02:47:42 https://www.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/ik1gxy/bitcoin_monero_comparison_did_i_miss_something/g3jsz0m?context=4 02:47:47 you have fans in /r/buttcoin 02:53:36 I just told him he could pop on over here to chat if he wants to 06:44:19 lol. glad he gets it. 06:45:05 people who said "anything can be ASIC'd" just didn't understand hardware architecture 07:57:41 Just so you know, CPUs and GPUs are also ASICs, technically 07:58:34 their applications is just not mining 08:05:13 milan is close to being out for server market 08:07:00 October 8th is Zen3 presentation from AMD, last I heard 09:04:10 I thought that was just an announcement date. they announced their announcement 11:01:26 how can do an announcement announcement just out of the blue? they should have announced the announcement announcement weeks ago to prepare us! 11:58:43 but they did announce October 8th announcement 11:58:53 that's how I know about it :D 15:30:32 qwertycoin was looking to hire someone to implement randomx for them 15:30:38 https://www.upwork.com/job/Random-Mining-Algorithm-Implementation_~01326739f7804efe5d/ 15:31:35 the job description just said "if you don't know what this means you're not qualified" 15:31:59 sounds like a post I'd write ;) 15:32:05 lol 15:32:53 They still have another job open, to implement LMDB for the blockchain 15:32:55 https://www.upwork.com/job/Implementation-LMDB-Lightening-Memory-Mapped-Database-for-Cryptocurrency-Project_~01e90bc11c49208df5/ 15:33:23 mooo if you don't already have enough work ;) 15:33:24 Lightening, because it's to slim it down ? 15:33:28 lol 15:33:39 Thanks, I'm pretty busy with my current stuff ^_^ 15:33:55 yeah, I'm not interested