02:14:52 I can tell you why you can't stop the 'spam'. You are thinking in cult doctrine. If it was real spam, and I was selling Viagra for example - you could easily ban keywords and urls. Instead, stop being a sheep, think like a cult leader. Recoginse that this 'spam' is just some bullshit that you tell to the sheep. 02:14:52 When you do that, solution will present itself. Observe. 'spam' -> 'FUK talks bad things about Monero on our IRC' (Don't say that out loud obviously, that will get you excommunicated) Solution? Get off-the-shelf sentiment analyser, detect anyone who 'talks bad things about Monero' and ban them. 11:30:23 Word of guys running Monero community should be BELIEVED. Why would anyone that stole money and laughed at the losers that took the bait ever have a reason to lie to you? www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/6d6okb/what_fluffypony_just_did_is_not_ok/ 12:34:50 v0.17.2.0 binaries are now available at getmonero.org, great job everyone 12:52:04 I need testers to check how the content of the sources tarball put on the website can be automatically checked when I commit a new release to the website (just like the hashes are currently checked withhttps://github.com/selsta/monero-site/blob/715eab2cd10c770f6f814e40d0885068392e03a3/.github/workflows/hashes.yaml) 12:53:45 the job should be able to recreate the tarball from the github repo in the same way as I do, and then compare content to check there are no differences 12:55:10 but weirdly selsta has one line that is changing in one file when he's reproducing the exact same workflow. I'd like to know if there can be even more differences (and if so where they are coming from) 12:55:47 If you want to help can you run this https://paste.debian.net/1193199 and report the result of the "diff" commands at the end 13:00:18 I expect the diff results to be empty (directories to be exactly the same) 13:06:34 Connecting to dlsrc.getmonero.org (dlsrc.getmonero.org)||:443... connected. 13:06:37 HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden 13:06:51 For https://dlsrc.getmonero.org/gui/monero-gui-source-v0.17.2.0.tar.bz2 13:09:09 works for me right now 13:09:15 try https://downloads.getmonero.org/gui/monero-gui-source-v0.17.2.0.tar.bz2 ? 13:09:49 Works. 13:10:33 That one is though, different IP. 13:10:46 dlsrc works here too 13:10:51 it's CDN 13:11:40 Maybe they don't like tor. 13:12:11 yes possible that you're hitting cloudflare and they didn't like you 13:13:00 I don't like cloudflare so fair game. 13:13:23 :) 13:13:32 captchaflare 13:13:44 People who say they don't hate tor but make it so easy for others to block it. 13:13:58 afaik dlsrc is not a cdn 13:14:37 dlsrc -> CloudFlare 13:14:39 I think that's the direct but still through CF 13:14:42 downloads -> dlsrc -> CloudFlare 13:14:53 whois says cloudflare here. 13:15:12 the one that crack me up the most is exchanges/web wallets that use CF .. yes, very sensible idea 13:16:04 kayront: I don't think it's any different from running an F5 WAF in front of it 13:16:11 or a virtual appliance WAF on AWS 13:16:21 the WAF could be compromised in subtle ways 13:16:32 Do you give F5 WAF your SSL keys too ? 13:17:02 moneromooo: yes, otherwise it's a pretty useless WAF 13:17:26 fluffypony: i get your point, but i think it is, though. people have a valid expectation that they are connecting e2e to a certain server from a certain organization, and instead they end up connecting to an american megacorp and probably without realizing 13:17:39 A third party you have to give your keys to for security is also pretty useless by definition. 13:18:05 ofc you could make the same point about AWS, but in theory is seems easier to exfiltrate from CF instead of AWS. although probably both are happening pretty regularly :D 13:18:18 was about to make the AWS argument lol 13:18:33 you're either leveraging CF or similar for scale, or you're leveraging AWS / Azure / similar 13:18:42 no, i agree. i prefer to self-host as a matter of pricniple because of that & more 13:18:56 Sounds a lot like "this is not perfect either so we might as well go for the shittest". 13:18:58 might be a bit more expensive, but my dignity remains 13:18:58 lo 13:19:47 At least if people use cloud servers the enemy has to pwn lots of different places to slurp 50% of the whole internet. 13:20:07 moneromooo: or just pwn one datacenter :-P 13:20:09 Not just one (if they're actually different from NSA, which I hav emy doubts about). 13:20:29 Are you claiming all hosting companies are basically brands of a single one ? 13:20:40 https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/fbi-arrests-man-for-plan-to-kill-70-percent-of-internet-in-aws-bomb-attack/ 13:20:45 something tells me AWS has tools at the dom0/hypervisor to read process tables of guest OSes, dump process memory, exfiltrate passwords, and all that. it only makes sense 13:21:01 Should have gone for the DNS root servers and get 99%. 13:21:01 kayront: yeah pretty sure they do 13:21:19 otoh if it's physical tin it's not like the DC does a good job of protecting cages 13:21:22 something also tells me that data gets fed directly to our favorite 3 letter agencies 13:21:35 unless you have a really good relationship with them and you put your own cage in, but nowadays that's infrequent 13:21:56 * moneromooo quite likes the idea of putting cloudflare in a cage... 13:22:01 lol 13:22:15 i'd liek to put the FATF in a cage 13:22:21 and throw away the key 13:22:41 anyway, I think that it's largely a losing battle on clearnet - if you want e2e straight to the server you need an overlay network like Tor or i2p 13:23:09 Except if all the nodes are MITMed by cloudflare. 13:23:13 coming up next: CF Tor Onion Acceleratorâ„¢ 13:23:35 something pretty cool that never got much traction is onioncat. do you guys know it? 13:23:51 the VPN thing? 13:23:52 Never heard, but it evokes interesting images. 13:23:59 haha moneromooo 13:24:03 yeah fluffypony, in some sense 13:24:15 https://github.com/rahra/onioncat 13:24:19 aiui it's a VPN overlay for Tor 13:25:05 quick reading the readme tells me they never found a good solution for V3 addresses, whcih is a shame 13:25:43 the length of v2 addrs used to match perfectly for the scheme, not so much anymore.. manual configuration for every single host kind of (but not entirely, depending on use case) defeats the purpose 13:28:10 ah yeah 13:33:03 i used to daydream how cool it could be to offer onioncat-only hosting for people at home - the main reason i wouldn't rent zones/jails/containers/vms right now is all the liability that could bring, not unlike running a tor exit in a way .. but if everything (and I mean everything, like onioncat pkg servers, etc) was going over tor, then yolo 13:33:18 xmr accepted there ofc 13:33:19 :p 13:34:22 nice 13:34:55 binaryFate: empty diffs after changing dlsrc to downloads. 13:35:52 moneromooo: is the hash reproducible? 13:36:16 Of what excatly ? 13:36:23 I don't see an obvious hash displayed. 13:36:32 ok good 13:36:43 I mean do you get the same source tarball hash as on getmonero.org 13:36:55 you could set up trustworthy hosting with AMD Epyc servers. hardware-encrypted VM RAM that the host can't decrypt 13:36:58 unfortunately git-archive is not deterministic apparently because it embeds the PID into the archive 13:37:19 moneromooo linux or macos? 13:37:32 doubt that mooo would use macos :D 13:37:48 right, I retract that question ^^ 13:38:30 It did not create compressed tarballs here, so does not apply. 13:39:03 it shoud have, and then uncompressed them 13:39:14 bzip2 foo.tar sounds inherently non deterministic since small changes in bzip2 would cause different output (ie, slightly better compression). 13:39:39 Right, I see bunzip2 in the script. I'll re-run and not delete. 13:43:39 mistery is that selsta does the exact same workflow on macos and one line in one file ends up changed in his tarballs 13:44:11 Is that... a puzzling fog ? 13:45:45 ? 13:46:30 Nevermind. Mistery. 13:46:45 * moneromooo likes puns a bit too much 13:48:13 I have to google that sort of stuff to check if it's not an expression with a specific meaning that I don't know 13:48:50 The hashes are different. 13:49:05 yes, but the diff is empty? 13:49:10 Yes. 13:49:36 hyc: I did not know about that. looks pretty cool on first read. what guarantees do we have in terms of auditability (that it does what it says it does), or, how is it different than SGX or a hw RNG in terms of trusting its magic? 13:49:40 ok so that workflow can be used to check tarball is ok. Except for the mistery. 13:53:43 kayront: no guarantees that there is no NSA-sponsored backdoor. but AMD has a pretty good track record on this feature. 13:54:03 https://www.amd.com/en/processors/amd-secure-encrypted-virtualization 13:54:45 it is quite different from SGX. Every VM has its own AES key, handled internally by the CPU itself, never visible to user code 13:54:50 selsta: what is the line/file that's different ? 13:55:33 moneromooo line 35 of cmake/Version.cmake 13:55:53 the $Format:$ becomes an empty string 13:56:16 Do other $Format:$ in other files (if you add them) also do the same ? 13:57:07 can try 13:58:08 I don't see what in that workflow can evaluate anything 13:58:30 maybe you have some local hooks interacting on git-archive 13:58:51 Sounds like CVS, but... should be long dead. 14:00:24 15:56 <+moneromooo> Do other $Format:$ in other files (if you add them) also do the same ? <-- yes 14:01:40 try to set Format="foo" in your shell and redo? 14:03:47 Next step is to add xterm -e sh between each step, so you can grep to see when it changes :) 14:04:39 Maybe "$Version:$" would also cause the culprit to identify itself. 14:06:46 don't have xterm here 14:07:07 Just sh will do, if it's not redirected. 14:07:22 Or any windowed tty program. 14:07:30 ../git-archive-all.sh: line 214: [: -eq: unary operator expected 14:07:36 not sure if that is related 14:12:20 If you replace with "$Format:%H$", do you get a hash instead of empty ? 14:18:35 If yes, I think the fix might be to add a .gitattributes file in the monero root directory with "* -export-subst" in it. 14:19:14 (alternatively, check your global git settings for export-subst) 14:20:07 no, it just also is gone 14:20:08 no hash 14:20:56 Including the %H ? 14:21:03 yes 14:21:37 hmm wait 14:22:33 Release available -> https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/mor649/cli_gui_v01720_oxygen_orion_released/ 14:23:49 Could try $Format:%Credfoo%Creset$ 14:24:01 If it doesn't display foo in red, then it's not export-subst for sure. 14:24:06 ok so git-archive-all undoes my changes 14:24:15 might have to commit them 14:27:41 15:56 <+moneromooo> Do other $Format:$ in other files (if you add them) also do the same ? <-- after commiting the changes, no 14:27:48 I added it to the readme and it stayed there 14:28:05 that's... weird 14:28:50 Do you have a .gitattributes file in ~ ? 14:29:07 no 14:29:08 Or wherever you might have user or system config 18:29:12 Will you HODL XMR or dump it for Tari when it comes out? Will others? 21:06:11 congrats on the synchronous CLI and GUI releases y'all!