00:08:06 Error: failed to load wallet: Unable to send hidapi command. Error 64: Unknown error 00:09:48 Friend is having this isssue with his ledger. It doesn't always do this. 1 out of 5 times it errors. 02:47:58 how many nodes are required to lift the embargo in d++? 02:49:34 i.e., if your holding a transaction in pool in stem phase, and you broadcast, and you see that one of your peers sends that transaction back to you (implying tx has hit fluff), is that enough to keep you from fluffing? 02:49:58 or do you have to hear about your transaction from multiple peers to maintain the embargo? 02:51:11 hrm that shoulda be e.g., . I shall lash myself appropriately 03:30:12 Looks like he tracked it down to "It seam to work when it's connected only to USB port that are directly wired to the Ryzen chip." 03:30:19 "If the USB port is wired to the system chipset or on a USB pcie card, then the problem occure" 05:24:57 Yeap, it also work fine if I connect it to the 2 USB 3.1 port that is wired thru the ASMEDIA controller. 05:26:45 The only change since the problem showup is an update of the linux kernel, from 5.8.10 to 5.8.12. Something might have changed in there. Maybe there is latence added to the usb subsystem (if Monero is sensible to that) 17:19:53 There seems to be an issue with Ledger that a couple of us are seeing at the end of the confirm line - lots of spaces and the amount is attached to the address. It appears to be a bug. What would be the best steps to report this? Very re-producible. Funds move fine and I don't see any issues with that. It's just the display of the address. 17:22:38 Which version of the Ledger Monero App? 17:24:37 current 17:24:41 let me look for the numbers tho 17:26:24 I have same problem, 1.7.2 17:26:25 Monero 'Oxygen Orion' (v0.17.0.1-release) and Ledger Nano X and S (both do it) Monero ledger v1.7.2 17:26:49 Monero both on WINDOWS and MAC v0.17.0.1 17:27:43 did nont have it with 1.6.0. 17:27:43 It look like the address string to be displayed in ledger is not terminated so whatever is after the string in memory is displayer until terminason found. Sometime I get 3 pages, sometime I get 4 pages of garbage 17:28:51 https://i.imgur.com/eruZ0Jz.png 17:28:52 https://i.imgur.com/ap0GdYc.png 17:31:37 gingeropolous : every node in the stem has a unique randomized timer. when the first timer expires, the others should treat it as a newly seen fluff tx 17:32:15 vtnerd: is this why it's taking a long time for TX to show up in memepool like on xmrchain and minko.to? 17:32:24 5mins some times 17:32:49 https://imgur.com/a/O4tGUXR 17:32:50 My ledger will time out and ask for pin before the TX is seen. 17:34:40 if it took that long, then most likely it was blocked until the embargo expired. although it could have been your locally node re-transmitted anyway depending on what happened 17:35:36 ok I just sent a TX 17:38:13 still says pending out so that's good.. used to go failed. 17:39:19 ok 3 mins 12 sec 17:40:24 the other one only took 1min 33 sec 17:51:40 ravfx[m]: please report to ledger monero app repo 19:58:48 I have had multiple exampkes of tx going to failed - tried redoing the tx (errors on double spend), then is suddenly sent 19:59:13 monero-wallet-cli ? 19:59:18 yes 19:59:21 abd ledger 19:59:27 and* 19:59:59 Possibly the warning someone wanted to silence, order of scanning the txpool and refresh. 20:00:18 When you say "sent", do you mean "mined" ? 20:00:33 probably 20:00:44 I never saw it as "pending" 20:01:09 only failed, the some time later the green line indicsting it being mined. 20:01:16 then* 20:01:21 Ah, then maybe not that warning then. This would not cause this (assuming you waited long enough). 20:01:41 did you check whether it was in the txpool, and/or mined ? 20:02:20 Oh, it could also be dandelion I guess, since it pretends not to see stem phase txes. 20:02:43 Not certain about mempool, but I *think* I once saw it in mempool while failed. 20:02:44 Is this a daemon in restricted mode ? 20:03:01 once mined, it was.. mined 20:03:36 Sorry, s/restricted/untrusted/ 20:04:23 Default is untrusted ? 20:05:02 Default is trusted for (and maybe non routable IPs, unsure), untrusted for others. 20:05:15 untrusted it is 20:05:42 I might have misused trusted/untrusted in that code. What an annoying word. 20:06:13 So, untrusted -> daemon will pretend not to known stem phase txes -> wallet does not see it in txpool or chain -> failed. 20:06:33 ooooh 20:06:36 80% sure. 20:06:54 ok I can specify trusted and see if it goes away 20:07:41 never bothered as the only known feature was turning mining on, which isn't interesting to me.