00:15:16 reproducible GUI progress sounds promising TheCharlatan 17:09:40 Hey, I was wondering if anyone knew an easy way how to connect to a locally running full node through python and to then query the blockchain? 17:10:10 use the monero python lib 17:10:40 The explorer API can also provide similar functionality if you have it set up (or use a remote explorer) 17:11:30 check stuff at https://github.com/monero-ecosystem 17:14:54 You can also use utils/python/console PORTGOESHERE 17:15:06 then daemon.TABTAB 17:15:36 Thanks a lot, I'll check those things out! 17:16:02 The in-tree python stuff maps directly to RPC, while other things might be higher level. 17:17:23 What sort of data and quantity for the query? 17:19:08 I'm not sure yet but I'd like to play around and see how often transactions are referenced by other transactions in rings and data like that. I'm also curious to see how "traceable" some of my own transactions may be 17:20:17 Got it 17:20:38 I would just use a block explorer but the ones I've found don't support the ability to view all the transactions where outputs have been used as ring members 17:20:45 The explorer API can be slow for really large querying, but it's got a nice interface overall 17:22:21 What do you mean by the explorer API? 17:22:25 The db does not have an index for this, so it'll still be slow. 17:22:53 Isthmus: do you have this data (output -> what txes use it) ? 17:23:50 philogy if you get something usable, please share! I'm curious to see anything about that too 17:24:40 Actually I'm wondering if it's not what blockchain_ancestry.cpp does. 17:24:43 philogy: https://github.com/moneroexamples/onion-monero-blockchain-explorer 17:24:52 I totally forgot why I made this. 17:47:59 there's a small bug with the ledger app, it's been there maybe since forever 17:48:29 if you use a temporary passphrase, when/if the device goes into inactivity, after re-entering the pin, it's the default wallet (no password) that returns 17:49:29 another thing: would it technically be possible to have an "account viewkey", rather than a wallet-wide one? use cases would be services that require the viewkey to confirm payments, generate addresses etc, this is a fairly common use case; and for simplicity/backup/sanity reasons it's helpful to only have one underlying seed 17:52:25 kayront: please report to Ledger repo :) 17:53:00 will do selsta 17:53:29 kayront: I'll try to see if I can replicate it, but as far as I know the monero dev team doesn't have much to do with the development of the monero ledger app. Most of the work is done by the ledger team. Also as just mentioned bugs should be reported at the relevant repo :P 18:28:47 is any maintainer of the monero-ecosystem/monero-python repository in this chat by any chance? 18:33:26 how do I use offsets to find transactions in the blockchain? 18:34:50 hm, as I recall, transactions don't use offsets. outputs do. 18:37:52 Offsets are the 0 based index of an output in its set of outputs of equal amount in blockchain order (0 for rct outputs where the amount if not known). 18:38:06 For this purpose, v2 coinbase outs are deemed rct, even though their amount is known. 18:46:34 ah so basically if I count from the beginning of the block chain and assign a number to every output that is the offset, and then the numbers listed are relative to one another? 18:49:23 Yes. 21:19:36 I lost the chat history so I don't remember who you were but for the person who asked what I ended up using to query the blockchain from python is the monero library for python, while quite limited and simplistic it gives me a good starting interface I can use and build on. 21:20:26 I mean no offense to the library obviously it just seems like it's more targeted at people looking to use access wallet functionality through an API 21:32:40 How does the monero gui client efficiently find outputs/calculate offsets once it has selected them? Does it just go through the blockchain and calculate the offset as it goes along? Is it cached or stored somewhere if so can I access it through the rpc? 23:43:44 Stored. 23:44:01 You get them from get_blocks.bin, possibly other calls.