00:27:19 vtnerd: not getting this transactions showing up late in mempool issue on testnet 00:27:20 I wonder if someone spun up a lot of nodes that blackhole D++ transactions 00:29:09 There are a lot of lying nodes fwiw, which claim your own height. 00:29:26 They do relay blocks IIRC. Not sure about txs. 00:36:07 Is there a guide to help with updating to 17.0 using CLI wallet/daemon isolation with Qubes + Whonix? 00:36:07 im looking to update system as outlined in: https://www.getmonero.org/resources/user-guides/cli_wallet_daemon_isolation_qubes_whonix.html 00:44:07 moneromooo: do you mean --no-sync? 00:45:44 No. If --no-sync causes that, it should be killed (or fixed at least). 00:46:22 no, --no-sync does not cause that, I was just asking what "lying" nodes you are talking about 00:46:33 They claim your own height. 00:46:47 so someone modified the source to do that? 00:46:49 (and it's almost certainly not theirs) 00:46:59 Not mine. 09:08:20 selsta, I've just seen your problem while doing a transfer on testnet: https://github.com/LedgerHQ/app-monero/pull/80. This error also occurred to me when I was playing too much with the hardfork height. Are you using your own node? 11:35:26 grydz: yes I was using my own node 12:12:03 Is there any public testnet node running I've lauched my own node but it takes a lot of time to sync testnet :/ 12:58:39 I know the xmr.to team runs nodes, but I do not know their update status (ping binaryFate): https://community.xmr.to/nodes.html 12:58:48 ^ grydz 13:32:17 Thanks sarang, I've tested with testnet.community.xmr.to and I have the same problem "Error: Reason: invalid input". Don't know what version is used by the daemon. 13:34:34 I'll debug using my own node but it remains ~1.2 days before complete sync. 13:43:37 .merges 13:43:37 Merge queue empty 14:02:36 grydz: they updated their nodes 14:13:51 sarang: yes, xmrto testnet node is running v0.17.0.0, since this morning 14:15:11 Thanks binaryFate! 14:15:17 Unfortunate that this error occurs :/ 14:15:40 binaryFate: would it be possible to update that page to indicate what versions are being run on each of the nodes? 14:15:49 Perhaps that could be useful, especially for testers 14:16:24 I'll see if we can add it to the health status: https://community.xmr.to/node/testnet/health/api/v1 14:16:45 oh neat 14:16:51 Just an idea 14:17:04 And probably only important around upgrade times :) 14:18:28 we should probably list the health status links on the connection info page too, would be easier to find. For now you can find links here https://community.xmr.to/ look for health status 14:18:50 Yeah, I had missed those health status APIs 14:18:53 Very convenient 14:35:10 Any input about https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/1206 is appreciated 22:08:54 E Failed to get 'C:' filesystem name. Error code: 123 22:08:58 anyone seen that error before? 22:11:36 (first message when starting monerod) 22:22:27 What's the first line in the output of chkdsk c: ? 22:38:56 if I run cmd as admin 22:38:56 The type of the file system is NTFS. 22:44:32 Well, that error is ERROR_INVALID_NAME "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect." Looks like there's something monerod doesn't like about one (or more) of those things. 22:46:18 volume name has a space 22:46:21 though not sure if that matters 22:47:19 Hmm, I have four spaces in my volume name and it works fine. 22:50:10 https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/tools/vms/ 22:50:14 otherwise it’s a normal VM from here ^ 22:50:28 but seems to work fine otherwise 22:52:17 Actually, I get the same error. I'll try with when syncs up. It's not a fatal error here. 22:53:02 And mine is bare metal. 22:57:23 On second thought, I won't try with since that code is not there. 22:57:44 https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/6578 22:59:00 xiphon ^ 23:00:04 I get `Failed to get 'C:' filesystem name. Error code: 123` on NTFS file system, iDunk gets similar message 23:02:04 monerod also thinks my USB attached ssd is a spinny drive on Linux, but that's a different issue. 23:02:31 yea saw similar with VPS that has SSD 23:17:02 iDunk: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/96FvhJqy5N/ 23:17:07 does this help? 23:17:41 I'll build and test. 23:21:01 thanks 23:49:04 xiphon: Your patch fixes the error. 23:56:54 xiphon: can you also open https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/6834 against branch?