10:30:25 Miners 55610 12:43:35 I don't understand how people can think it's a good idea to mine at minexmr.com if they can clearly see the hashrate is dangerously close to 50% 12:45:35 it looks like some large miner moved over to hashvault, though 12:49:07 actually it appears to be new hashrate joining the network, ~400 MH/s 12:58:24 People have absolutely no idea what they're doing, just check recent posts in r/moneromining 12:59:14 <HashVault> 80+ proxy connections. Bet it's AWS behind. 12:59:25 maybe we should add a proxy to moneroworld 12:59:37 I think I know why hashvault, lol 12:59:39 https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig/blob/master/scripts/pool_mine_example.cmd 12:59:41 that distributes incoming miners to multiple various pools 12:59:51 it's good that I chose smaller pool for sample cmd script 13:06:09 also the hashrate available on nicehash seems to have increased substantially since I last checked, now at 200 MH/s 13:11:50 https://solo-xmr.2miners.com/account/83P4Mxrhp6ida65XoizK9t4PEez4hwQiUih5kVdwcj8v9NrqWwhPapiMNFf9Ws61uqdTn8gf4NYRgaco1W2otazr8mMEtJD 13:11:53 approaching 500 MH/s 13:13:14 so that's almost 1 GH/s of new hashrate 13:14:12 hashvault miner is also solo 13:14:42 probably the same entity 14:10:41 some person who had similar hashrate a couple days ago? 15:13:05 wow, 800 mh/s 15:16:36 +170 mh/s on hashvault 15:17:41 i guess someone's figured out the best way to get monero without paperwork 15:18:10 unless aws is hacked. wonder how long it'll be till we see an article about a new backdoor in aws :) 15:18:49 mebbe it's another part of SolarWinds hack ;) 15:19:34 if this is AWS and we wanted to buy hashpower to prevent 51% attack, how much would we have to buy, how much cost? 15:20:08 an arm and a leg 15:32:44 we had some cloud miners in the past with similar hashrate IIRC 17:36:02 on M$ Azure, yeah 17:36:17 I wonder if Azure has closed that out of its terms of use yet 21:21:20 looks like it's over: https://solo-xmr.2miners.com/account/83P4Mxrhp6ida65XoizK9t4PEez4hwQiUih5kVdwcj8v9NrqWwhPapiMNFf9Ws61uqdTn8gf4NYRgaco1W2otazr8mMEtJD 21:30:31 tevador looks like design oversight https://github.com/tevador/RandomX/pull/201 21:30:42 I confirm it doesn't change resulting hashes 21:33:11 Although specs.md doesn't mention this XOR 21:54:29 lol, my ARM JIT code didn't have that XOR from the very beginning because I made it by reading specs.md 21:55:11 lol 21:55:21 that's what you get for reading the docs :P 21:55:57 spent 20 minutes trying to find it there :D 21:56:15 I was just looking too, and was like "hm, not here" 23:28:19 sech1: you are the author of it: https://github.com/tevador/RandomX/commit/93fec18991ddcb4419cd052e7dc375702650a62c#diff-3211a86043e669521f028c24f557e8d7f932c1b538b1d3a59e21022bc758ca1aR93-R94 23:29:26 I couldn't recall writing this code 23:46:14 hmm... 23:46:23 Now I remember something 23:46:49 I think that XOR was just taken out of the main loop 23:49:27 yes, I just copied the main loop logic there to compensate the move of said logic to the end of the loop