01:16:08 -xmr-pr- crlsim opened issue #6925: There were 0 blocks in the last 20 minutes,v0.17.1.1 01:16:08 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/6925 04:52:36 Hey guys, we have a new channel #monero-support that we've just spun up. If any of you code gurus want to help out, feel free to join up. It's currently got a bot that polls /r/monerosupport every half hour, but we're working on more functionality 04:53:21 the volume of support requests has grown immensely in the past two months, I'm doing what I can to stem the tide 04:59:15 m2049r: saw the same "failed" on a tx sent from latest monerujo using a 17.1.1 node - which suddenly was sent. Guessing it is also a case of D++ delays 04:59:47 (that I've seen in the CLI after 17.something) 05:46:08 -xmr-pr- bitcodernull opened issue #6926: Node stops syncing at 2210720 05:46:09 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/6926 07:52:04 figured out the DNS issue 07:52:07 always good to have fresh eyes 08:04:03 nice 08:49:40 hello 08:49:59 I should just update site right? 08:52:36 yep 09:23:57 done 10:33:19 oh and DNS recs are done, forgot to mention that 10:39:55 yep, tested it and shows up, thanks 13:17:46 selsta : I'm little unsure what you meant - it was in your local mempool via non-restricted rpc for 6 minutes, before you saw it show up in an external block explorer (or similar)? 13:18:19 yes 13:18:43 show_transfers showed it as failed 13:18:55 and a couple minutes later it got confirmed 13:19:18 I thought in unrestricted mode it should not switch to failed as long as it is in the mempool? 15:34:46 Hi 15:35:31 The following RPC api call returns an error 15:35:31 "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":\"0\",\"method\":\"import_multisig_info\",\"params\":{\"info\":[\""multisig_info"\"]}}" 15:35:44 {"code":-1,"message":"Error calling import_multisig"} 15:44:22 what can be the error? 16:14:19 hi 16:14:33 has the import_multisig_info RPC call changed recently? 16:19:55 Not that I know of. 16:20:15 then the following RPC call should return normal 16:20:16 "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":\"0\",\"method\":\"import_multisig_info\",\"params\":{\"info\":[\""multisig_info"\"]}}" 16:20:17 Bump logs (--log-level 1 should be enough). 16:20:27 instead I get {"code":-1,"message":"Error calling import_multisig"} 16:25:55 Inge-: argh. hope that gets fixed soon. i am considering removing the "failed" state and pretending its just in the pool. 17:56:22 m2049r: It has been claimed that once all/most nodes upgrade to D++ support the median time-to-mempool could be ~3s - which would be awesome 17:57:02 That's if they don't get routed to nodes that drop them on the floor, which the assholes seem to do, from what I've read here. 17:58:03 another trick up the scoring-sleeve then. if a tx sent to a peer node doesn't appear in the mempool - "You're an asshole!" 17:58:33 No, it might be the next in the chain. 18:00:36 argh 18:03:21 What if we rank peers by their "usefulness" and don't send tx to peers who haven't relayed any transactions or blocks before? 18:03:41 or rather prefer peers which did relay some data 18:04:52 That seems like a good idea at first glance... 18:05:48 if peer relayed a tx which later ended up in a mined blocks -> up his rank 18:06:11 because fake peers can relay some fake data, but mined blocks are more reliable source of data 18:06:18 if a peer gave you a higher block than your top -> up your rank 18:06:41 their* 18:06:54 block height is not reliable test, they can change it in the next update 18:07:16 If it passes verification, you don't really care. 18:07:48 ok, then if it's a valid tx then up peer's rank - even simpler to implement 18:08:53 this still doesn't prevent passive attacks where normal nodes are running, but with added "logging" 18:09:11 Txes might be enough. No PoW though. I could see someone sending txes for 0.000000001 and not caring if they get mined. 18:09:14 but active attacks where peers drop transactions are more annoying 20:25:27 m2049r: we had this with GUI but then failed transactions stay as pending and people also get confused 20:25:41 is latest monerujo based on v0.17.1.1 ? 22:29:41 Are there any known issues with v0.17.x.x (any minor) running on 32-bit systems? 22:29:55 no 22:30:03 CLI I assume? 22:31:20 Yeah. I compiled which built fine, and runs for approx 30 minutes (Raspberry Pi 4) before: Message from syslogd@PiNodeXMR at Oct 21 07:55:39 ... 22:31:21 0x722b9462) 22:32:11 I'd like to work through some sort on meaningfull debugging to find the source as it's very unusual my project encounters any issue with the official monero releases 22:33:26 run under gdb 22:33:41 This also happns with the pre-compiled arnv7 32-bit from get monero. And when I checked out v0.17.1.0. I'm about go back further to try v0.17.0.1 22:33:59 what is the complete error message? 22:34:18 if you pasted it here, it seems to have been truncated. use a pastebin 22:34:27 Sure do you have a tip for doing this within the terminal. I've tried but this causes the window to crash so I'm unable to exit to use "bt full" 22:36:54 The complete message displayed in the terminal (not gdb) at point of crash is https://pastebin.com/CmhUSDwA 22:38:06 that error message is a kernel error 22:38:21 so gdb of monerod would be irrelevant 22:38:47 sounds like whatever version of kernel you're running, you need an upgrade. 22:38:55 if it still happens, it means your hardware is failing 22:40:04 Thanks, out of the scope of Monero then. Thanks for your help. Getting there bit by bit, each new problem is a new lesson