hycscore another win for CPU-centric PoW twitter.com/jedisct1/status/1362419712659972102
hycNvidia gimping their GPUs so they can gouge miners
sech1place your bets on how many days (hours) it will take to release hacked drivers
hyclol no kidding
hycdeliberately cutting perf by 50%, that's ... bold
sech1what they're doing in reality is limiting RTX 3060 to big farms with on-site skilled devs who are able to write their own BIOS/drivers
sech1RTX 3060 will be enslaved for mining anyway, no gamers will see them
hycwell, maybe. the price/perf incentive still has to be there.
hycif they price the CMP products correctly, the GPU problem goes away
hycwhich also means, if they priced the CMP correctly, they wouldn't need to muck with the GPU drivers at all
hv-bridge<\x> yeah then next time intel or amd will do this too via microcode
hv-bridge<\x> thank you for giving them an idea nvidia
hycIntel already does this
hycthey sell a single die as an entire product line, each chip just has different features fused on or off
hycAMD also sells as single die as an entire product line, but they don't fuse any features off
hycat most AMD sells multicore chips with some bad cores fused off
hv-bridge<\x> i mean yeaaah
hv-bridge<\x> i know some of these things like haswell OC bug if you run it with no microcode where all mobile chips are literally fully unlocked
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