01:15:24 What is the following? 01:15:25 -- Backtrace_LIBRARY: 01:17:02 I think it can only be libunwind. Maybe boost's, not sure if that ever got in. 01:18:05 The following? "C:\msys64\mingw64\include\boost\winapi\stack_backtrace.hpp" 01:19:21 -- looking for liblzma 01:20:19 The documentation says Libunwind is optional 01:20:26 Ah, I'm wrong. It's libbacktrace from libc. 01:21:34 Where can I find it? 01:21:59 glibc probably. 01:25:26 This? git://sourceware.org/git/glibc.git 01:29:10 Probably. 01:31:23 LOL Am I doing myself a disservice by building on Windows? I'm just following the instructions on the Repo but it seems like there are a lot of missing pieces that I'm trying to put together 01:32:37 it should not be that complicated on windows 01:33:02 install following dependencies: mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain make mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake mingw-w64-x86_64-boost mingw-w64-x86_64-openssl mingw-w64-x86_64-zeromq mingw-w64-x86_64-libsodium mingw-w64-x86_64-hidapi mingw-w64-x86_64-protobuf-c mingw-w64-x86_64-libusb git 01:33:17 git clone --recursive https://github.com/monero-project/monero/ 01:33:23 make release-static-win64 01:34:12 we run these steps on every commit and it builds fine, can you post logs on what exactly fails? 01:37:03 You don't *need* this fwiw. It's optional because it's useful to know whether exceptions were raised when there's a bug report. 01:37:18 Or at least, there were a few times in hte past where I wished I had that information. 01:37:31 That's all it does. 01:45:52 $ make release-static-win64 01:45:52 CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../../../../cmake/64-bit-toolchain.cmake -D MSYS2_FOLDER= ../../../.. && /usr/bin/make 01:47:37 Mmmmmmmmmmmmm: please post the whole log to paste.debian.net 01:48:24 https://paste.debian.net/1166443/ 01:49:43 Did you start the mingw64 console? 01:49:55 also did you install the mingw-w64-x86_64-zeromq dependency? 01:51:24 the command you entered does not look like explained in the readme 01:51:32 are you using msys2 mingw64? 01:54:10 https://paste.debian.net/1166446/ 01:55:27 My shell is Z@MyComp MINGW64 ~/Documents/MoneroRepo/monero (master) 01:56:29 did you install openssl with pacman? 01:57:22 I coped and pasted this: pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain make mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake mingw-w64-x86_64-boost mingw-w64-x86_64-openssl mingw-w64-x86_64-zeromq mingw-w64-x86_64-libsodium mingw-w64-x86_64-hidapi 01:57:25 It all went smoothly 01:58:07 your msys2 location is c:/msys2 ? 01:59:18 I don't know what msys2 is I have C:\msys64\mingw64 01:59:27 okay 01:59:57 I’m confused why your repo is inside documents 02:00:27 I just picked a random location, should it be in C:\msys64? 02:00:38 can you try to open the mingw64 console and then type git clone --recursive https://github.com/monero-project/monero/ 02:00:41 without changing path 02:01:45 by default it should end up in C:\msys64\mingw64\home\monero-gui or so if I remember correctly 02:03:12 (close and reopen the mingw64 console) 02:03:21 I have it as such: 02:03:27 Z@MyComp MINGW64 /c/msys64/monero (master) 02:03:52 Oh shoot I need to go into mingw64 before cloning. Right? 02:04:15 yes 02:04:29 you need the mingw64 console 02:08:43 When you say I need the console, Im not sure what you mean. This is what Im looking at before I cloned 02:08:44 https://imgur.com/a/enazTrV 02:10:16 this program https://www.msys2.org/docs/mintty.png 02:13:48 https://imgur.com/a/bAl7Jex 02:14:37 picture does not load for me 02:14:56 can you direct link? 02:15:13 imgur started wanting javascript even for direct links a few weeks ago. 02:15:39 yea they sometimes redirect you from the direct link version to the non direct link one 02:15:44 https://i.imgur.com/wopp2Ve.png 02:15:45 also this one does not even load with JS for me 02:16:40 Mmmmmmmmmmmmm: can you enter just "cd" and enter 02:16:47 and then the output of "pwd" 02:18:25 $ pwd 02:19:23 that’s the output of pwd? 02:19:48 That is ya 02:20:10 can you make a screenshot again? does not sound right 02:21:07 Sorry, you said "cd and enter, then pwd" 02:21:16 ./c/Users/Z 02:23:23 Without the dot 02:23:39 that’s the part that is confusing me, why is your home directory your real windows home directory and not the ming64 one 02:24:04 Does it have to do with me using Git Bash? 02:24:17 yes :S 02:24:28 you need to use mingw64 program 02:25:19 Z@MyComp MINGW64 ~ 02:25:53 okay, now follow the steps from the readme 02:27:08 So from /home/Z start the pacman stuff right? 02:27:20 yes 02:27:26 and then git clone and then make 02:48:23 Works great now, can I tip you Monero? 02:48:31 Post an address 02:57:09 good to hear that it’s working now, see PM regarding address 09:31:35 Do we plan to add I2P / Tor seed nodes? vtnerd? 10:55:52 I think we should have TOR/I2P seeds. There are discussions ongoing to see who can do that 11:08:53 I currently host an I2P monero node, could add mine as seed node 14:38:15 selsta : yes I am talking to people who currently run IP seed nodes first 14:47:37 The instructions don't say how to create the onion address, or where to see it if running tor with the hidden service config generates it. 14:48:17 It could be because it's something unrelated (ie, go see how whatever other software does it?) 15:01:47 if you mean the monero documentation on tor, yeah I assumed pre-knowledge (or obtained elsewhere, etc) 15:02:59 some utility to probe if the address is up could be useful I suppose, I was typically just running another monerod instance and checking connection list 15:06:48 I found it in tor docs, looks like it's auto generated. 15:45:58 Does anyone know of a tor monero node that's online now, so I can check which side of tor my problem is ? 15:48:01 (for p2p, not RPC) 15:50:55 moneromooo: https://community.xmr.to/nodes.html bottom of page 15:51:05 ty 15:51:07 afaik it's up, albeit not 100% sure 15:53:02 Same connection refused error I get, so must be my client. I tried 18080 and 18083. 15:54:20 18081 gets me 404 though, so I can reach it. Are you sure it listens to P2P ? 16:00:12 nvm, all working now. Thanks. 16:00:30 (my tor node, not yours, I suspect yours doens't listen to P2P) 16:08:00 vtnerd: how should I add a hidden service to the seeds list ? I added the .onion address, but monerod fails to resolve it at startup. 16:08:15 I'm not running with torsocks, I don't think I'm supposed to here. 16:08:45 --add-exclusive-node xxx.onion works (without torsocks) 16:45:13 Great. Now tor_address has no operator less like ipv4_network_address. 16:53:01 OK, I made it work. It now connects to the tor seed, but it knows of no tor peer so it sends back nothing. We need more tor nodes :) 16:53:55 Can I run I2P and Tor node on same machine? I guess yes? 16:55:05 I'd guess so too. 16:58:47 i have a vps i can set a node up on but last time ppl were playing around with it there were "issues" that i dont remember so i lost interest. would have to be a no-chain node, though. 16:59:20 I think it can be, for a tor seed. 17:00:25 Hmm. The bit I was missing was in the Monero doc, I'd just managed to read over it. Wheee. Go me. 17:01:08 -xmr-pr- moneromooo-monero opened pull request #6874: make Monero understand Tor seeds, and add one 17:01:08 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/6874 18:58:27 what was the bit moneromooo, or which doc? the hidden services doc? 19:00:19 How to create the address for --anonymous-inbound. 19:00:40 It is created automatically when running tor, and is written to /var/...hostname. 22:09:52 does i2p / tor have seed nodes, and if so, is there a way to "hop on" to their seed nodes, such that a monero network use could get monero nodes from a standard i2p seed node? 22:11:07 cause the fun part of running a monero node with i2p or whatever is you end up just giving up your i2p benefits, right? mebbe im missing something 22:17:39 why are you giving up your i2p benefits? 23:46:34 moneromooo: vtnerd: and others interested : does our dandelion++ implementation chooses a random peer to broadcast a tx to? 23:46:55 given that a node will immediately ignore incoming tx if it is syncing ... 23:48:58 it doesn't make a sense to broadcast a tx to a peer having "not the top blockchain height" 23:49:31 sorry, i didn't inspect the related code closely 23:49:39 do we handle this correctly? 23:53:11 AFAIK (froim what I read here before) it's a random (or two ?) peer, which changes every random amount of time.