07:23:03 i recently started to learn about monero and I came across the concept of integrated addresses. It makes it very convenient for merchants to accept monero and integrate it into an online shop. Am I stupid or is there nothing similar in the bitcoin world? 08:03:23 can you stuff something into op_return? 08:03:37 isn't the bitcoin way to just create a new address ? 08:03:52 and you can do the same with Monero by providing a subaddress per customer 08:07:02 yaas i know....but it seems like way more complicated to implement. Also you need to watch all these addresses for transactions which you dont need to with integrated addresses. so it seems like if i want to achieve the same thing with btc that integrated addresses do for me with monero, its much more hassle to implement. true? 08:07:44 I'll take a 08:07:57 wild guess and ponder if something like btcpayserver manages that for you 08:08:45 but i want to integrate the wallet with discourse (forum software) meta.discourse.org 08:09:01 so i dont want to include this giant btcpayserver thing 08:09:22 monero seems much better at handling this with integrated addresses 08:09:47 just be sure to use the short one 08:11:09 `Monero integrated address obsoletes the former practice of using full 32-bytes payment ID in a transaction extra field (where it was not encrypted).` you refer to this? 08:11:12 source: https://monerodocs.org/public-address/integrated-address/ 08:20:01 yeah 08:21:18 I'm still not quite sure where the community is on the short form payment id - I don't think there are any plans to deprecate it, but at the same time there seems to be a recommendation to use subadresses instead 08:23:02 what? i just read the docs and it seems like they recommend integrated addresses over subaddresses for this kind of use case and even say old extra payment id shouldnt be used. 08:26:33 ah ok 08:26:53 what documentation are you reading? 08:27:25 the amazing part is: there is no need to generate new addresses. just a new random number and the ux is the same to normal addresses 08:28:39 this: https://monerodocs.org/public-address/integrated-address/ 08:28:55 here they clearly say: As individual running a wallet you should generally prefer subaddresses. However, if you happen to use integrated addresses, you should allow Monero software to generate integrated addresses for you (instead of forcing your own payment IDs). 08:29:12 that integreated addresses are exactly for this usecase 08:29:35 business bros with an online shop 08:30:04 consumer peasants can use the subaddresses 😼 08:31:17 you should allow Monero software to generate integrated addresses for you (instead of forcing your own payment IDs). 08:31:20 i wonder why that is 08:31:51 because you will probably mess up the code 08:32:50 more likely to use deadbeef and other nonrandom ids i suppose? 08:33:42 or something other big brained things i guess - when people get creative they get creative 😀 14:55:14 I see this in my monerod log sometimes: 14:55:14 `E Transaction spends at least one output which is too young` 14:56:12 Does it mean the spender has a faulty wallet, or can it happen with with one of the "standard" wallets? 14:56:25 Also, what ends up happening to these transactions? Does the network reject them? 14:59:22 That's a sign that your daemon is properly rejecting them. 14:59:37 I'm not sure on this -- I would expect this is only possible with a non-standard wallet that has not properly implemented the output lock-times, but I could be wrong. 15:00:00 hmm makes sense, ty