14:29:36 I'm going to hazard a guess that RandomX won't work in armvl 14:29:46 but maybe hyc has thoughts 14:38:12 why not? It definitely works in interpreter mode 14:38:35 yeah, just not fast enough to be worthwhile 14:39:13 fast enough to be able to run a node though 14:39:29 if people are seriously going to use that, we should merge this PR https://github.com/tevador/RandomX/pull/148 14:42:34 just to be clear - armv7l means a modern ARMv8 CPU running in 32bit mode 14:42:43 as opposed to armv7a with is a 32bit CPU 14:44:04 s/with/which 15:31:00 arm7 / 8 are different to arm4l tho 15:31:25 arm4l on an embedded system might be severely constrained from a RAM / VM perspective 17:33:08 oh wait, are you talking arm7 or armv7? completely different things 17:33:43 but sure, if the box doesn't have at least 2.5GB RAM it's not gonna be pretty 17:34:22 and that's a really good point. most 32bit OSs only have 2GB user address space 17:34:42 2/2 user/kernel split is more common than 3/1 22:57:47 do people mine on linux w/ anything other than xmrig?