19:21:58 thanks for the help dsc_ , finally have the libraries building now. 19:23:23 had to dig through the qt make targets in order to fix the problem. It was some weird generated file problem. 19:41:14 good to hear TheCharlatan 19:41:35 TheCharlatan: was it something regarding xcb-util by any chance ? :P 19:42:44 no 19:43:38 part of the problem was that it messed up the paths of all those mkspecs/config files that qmake needs. 19:43:57 lovely. 23:57:19 just rebased and saw that there are a bunch of extra plugins that need to be supported now. uff. Anyway, at least it is building qt 5.15 now and picking up the libraries. 23:58:25 with "it" I mean the depends - no binaries yet obviously.