03:28:11 dsc_: try "USE_SINGLE_BUILDDIR=ON DEV_MODE=ON make release -j3" 15:29:51 dsc_: yeah, "make release" should be enough 15:30:12 also you can check CI steps we are doing 15:30:42 Already implemented Windows and Linux CMake release build targets 15:34:19 xiphon: cool, I did not know that. Ill check it out 16:57:33 Should have known better. I was trying to compile the GUI with latest Qt version (5.15.0), and it will crash & burn. CMake works fine on 5.9.9 17:02:10 The CMake port is impressive work, thanks to those who worked on it 18:19:38 Damnit, still can't get CLion to compile the GUI 18:27:04 make[2]: *** No rule to make target 'monero/external/easylogging++/libeasylogging.a', needed by 'bin/monero-wallet-gui'. Stop. 18:30:02 its looking for .a while .so exists hmmz 19:13:59 xiphon: I've located the issue with CMake, running with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug will yield the error above 19:14:39 If you could verify would be great, till then ill use QtCreator+qmake (booo) 19:30:45 "$ make debug" also failing on the core `monero` repo 19:32:00 nvm, scratch that