00:22:48 .mers 00:22:51 .merges 00:22:51 Merge queue empty 00:23:03 dsc_: bot broken? 00:23:24 :/ 00:24:31 btw are you on your linux machine 00:24:51 Yep broken, I was circumventing Github API limits by web scraping the issue/PR pages, which since the redesign have changed 00:25:38 selsta: Not right now, but can look tomorow 00:25:43 ok 06:35:24 dsc_: unauthenticated limit is 60 requests per hour, no? 06:35:29 so just poll once a minute? 06:35:51 "For API requests using Basic Authentication or OAuth, you can make up to 5000 requests per hour. " 06:35:53 or do that 12:18:38 fluffypony: tru 12:18:44 will fix .soon 12:19:21 <3 21:19:47 i noticed this cool new feature in the GUI to "enable displaying balance in other currencies". it didn't do anything when i ticked it though, even after restart. am i doing something wrong? 21:27:55 Where does it pull data from to get that information? 21:28:02 Kraken 21:28:16 iirc you have to double confirm it 21:28:18 Directly, or through a proxy? 21:28:23 directly 21:28:27 OK, so it won't do it by default? 21:28:31 cmon ;) 21:28:32 since that leaks information to kraken 21:28:57 Does it warn about this when you enable? 21:30:25 ^ dsc_ 21:32:21 dsc_ i double-confirmed it, but no USD displays anywhere as far as i can see 21:34:52 knaccc: Do you have a balance? (sorry, that was a joke). Ehm, looks like you found a bug :) 21:35:02 sarang: https://i.imgur.com/7Q5i74S.png <== please dont assume we are muppets :) 21:35:19 Well ok, only a little muppety sometimes. 21:35:31 :D 21:35:40 dsc_ hehe ok cool, thanks for letting me know. i love the light theme btw 21:35:44 ill create an issue :p 21:35:47 I wasn't accusing! I hadn't used the feature and wanted to make sure 21:36:06 Sorry if it sounded like it :/ 21:36:21 and the credit card style thing in the GUI in the top left is a stroke of genius. who came up with that idea? 21:45:48 sarang: it even randomizes the User-Agent! 21:46:26 knaccc: The designer, https://www.germanysbestkeptsecret.com/ 21:46:42 `User-Agent: no` 21:46:47 hehehe 21:48:00 dsc_ how did you find that designer? 21:48:52 knaccc: I think end of summer 2017 he posted a mock-up of how the Monero GUI could look (at that point still quite basic in terms of design), I sent him a message that I wanted to take a shot at implementing it 21:49:08 on reddit 21:49:09 oh wow, cool 21:49:21 so it was all for free then 21:49:33 I think so yeah 21:49:50 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EM-Q6DMXsAAnm9p?format=jpg&name=large 21:50:06 lol why does it say CUX 21:50:27 is that part of the TARD design process 21:51:10 o/ 21:52:14 o/\o 21:54:47 ohh it's the https://www.cryptouxhandbook.com/ guy 21:57:18 btw it is curious that after creating a subaddress and labelling it, in the transactions list it doesn't show the label of the subaddress that recevied the funds 21:57:47 so the only way to know is to click the i button, scribble down the subaddress first few chars, then go back to the subaddress list and correlate it with the label 22:25:46 knaccc: did you solve the usd balance issue? 22:27:16 you have to click on "XMR" to switch between XMR / USD 22:35:10 knaccc: Sounds .. annoying, perhaps justifies a feature request 22:45:21 selsta ahh, i didn't know i had to click the XMR symbol. unfortunately though, it shows the XMR balance properly, and when i click XMR, it changes to USD but says ?.?? suddenly 22:45:40 i've tried changing between the 3 currency providers and none work. the wallet is fully synced 22:45:48 which version are you using? 22:45:52 and which OS? 22:46:26 v0.16.0.0 (Qt 5.12.8) on MacOS 10.15.5 22:47:10 I have exactly the same and it works fine hmm 22:47:19 yikes ok 22:47:33 Can you go to Settings -> Layout 22:47:38 Settings -> Interface* 22:47:59 oh, hide balance ;) 22:48:01 https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/ZlqPbZfX/Screenshot%202020-07-06%20at%2000.47.44.png 22:48:05 does it look like this? 22:48:43 yes, exactly like that, except it shows EUR ?.?? 22:48:52 it shows the proper XMR balance though when i toggle back to XMR 22:49:01 what happens when you toggle "hide balance" ? 22:49:07 i just restarted teh wallet and that didn't help 22:49:30 can you open the GUI from the commandline and look if there is anything in the terminal logs? 22:50:00 toggling hide balance does nothing with USD/EUR since it's ?.?? either way, but toggling it when i'm in XMR mode does switch between the number and ?.?? 22:50:07 selsta sure 22:51:32 selsta hmm from the command line, doing "open /Applications/monero-wallet-gui.app" shows no logs 22:51:48 not like this 22:52:03 ogg i see 22:52:08 yeah ok i see logs now 22:52:31 /Applications/monero-wallet-gui.app/Contents/MacOS/monero-wallet-gui 22:52:32 ok 22:52:42 2020-07-05 22:51:58.871 W file:///Applications/monero-wallet-gui.app/Contents/Resources/qml/QtQuick/Controls/ApplicationWindow.qml:240:9: QML ContentItem: Binding loop detected for property "implicitWidth" 22:53:14 anything else? 22:54:01 oh ok i found it 22:54:04 Failed to connect to api.coingecko.com:443 22:54:21 but why 22:55:04 weird 22:55:25 Some problems at connect, message: Host is down 22:55:31 i'll try the other providers and see 22:56:04 oh i wonder if it's a LittleSnitch issue 22:56:14 maybe this is my fault :) 22:56:14 likely 22:57:08 omg sorry selsta dsc_ totally my fault :( 22:57:18 good news is it works great though :) 22:57:22 no problem :D 22:57:25 <3