01:53:00 I'm moving xmr-pr to a new server 01:53:42 so he/she will be on vacation for 16 hours (Ill sleep inbetween) 07:44:11 does the flag disable-rpc-login not exist on windows clients anymore? 07:46:22 Kronovestan: should still exist 08:11:02 selsta: in it errors. 08:11:28 can you post full command? 09:44:32 Hey everyone, can you please recommend me the most comprehensive and well-maintained libraries for Monero for Python and Javascript? 09:44:32 Also, are there any good examples of performing MultiSig transactions in Monero using Python/Javascript? 11:07:03 utils/python has a well maintained python binding to all monero RPC, and also has multisig tests in python. 12:18:48 Nathan [LocalCoinSwap CTO]: https://www.getmonero.org/resources/developer-guides <- 'libraries and helpers' 17:10:54 Should we disable the wallet DNS system that checks for whether some ass reused the monero chain ? 17:24:24 selsta is .1 ready to release too? 17:44:21 luigi1111w: yes 17:45:41 ok it's up 17:47:45 do you have the release notes? 17:47:59 and please also upload the binaries 17:50:45 I don't have them 17:51:38 the release notes that is 17:51:52 It's just two lines for .1 :-P 17:52:08 Fix unintended error message on daemon start (Windows) 17:52:08 Bug and security fixes found by OSS-Fuzz 17:57:51 * moneromooo likes oss-fuzz, dislikes google a little less as a result 18:00:32 luigi1111w: https://paste.debian.net/hidden/c80577ff/ 18:23:11 How does one relay a tx if relax_tx on the daemon isn't working? 18:23:18 relay_tx* 18:26:46 You wait for... 4 hours I think. 18:27:21 Or you mine a block with it :) 18:27:36 Or you debug relay_tx. 18:27:42 @moneromooo, this tx has been stuck in the local daemon mempool for over 8 hours already 18:28:06 Adding a trusted peer doesn't help. 18:28:06 How did you tell relay_tx isn't working ? 18:28:12 Didn't work* 18:28:32 Because I still can't find the tx on xmrchain.net 18:29:09 That doesn't imply relay_tx isn't working. Your other sentence kinda implies the tx is invalid. 18:29:34 You can add *pool*:DEBUG to the log settings, and start mining. It will tell you if it's getting mined. 19:32:50 selsta: sorry didn't see your reply. I just start it with "monerod" and if I try and add --disable-rpc-login with the wallet it says "Failed to parse arguments: unrecognised option '--disable-rpc-login'" 19:35:43 Kronovestan: that option is only for monero-wallet-rpc 19:35:53 monerod has rpc login disabled by default 19:36:40 so do we need to even use the --restricted-rpc flag on the daemon now? 19:40:57 Thank you 19:47:16 I was looking through the various resources, just wanted a recommendation on the best maintained libraries other devs recommend. 19:47:30 * Nathan[LocalCoin sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/xDZyXBUMzpiKdKfDGiGmYBLB/message.txt > 20:01:36 Nathan [LocalCoinSwap CTO] there is an atomic swap system in development. This paper describes it: https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/1126.pdf 20:04:18 Besides multisig, monero has an unlock_time field in its transactions that can limit when funds may be spent again. It's not used though in that atomic swap protocol. 20:46:33 That's pretty cool, I just read it. 20:48:28 That paper does seem to make it clear that the only transaction conditions on Monero are those of tx fields, and whatever you can achieve with key sharding. 20:48:28 A MultiSig escrow solution is potentially workable for what I'd like to achieve, but likely difficult. 20:54:34 * Nathan[LocalCoin sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/bSHRJhNsJYARnbKTkjyxyHqD/message.txt >