00:05:47 selsta: done 11:14:29 I just compiled 0.17. Monerod is much smaller or i missed something? 11:15:37 ErCiccione[m]: don’t think so 11:16:17 You don't think monerod is smaller or that i missed something? :D 11:16:32 It should not be "much smaller". 11:17:09 what did you compare it to? 11:17:50 my monerod is 25.2 Mb. I'm going by memory, so i could be completley wrong, but last time i compiled it ( was about 100Mb 11:17:56 he must have configured with -DWALLET_STEALING_MALWARE=Off 11:18:07 Again, i could be completely wrong 11:18:54 I think you misremember :P 11:19:17 my v0.16.0.3 monerod is only 14M 11:19:47 Lol. ok, i definitely remember wrong then. 11:20:21 maybe you did a debug build last time? 11:20:53 Nope. Was a normal static build as usual 12:43:20 large reorg (68 blocks) on stagenet appears to have forced 300+ txs back into the mempool 12:43:27 they aren't getting included in blocks, so I assume they're invalid on the longest chain 12:43:36 shouldn't they be dropped from the mempool in this case? 12:44:28 In a week's time. 12:46:13 iDunk: could you test https://github.com/monero-project/monero-gui/pull/3103 ? it should replace windeployhelper 12:47:08 USE_SINGLE_BUILDDIR=ON DEV_MODE=ON make release-win64 12:47:20 cd build/release && make deploy 12:47:55 tobtoht: while it would seem to make sense to drop them, they might end up valid again (for example, if the previous longest chain becomes longest again). 12:48:07 Then you'd have to download them all again. 12:48:25 A week's probably too long though. That could get shortened. 12:54:04 moneromooo: I see, thanks 14:00:40 selsta: make: *** No rule to make target 'deploy'. Stop. 14:12:53 The build was started in 3103, but 3d0fdbc97808119534fa1a9059d5047b3de00ec0 is not present because the build system set it in detached head state, which looks to be on master. 14:24:23 iDunk: bit confused, can you post all the commands you used? 14:24:35 the detached head stuff is submodule related so should not be relevant 14:28:56 looks like this on mac, should like similar on windows https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/Tbd2LpuM/ 15:07:54 I c/p'ed the commands you wrote above. 15:08:59 (inside my local 3103 branch, which had 3d0fdbc97808119534fa1a9059d5047b3de00ec0) 15:28:46 Deploy worked with DEV_MODE=OFF, but there are more dlls required than the deployed ones. 15:31:22 These are missing https://paste.debian.net/hidden/52aab253/ 15:32:25 Possibly others, if some of the dlls have their own deps. 15:46:54 wallet-gui starts up fine with the missing dlls copied to bin. 18:32:09 ty, might be a bug with DEV_MODE on windows 18:33:00 I don't think so. DEV_MODE seems to force master. 18:33:32 inside the monero submodule 18:33:41 not inside the GUI submodule 18:33:50 not inside the GUI repo* 18:34:48 https://paste.debian.net/hidden/d53fc500/ 18:36:42 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-gui/blob/master/CMakeLists.txt#L49 18:38:58 You can see in L36 in my paste that it switched monero-gui to master. 18:39:18 right but I don't know why it does this 18:40:38 this works corrently on mac / linux 18:44:18 Instead of `mkdir -p build/release && cd $_ && cmake ../..` you can do `cmake -Bbuild/release .` 18:44:49 (unrelated Tip Of The Day™) 22:30:54 moneromooo: do you like one of the two suggestions? https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/6836#discussion_r493008418 22:31:03 (asking you because you wrote the mining tests) 22:35:46 Remind me tomorrow please. Too drunk to reason atm. 22:36:14 will do :D 23:55:39 i sent a transfer using the monero-wallet-rpc with a paymentid to an integrated address, and polling the rpc for the payment id doesnt give me any payments 23:57:13 also when i try to generate a payment_id via the monero-wallet-cli the command fails, are we not allowed to use them at all anymore? 23:57:46 integrated addresses are allowed (short encrypted payment ids)