08:17:47 I think the hashrate there is calculated from the difficulty, so it's the running average over the last 720 blocks <-- the most extremes quantiles are not part of computation though, no? So if a block is particularly fast or slow, the difficulty (and hashrate) will appear not to change as the block is "ignored" 08:19:37 selsta ^ the computed hashrate may not always appear to change from one block to another 10:45:59 binaryFate: yep but let’s say suddenly half the hashrate drops, would it take ~720 blocks for it to fully update? 10:59:26 675 blocks 11:00:29 75 blocks before difficulty starts to react and then 600 more to fully adjust (out of 720, top and bottom 60 are discarded) 11:02:38 75 is because there's also 15 block lag before it takes 720 blocks to calculate the difficulty 11:08:01 ok thanks I understand it now 11:14:26 tevador: where on page 88 of https://github.com/zcash/zips/blob/master/protocol/protocol.pdf do you see distinct index requirement? 12:54:29 tromp: https://i.imgur.com/9FkISpe.png 12:55:33 that's describing the gernealized birthday problem 12:56:39 the equihash conditions should all be specified following "A valid Equihash solution is t" 12:57:31 i think for a spec this is ambiguous at best 12:58:10 did you check what zcash verification code does? 13:02:05 https://github.com/zcash/zcash/blob/master/src/crypto/equihash.cpp#L755 13:03:41 so zcash has abandoned ProgPoW? 13:03:52 and they want to move off equihash still? 13:05:36 hyc: zcash has been using equihash since the beginning, it's ethereum which considered progpow 13:06:21 yes... 13:06:31 but zcash had been talking about moving off equihash for a while now 13:06:53 although then it seemed they gave up on the idea of changing, and were just going to live with ASICs 13:07:11 and ProgPoW was one of the aglos they were looking at switching to 13:10:22 AFAIK they considered changing their PoW in 2018 when the first ASICs appeared, but they decided not to do anything 13:17:45 you're right; they do enforce distinct indices. they actually do 2^17-1 comparisons to check. 13:19:35 if allowing identical indices in your equix only produces a tiny fraction of additional solution, then i see no point in forbidding them 13:57:19 tromp: 128k comparisons? I'd like to see their solution verification time... 14:51:15 correction; that's (512 choose 2) = 2^17-2^8 comparisons. still close to 128K. 14:54:33 ZCash PoW solution also dominates header size at 1344 bytes 14:55:03 how big is Monero header? 14:57:01 Empty block is around 115 bytes 15:02:29 I'm not sure why exactly they chose Equihash 200,9 - there are much better options with faster verification and smaller proofs 15:10:26 because they rushed the launch and thought other variants might take too many seconds per attempt 15:11:24 also they (actually, the Equihash authors) badly misjudged the space required to solve 200,9 15:12:28 by the time they held the miner implementation challenge, they were alrd pretty much committed to 200,9 15:13:20 the entries in that contest showed that it required far less memory than the 1GB they imagined 15:46:40 Empty block is more than < 100 bytes IIRC. 15:47:24 I see a recent one at 96 bytes (2112514). 15:50:22 Yes, it's 96 bytes or more, depending on extra nonce size. 15:57:25 that's the miner tx size; maybe 'block size' isn't taking into account the header properly 15:58:17 the header should be at least 42 bytes I think 16:01:45 Oh. Good point...