00:21:58 .merge+ 6843 00:21:58 Added 02:56:31 .merge+ 6836 02:56:31 Added 02:56:36 ^ to fix CI 13:29:17 hey everyone. I'm trying to reassemble the blockhashingblob for a block already on stagenet. Is there an explorer or example that can do it? 13:29:31 I found this which gives me the block as hex 13:29:46 but I need to get the seed for RandomX as well 13:31:10 You mean parse it and display as JSON ? 13:32:14 https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/ZZqd09p8/ 13:32:48 I'm trying to get a valid "blockhashing_blob" and "seed_hash" 13:33:06 so that I can write a unit test that returns the same RandomX POW hash 13:35:46 This does not contain the seed hash fwiw. 13:36:02 It's a block header + merkle root + number. 13:36:29 The seed hash is already in the json though. 13:36:46 It's fairly easy to add to cn_deserialize though. 13:36:52 Gimme a min 13:38:51 Where would I find the seed hash for that block height? 13:41:55 It's in the JSON you got back. 13:42:01 think I got something here, thanks 13:50:42 https://paste.debian.net/hidden/fe56c505/ 13:54:37 I might have misread. You say you want to get the hashing blob, but the hashing blob's in the data you have already. The patch above parses that hashing blob to get you the block data it contains... 14:36:21 .merges? 14:36:27 .merges 14:36:27 -xmr-pr- 6834 6835 6836 6840 6841 6842 6843 14:36:57 .merge+ 6838 14:36:58 Added 14:39:21 .merge+ 6845 6824 14:39:21 Added 16:06:10 fluffypony: does the get-ips-via-DNS system mean you should be able to bootstrap a new monero node without connecting to a seed ? 16:06:23 ie, make a DNS query and get back known peers from it ? 16:06:29 * moneromooo not sure how that one works 16:07:13 I'm asking due to https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/6844. It doesn't seem to get any IPv6 peers, and there's bound to be some somewhere. 16:07:41 Oooh. Things to do. 16:07:52 I'll review those merges over the next day or so. 16:09:13 Thanks. 16:09:42 If you want things to do, I could have one for you to try ^_^ 16:11:00 My C++ is terrible. :) The IPv6 only seed node is interesting, I'd assume we don't have a AAAA record setup on the seed domain. 16:11:14 Oh I wasn't talking about the DNS stuff. 16:36:57 Hey guys, does anyone know of an existing C# library/wrapper for the monero wallet rpc calls? 16:40:58 Im a Asp.Net/C# dev and wanted to mess around to start a new side project building on online monero wallet with ASP.NET Core, however if there isnt a pre existing library for me to jump in with, i'd probably work on then open source a C# library first 16:44:51 There's a "monero ecosystem" account on github, might have such a thing. 16:45:05 It has a number of misc monero related projects. 16:45:23 Nothing in C# tho 16:45:47 https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/meta#projects 16:49:51 Alright cheers guys. 17:05:10 Jambo: I don't think that C# bindings for the RPC calls already exist. Quite in general I found that there is very little for Monero in C#. 17:05:48 We have also people here that are, well, not so enthusiastic about things coming from Microsoft :) 17:13:23 honestly manipulating a wallet for a web application is not too bad, one could call exactly 2 RPC methods, `make_integrated_address` and `get_payments`. 17:13:46 Jambo: JSON-RPC, that is. 19:07:10 i am getting a bunch of resolved references when building release-static : https://paste.debian.net/hidden/7513354e/ 19:07:41 (when lining monerod) 19:09:23 Install libnorm-dev. 19:17:04 thanks 23:14:33 .merges 23:14:33 -xmr-pr- 6824 6834 6835 6836 6838 6840 6841 6842 6843 6845 23:20:17 is this list good for .1 tag? 23:20:25 (the branch ones) 23:21:01 AFAIK yes. selsta ^ 23:21:39 yes 23:28:02 great 23:28:21 selsta can you glance over the branch and confirm 23:29:00 looks good 23:29:34 could you also do the remaining master merges? it has useful stuff like fuzz test and CI fixes, thanks 23:29:45 (after the tag) 23:33:51 At least the build fix for fuzz, so google stuff can run.