22:38:44 In the past I remember mooo suggesting for GUI to adopt `src/wallet/api/*` 22:39:39 It's a shame we can't, due to possible software we don't know about that are using wallet/api 22:40:15 cake wallet uses it, monerujo, others too I think 22:40:25 Most likely, yes. 22:40:27 wooders libs 22:40:46 Suppose wooder goes straight into wallet2, but I have not checked. 22:41:30 Perhaps we should deprecate it. 22:41:38 over on Monero 22:41:50 but is it better if every project has their own version? 22:41:55 and clients responsible for integrating it 22:41:58 and make* 22:42:05 we need an alternative first before deprecating it 22:42:13 Or move it to a separate repo. Thing is, it can't be tested without the GUI (or other software that uses it). 22:42:46 https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/monero-cpp 22:42:51 > Modify CMakeLists.txt: option(BUILD_GUI_DEPS "Build GUI dependencies." ON) 22:42:52 Then again, my primary annoyance with it was that it added a lot of time to every build changing wallet2.h for stuff I did not care about :P 22:42:54 seems like libwalelt 22:43:11 Now that it doesn't build by default, it's kinda out of sight out of mind, so I don't mind now. 22:43:18 But it means it breaks from time to time. 22:43:26 My biggest annoyonce with wallet/api is that it's not a very good API. 22:43:29 it runs in CI for every build 22:43:32 so it did not break in a while 22:43:39 That's good. 22:44:44 * selsta does not know how a good wallet api would look like 22:45:36 receive_money(uint46_t amount_you_want) 22:46:22 Ill rephrase, since it might be offensive to the person that initially wrote it ... It's a good initial API that made it possible for Monero GUI, and other programs to be made. But now that we're doing some exotic stuff in my project, we've run into missing functionality, questionable architecture in some cases .. and some bugs. 22:47:15 We'll upstream stuff, but at the same time we can't break backward compat. 22:47:25 Hence I was thinking about deprecation. 22:48:33 (or a seperate repo) 22:56:10 selsta: The fact woodser uses `BUILD_GUI_DEPS` doesn't mean he's using wallet/api 22:56:16 I'd have to check, or ask woodser. 22:56:35 libwallet is basically "wallet2 + other monero core stuff in a lib" 22:58:13 possible 23:05:22 Here's a diagram we've made btw https://i.imgur.com/hGSlKAL.png 23:05:44 It's wallet2 -> api/wallet -> libwalletqt -> libwalletqt -> feather 23:06:08 this api/wallet step is awkward / limiting 23:06:28 can feather use wallet2 directly? 23:06:59 or can libwalletqt use wallet2 directly 23:07:29 Yes. 23:07:44 Honestly I don't know why that api/wallet step is in there. 23:08:04 It fixes stuff that ought to be fixed by clients 23:08:30 And it limits *what* you can use from wallet2, I suppose. 23:09:10 IIRC it was to offer some API that was not going to break. 23:09:10 You can work around that by changing wallet/api .. but then you have a patch, which you need to upstream .. and not break backward compat. 23:09:20 (I might be wrong, that's my dim recollection) 23:09:30 interesting mooo 23:13:26 Maybe we should code against wallet2 .... 23:17:04 Ill keep upstreaming patches, as per my promise to add functionality that the GUI can also make use of. 23:17:54 contact editing looks useful :D 23:18:06 did not look at the other yet 23:18:57 Coins (txo manipulation) will be next 23:19:28 w0w 23:19:30 It touches wallet2 too, introduced a mutex somewhere to prevent race condition / segfault with other part of the wallet2 code 23:19:50 Just have to look mooo with puppy eyes and it will surely go in ^^ 23:19:57 Ship it. 23:20:00 See. 23:20:11 👀