08:54:16 look who's back https://xmr.nanopool.org/account/49DSeWApDUwFk3bY3Y5WBzbHjxnFHiHBnKqRKuQVw6thLcsD3qHMe7egkpME219afYjYih31anEEncgMU65AsPMRQsqn9bn 09:53:27 https://xmr.nanopool.org/account/4567eQgtSLv8i7Si277zY9759PtSkLrPifEuoRrkBEbxRyToY4c9w9ybhhxGzZ2LoYSjaSAMnWVHSAad2h9pBHbVU1XeAsY 09:54:54 looks like he learned about proxy mining 10:57:24 No, 4567eQ... is someone else, he's been mining since February 11:42:05 ah my mistake 11:43:00 why do you say 49D is back? 12:36:33 He had different address before, but it's the same behavior on this one 12:36:52 slow hashrate growth and many workers 13:29:30 Makes sense 21:03:53 how quickly does the hashrate in the daemon update? 21:04:00 the global hashrate 21:08:58 I think the hashrate there is calculated from the difficulty, so it's the running average over the last 720 blocks 21:59:32 tromp: what is your opinion about this? https://github.com/tevador/equix/issues/1