01:26:55 well 5/8 is good. thought i got em all. damn thing didn't copmile 01:31:48 make sure to compile release not master 01:34:31 7 threads on an 8gb machine... there's your problem 03:01:09 -xmr-pr- xiphon opened pull request #6902: wallet2_api: implement stop() to interrupt refresh() loop once 03:01:09 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/6902 08:49:08 moneromooo how is that possible that I still old pre-CLSAG transactions popping up in the pool? Yes, they're not banned until block 2210720, but 0.16 wallets/nodes should stop syncing already 09:22:57 I guess that can also be formulated as "do remote v0.17 nodes ban v0.16 wallets ?" 10:55:36 hf done, right? 11:31:44 first one is done 11:31:45 0.16 node should stop syncing. 11:31:57 2nd one should be done tonight 13:20:30 FYI I switched to a self hosted matrix server. From now on i will be using this account for both IRC and Matrix communications. If you want to send me a DM (from matrix or IRC), send it to this handle. 14:55:29 Hi, I'm trying to invoke RPC commands using C++ httplib 14:56:24 I think there's a problem in the parameters passed 14:56:27 httplib::Params params{ { "jsonrpc", "2.0" }, { "id", "0" }, { "method", "create_wallet" }, { "filename", "test" } { "password", "test" } }; 14:57:02 auto res = client.Post("/json_rpc", params); 14:58:27 aubergine: not familiar with httplib - is params the request body and encoded as json? 14:58:45 I don't think so 14:58:52 it is sent as post parameters 14:59:37 like sending a form from a HTML page 14:59:49 everything goes inside the body as a json string 15:02:46 ok a single Json string? 15:05:15 yes. take a look at one of the examples, i think you're missing that the params get nested inside a new object: https://www.getmonero.org/resources/developer-guides/wallet-rpc.html#create_account 15:09:23 res = cli.Post("/json_rpc", "text", "text/plain"); 15:09:36 like this? where "text" is the json-encoded string 16:01:00 Does anyone know what the "Expected 129 tx(es), got 0" warning means? 16:01:16 My node keeps spamming this in bootstrap mode, did not see this before. 16:02:50 Odd, this message is in wallet2. Do you really mean node ? 16:07:51 Oh wait, no the GUI displays it 16:08:03 but have not seen it before and now I get it constantly 16:09:18 It means the wallet is requesting transactions from the txpool, and the daemon is not finding them. 16:09:47 Or not wanting to give them to you. Could be a fake daemon. A bug. Someone who doesn't like you. 16:10:59 yea, seems like I was again connected to one of those nodes that copied my block height 16:11:51 It was randomly chosen ? 16:12:30 I'm tending towards what gingeropolous suggested. Ask for a random block in your history, expect to get it back. If not, ban that peer. 16:12:49 Of course, the assholes can just subcontract this. 16:12:50 https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/12SWG1Jw/ 16:12:57 5 / 8 seem fake nodes 16:13:11 or is 2210127 the old chain? 16:13:38 local height: 2210127 16:13:41 so no, fake nodes 16:46:08 -xmr-pr- moneromooo-monero opened pull request #6903: README: add OSS-fuzz status banner 16:46:09 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/6903 23:11:02 Of course, the assholes can just subcontract this. <--- at some set of parameters and at some scale, this may become more costly than is wanted for the attacker. 23:18:28 and/or you can put a time limit on it. 23:18:48 so the response has to come back within some window relative to the peers general ping 23:18:59 Sucks to be a slow peer then. 23:19:16 well we could get some numbers 23:19:28 i got a pine64 sittin around and a 5400 rpm drive