 3.5 round to 3 or 4, etc. 11:43:24 Oh, so JS has that built in right? 11:43:29 I wouldn't have to custom code it? 11:48:10 I believe hyc said it doesn't have it a couple days ago. 11:48:35 Why was this used btw ? Does it use substantial circuitry ? 11:50:05 What does that mean :/ I'm not rlly technical with this kinda stuff 11:50:42 Sorry, I was asking sech1. 11:51:39 js doesn't have rounding mode for FP arithmetic