mj-xmr_luigi1111, monero-project/monero #7356 can be closed. Resolved by monero-project/monero #7368
luigi1111Alright I will take a look later
ErCiccioneI still need the definitions for some RPC calls that got edited/added. It's necessary to update the RPC dev guides: monero-project/monero-site #1448#issuecomment-772419506
ErCiccione^ any help would be appreciated.
gingeropolousi kinda like how the monero-guard "spam" is like an indicator of activity sessions now
mj-xmr_gingeropolous, there's beauty in everything.
mj-xmr_Fun fact. After tweaking some parameters, this is the header included the largest number of times. Misc logging.
mj-xmr_Now I can generate it after that tweaking that is.
mj-xmr_U like spaghetti?
hychmmm. Height: 2361764/2361764 (100.0%) on mainnet, not mining, net hash 2.61 GH/s, v14, 56(out)+149(in) connections, uptime 5d 10h 46m 47s
hycI didn't change my out_peers setting
hycso it should still be 12, not 56