00:01:08 -xmr-pr- xiphon opened pull request #6892: core_rpc_server: on_send_raw_tx - fix bootstrap daemon mode check 00:01:08 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/6892 00:01:09 -xmr-pr- xiphon opened pull request #6891: core_rpc_server: on_get_blocks - forward bootstrap daemon error 00:01:09 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/6891 00:16:08 -xmr-pr- xiphon opened pull request #6893: [release-v0.17] core_rpc_server: on_get_blocks - forward bootstrap dae... 00:16:09 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/6893 00:31:19 luigi1111w: could you merge 6868 now so that we avoid merge conflict later? 01:14:26 grydz: we will release v0.17.1.0 relatively soon, please update the ledger app to support both v0.17.0.0 and v0.17.1.0 01:15:08 the release contains only bug fixes, no ledger specific testing is required 01:21:52 yes 01:26:42 hyc: please rebase 6887 01:27:29 .merge+ 6893 01:27:29 Added 09:58:49 Hi, I've submitted a bugfix in pr #6894, hopefully theres time to include it in the next release 09:59:17 still time if it gets reviewed 09:59:36 please PR also against master if necessary 10:01:08 -xmr-pr- xnbya opened pull request #6894: [release-v0.17] core_rpc_server: getblocktemplate - fix next_seed_heig... 10:01:08 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/6894 10:09:07 ok thanks 10:16:08 -xmr-pr- xnbya opened pull request #6895: core_rpc_server: getblocktemplate - fix next_seed_height 10:16:08 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/6895 11:28:56 Seeing that I don’t have a way to contact anyone at Ledger I guess we are forced to use v0.17.0.2... 12:49:53 selsta: someone must have a way to reach somebody at ledger? 13:17:26 hyc: please rebase https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/6887 we plan to tag in a couple hours 13:17:51 We could PM their CTO on Reddit I suppose 13:17:53 He is quite active there 13:18:10 doubt he will reply in 1-2 hours 13:18:52 Well, last comment was a few hours ago -> https://www.reddit.com/user/btchip 13:20:37 ok looking 13:23:55 selsta: rebased 13:24:02 thanks 13:35:49 .merges 13:35:49 -xmr-pr- 6808 6822 6828 6833 6869 6870 6880 6883 6884 6887 6893 13:36:27 .merge+ 6894 13:36:27 Added 13:56:59 selsta, indeed we'll do that! 13:57:11 Do you plan to release CLI and GUI at the same time? 13:57:27 yes, both tomorrow if everything works well :) 13:58:12 all from Ledger side that has to be done is add support for both v0.17.0 and 0.17.1 here: https://github.com/LedgerHQ/app-monero/blob/master/src/monero_init.c#L182 13:59:26 Sure. 14:00:29 Does anyone here have a machine that can mine randomx with a large number of threads that's tuned ? I have a patch which might affect performance with lots of threads and I want to know if it does. 14:01:10 sech1: ^ ? 14:02:12 https://paste.debian.net/hidden/447d356d/ is the patch 14:05:31 does mining with xmrig count? 14:07:29 that shouldn't affect performance much 14:08:08 No, monerod only. 14:09:18 We'll release version 1.7.4 of the app before tomorrow: https://github.com/LedgerHQ/app-monero/pull/88 14:11:35 awesoe thank you :) 14:11:37 awesome* 14:14:41 We need a review for 6888 and 6889, then we can tag v0.17.1.0 14:26:34 .merge+ 6888 6889 14:26:34 Added 14:26:51 Quick q: if is a monerod update, is it a correct assumption that it should be fine to run 0.17.0.x + Ledger monero app 1.7.3 until next major release? 14:30:31 not sure what monerod update means 14:30:49 v0.17.0.x + Ledger 1.7.3 is fine until the next network upgrade, yes 14:31:00 but I would recommend updating as there are multiple wallet fixes too 15:02:20 .merges 15:02:20 -xmr-pr- 6808 6822 6828 6833 6869 6870 6880 6883 6884 6887 6888 6889 6893 6894 15:02:49 luigi1111w: we would be ready to merge and tag now 15:09:23 selsta: ack 15:24:51 yup 15:55:42 what is the effect of 6894? 15:58:47 AFAIK it allows miners to start setting up the next dataset while still mining on the old one. 16:01:00 I assume rw lock stuff is not necessary for this release? 16:01:08 -xmr-pr- moneromooo-monero opened pull request #6896: crypto: add a rw lock to rx_slow_hash for robustness 16:01:08 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/6896 16:01:19 Not necessary. 16:01:21 so the effect of it missing is just an optimization thing? 16:01:32 AFAIK yes, it is just that. 16:01:44 xnbya: is that what you use this for ? 16:02:49 luigi1111w: looks like we are good to tag 16:03:27 does moneromooo double confirm? 16:04:12 (v0.17.1.0) 16:05:54 I think so 16:19:21 Hi everyone 16:19:39 monero php integration no longer works after the recent fork. What has changed? 16:19:40 hi 16:19:40 https://github.com/monero-integrations/monerophp 16:19:46 CLSAG probably. 16:19:58 SerHack: ^ 16:20:09 mmm what does CLSAG mean? 16:20:19 the curl RPC call? 16:20:45 Exact meaning doens't matter, it's a change to the signatures. 16:20:55 Do you have any error message ? 16:21:36 yes 16:21:37 Invalid response data structure 16:21:52 looking up in the repository this error is generated at line 112 here https://github.com/monero-integrations/monerophp/blob/master/src/jsonRPCClient.php 16:23:09 Can you paste the remainder of the message on paste.debian.net ? It seems to also log the response it got. 16:24:01 https://paste.debian.net/1166991 16:25:25 CLSAG changes should not have caused that. 16:25:57 Do you know how to log pMethod/pParams ? 16:26:21 Oh, looks like it logs request, which should be that. 16:26:23 no but I saw a debug function within the code 16:26:44 So switch to debug, and paste the request please. 16:26:49 I'm pretty sure something has changed, such error has never appeared in two months 16:26:50 like that? 16:26:51 selsta 16:27:07 yay 16:27:17 now we also have to do gui 16:28:40 Aubergine: Thanks. I'll look for that tonight 16:31:14 SerHack ok ping me if you need help 16:51:51 iDunk: hyc: TheCharlatan: scoobybejesus: v0.17.1.0 is tagged 16:52:05 (reproducible builds), and whoever else wants to participate 16:52:41 moneromooo: yes the next_seed_hash is used to set up the next dataset for share verification 16:54:23 and its also sent to pool miners, I'm unaware of any miners which currently use it tho 16:55:57 xmrig doesn't use it 17:36:31 xmrig doesn't even use it? ironic 17:37:04 although I'm wondering how it would ever be an optimization - it would eat CPU & memory bandwidth to prep the next dataset in advance anyway 17:37:17 which would hurt mining throughput while generating 17:38:42 if no one uses it ... and it's actually of questionable usefulness, maybe better to drop it entirely 17:39:47 selsta: I can write something for the mailing list I guess 17:39:50 I can think of a very special case. Say it takes you 2 minutes to generate the data set (extreme example of course). You connect to a pool on the last block before an epoch change. 17:39:53 Now that the tag has been set 17:40:08 You then decide to generate the next epoch's data set and not bother wit the current one. 17:40:24 dEBRUYNE: thanks 17:42:16 yeah quite a rare case moneromooo 17:42:33 I'm a coder. I think of these things -_- 17:42:45 but I guess so. if any miner actually bothers to implement it 17:43:24 so whats 17.1 all about? 17:43:35 gingeropolous: bug fixes 17:45:07 but a full decimal delimiter hop .. ? 17:45:41 https://paste.debian.net/1166997/ 17:46:22 https://paste.debian.net/hidden/a15ce47c/ 17:55:22 starting a build now 18:16:08 -xmr-pr- vtnerd opened pull request #6897: Add support for i2p and tor seed nodes 18:16:08 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/6897 18:40:47 .merge+ 6867 6863 18:40:47 Added 18:46:54 https://reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/jajm84/cli_v01710_oxygen_orion_has_been_tagged_you_may/ 18:59:02 iDunk scoobybejesus is the linux 64 available to dl somewhere 19:03:15 luigi1111w: https://gui.xmr.pm/files/cli/v0.17.1.0/monero-linux-x64-v0.17.1.0.tar.bz2 19:03:24 thx 19:42:41 ok, so with the "nodes-syncing-don't-relay-so-borks-stem" issue, is it possible for a node to check (and thus relay) a transaction even if the node doesn't have complete chain info? 19:43:05 i.e., can you validate a tx if you can only access n/11 inputs? 19:43:23 If you have all the outputs if refers to, yes. 19:43:37 That's assuming you're on the partial main chain though. 19:44:11 ok, so you *do* need all of the outputs it refers to 19:44:50 so if my node was 1k blocks behind, and a tx came in and 5/11 outputs i have access to, but I don't have the other 6, I can't say "well, these 5 check out, so the other 6 must be good" 19:45:00 the outputs it uses as inputs 19:47:39 if you miss just one then you can't check it's not a trickery of sort 19:48:51 If you have all the outputs if refers to, yes. <--- conceptually yes but in practice isn't a daemon currently syncing not relying anything? 19:49:16 We could implement RFC 3514 for those cases. 19:49:23 ok. i was just curious if there's some cryptohashmagic that says hash(N sub 1-5) + hash(N sub 6-11) = hash(N sub 1-11) 19:49:50 When a daemon is syncing, it drops txes currently. 19:50:03 replace hash with "curve dither monomer" or whatever else it may be 19:50:10 hash(N shub - niggurath) 19:50:42 shubadubdub, 3 hash in a tub 19:50:52 comment in code says "while syncing, core will lock for a long time, so we ignore those txes" 19:52:50 i guess im curious what "while syncing" means. does that mean IBD? Or does that mean anytime a peer says "hey I have a new block", because that's technically syncing. 19:53:13 or u bring a node back online, and it needs 10 blocks. 19:53:47 cause it seems that dandelion works best with a lotta nodes 19:56:14 --- OR - why not just let daemons relay without checking while in stem phase, and then validate in fluff? 19:56:47 What problem are you trying to solve right now? 19:59:47 Is there a document we can look up to see the wallet RPC API changes between v0.16.0.3 and v0.17.1.0? 20:00:09 Every time there's an upgrade we have to figure out API changes by trial and error, it's quite annoying. 20:01:37 What problem are you trying to solve right now? >>> the network not being able to utilize all available nodes as relays for dandelion routing. 20:02:13 Alex_LocalMonero: I suppose you could use this (partly) -> https://github.com/monero-project/monero/commits/master/src/rpc 20:02:27 i imagine the steady state of the network will be n% of always on machines, and 100-n% of machines that come and go sporadically 20:03:17 these come and go are most likely syncing-up when they come on, so they are re-integrating into the network in preparation to submit a transaction 20:04:44 but mebbe its nothing 20:10:47 built http://paste.debian.net/1167013/ 20:11:44 matches iDunk 22:21:25 let's see how long this little box takes to sync 23:16:08 -xmr-pr- xiphon opened pull request #6898: device: Ledger - update status codes 23:16:08 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/6898