01:17:43 Huh. Yep. Checked the code. Unfortunately it selects random out peer 01:21:10 So the only question remaining is do nodes that are not synced immediately drop all transactions? 01:21:20 sure, they do 01:22:32 https://github.com/xiphon/monero/blob/4ff2074c74bcd3a7132e79d7297f7b401f951b64/src/cryptonote_protocol/cryptonote_protocol_handler.inl#L934 02:53:41 vtnerd: please take a look at https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/6875/ 03:01:08 -xmr-pr- xiphon opened pull request #6875: Dandelion++: skip desynced peers in stem phase (public networks) 03:01:08 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/6875 06:24:00 Are blocks 20 mins now instead of 2 mins? 08:04:19 Lolwut? 08:04:32 it happens 09:46:08 -xmr-pr- gillkaurav opened issue #6876: Monero 09:46:08 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/6876 11:18:18 nice catch xiphon. I've seen quite a lot of people reporting delays before it is visible to receiver (several minutes) clearly indicating initial broadcast failing. Hopefully that was mostly due to that. 12:03:13 yeah, noticed the delays a while back, will see how it goes 14:22:55 What's your development environment look like when you're working on Monero? There isn't an MSVC .sln file. What IDE are you using? Thanks 14:23:59 Mmmmmmmmmmm: you don't need an ide :) just cmake and make. if you really want one, clion works well, but it uses lots of memory on big projects like monero 14:24:00 cmake 14:24:24 it can in theory create MSVC solution too, but I haven't tried it 14:25:09 and it probably won't compile 14:25:53 yeah i think he discovered last time it doesn't build with msvc. i think you can get visual studio to use clang though 14:26:37 So MSVC becomes just a spyware layer over CLANG ? 14:26:54 Given Windows can now run ubuntu, it's just a spyware layer over linux. 14:27:20 Makes you wonder why they still manage to peddle that. 14:28:07 but I love spyware! https://yro.slashdot.org/story/16/06/10/1350245/visual-studio-2015-c-compiler-secretly-inserts-telemetry-code-into-binaries 14:28:29 Must be why people love bitcoin. 14:28:40 PLEASE SEE ALL MY TXES I FEEL SO LONELY 14:28:53 Oops, that's -dev. /me slithers away 14:33:21 It wont with MSVC, you're right. But I mean, but when I'm working on projects at work I work with MSVC and .sln/vcxproj files. I have everything in my IDE, and I can easily work on various .h or .cpp files (https://i.imgur.com/0Jjfu5z.png). What's the workflow for working on Monero? Do people open the individual cpp or .h file they want to change 14:33:22 on their branch, make the change, write some tests, run the tests, then rebuild the application before submitting a MR? 14:36:52 As opposed to... what (modulo tests) ? 14:37:15 typically changes will involve multiple files, but... yes I guess ? 14:38:29 Ok, thanks for confirming. 18:21:03 Is there any plan to move to C++17? 18:21:45 There are some parts written in plain C even. 18:22:44 moving for the sake of moving is not a good idea. There must be clear benefits from this 18:28:12 (y) 18:50:25 ping TheCharlatan do you have time to take a look at https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/6862 ? 18:50:37 we will do a point release soon most likely 18:51:16 Reminder that as for every year , few days ago a new haktoberfest started. It's a good way to attract contributor and gives the possibility to win a t shirt or plant a tree. This year repositories have to opt in. To opt in is enough to put "hacktoberfest" to the topics of the monero repositories 18:52:00 I would put it on monero-site and monero-gui, but also monero. 18:52:10 https://hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com 18:52:11 ErCiccione[m: hacktoberfest was a shitshow this year sadly, lots of spam contributions on other repository 18:52:58 yeah, it's amazing what garbage people will spew to get a t-shirt 18:53:06 yeah, i haven't participated in the last couple of year. The new opt-in rule was just added to avoid spam 18:53:42 https://joel.net/how-one-guy-ruined-hacktoberfest2020-drama 18:53:45 the updated rules: https://hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com/hacktoberfest-update 18:55:58 selsta will have it tested later today. 18:56:05 thank you 18:56:51 Wow. I didn't know such mess happened. Making it opt in will help, hopefully 19:25:49 selsta, one thing I noticed is on the monero post about the new upgrade it doesn't say what block it will happen on. Had to go dig and find it in the code. 19:26:15 monero post? 19:26:49 Do you mean release notes? 19:49:51 yes 19:50:18 https://web.getmonero.org/2020/08/18/network-upgrade-october-2020.html 19:50:22 selsta, that link 19:51:40 Kronovestan: not sure if the height was set at this point 23:53:46 TheCharlatan: please also approve branch PR