02:56:58 https://reddit.com/r/TheseFuckingAccounts/comments/mntt2a/xmr_reddit_spam_attack_update_3/ 02:56:59 [REDDIT] XMR Reddit Spam Attack Update 3 (self.TheseFuckingAccounts) | 10 points (100.0%) | 9 comments | Posted by CryptoMaximalist | Created at 2021-04-09 - 23:57:36 02:57:09 500 spam accounts got banned 02:57:17 but he is already creating new ones 03:54:10 Anyone know if any forums where qubes OS + Whonix + Monero power users communicate? 04:06:45 so secret that nobody knows about it ... :P 04:10:40 Haha, there is now! #monero-qubesos:matrix.org 04:22:03 Does it work? 07:00:13 The only self-proclaimed qubes Monero user I know of is fluffy 10:03:53 Sarang is working for Lelantus (Ziro) also from Diego’s company? 10:04:03 Or this is Fake? 10:04:03 https://twitter.com/reubenyap/status/1381169968234913792?s=21 10:04:21 Or other Sarang ? 😅 10:36:58 why would it be fake? 10:45:45 Let’s put all Monero Dev in one for profit Company and then just open a CCS and pay to Company and the dev.... 10:45:57 We can also sell privacy research tech to other projects, and dedicate less time to develop Monero 10:49:01 rehrar: is the Triptych CCS still happening if sarang has a full time contract with Firo? 11:11:18 The way I understand it, it's work for the non CCS months. 11:37:10 Yeah I'm pretty confused at the current situation. Sarang doing research in the general space is great, just not sure how working full time for Firo works with the current CCS proposal, and it wasn't mentioned at all. 11:41:18 Exactly 12:35:30 v0.17.2.0 binaries are now available at getmonero.org 13:22:33 * mechanic41turk[m < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/znHMpzwwDwBhEAUWdNtvvZCE/message.txt > 13:32:15 Lovera[m], selsta, sethsimmons: Could be that it is 'full-time' insofar as it would take up all the time left after the Triptych work 13:36:05 what everyone seems to be missing is that surae also struggled with the financial stability aspect of the MRL 13:36:21 and he's now working at Geometry Labs, mostly doing stuff on an altcoin called QRL 13:36:40 he still loves Monero, but he has to feed his family 13:37:40 so unless someone has a better idea, with this at least we get to retain sarang for Monero work in part (or entirely if the CCS proposal is funded and rehrar doesn't need to take on external work) 13:38:13 what we need is a monero-only onlyfans, magnifying the simpification of the planet and donating 30% of all revenue to the MRL 13:38:17 simps for privacy! 13:38:23 lol 13:39:38 Why aren't CCS's larger? 13:41:26 anon_udxf6fdz[m]: larger ones are slower to fill, and by the time they're filled the exchange rate has moved, so even if you have an exception for MRL raises where they can turn it into USD post-raise it's still a risk 13:44:25 guess it would make more sense to have some kind of research fund - just like the general fund. But then the question comes up "How is it run? who runs it? and also keeps up to keep it funded?" 13:44:26 hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, what if renXMR became a reality and people contributed by minting renXMR which landed into a smart contract that converted the renXMR for DAI or USDC in ethereum :o 13:44:31 * kayront hides 13:45:33 3:36 PM <+kayront> simps for privacy! 13:45:33 "Privates for Privacy!" 13:45:46 it's never an issue to get a CCS filled for sarang, people are literally waiting to throw $$ at him 13:46:23 haha DaveyJones 13:47:00 current request is 66.5 xmr which might take an hr to fill 13:47:46 nioc: sarang disagrees, from his perspective every raise is a risk 13:47:58 and there's also an administrative / tax burden 13:48:13 both sarang and surae went through the 2018-2020 bear market :/ 13:48:16 hard to be able to get a home loan for eg. when your employer is "a bunch of people donate to this crowdfund thing" 13:48:45 ok so rehrar's way is good, then let's get it goin 13:52:04 seems that right now the holdup is the scope and the community is saying "research all the things" 13:52:16 dooo eeeet 13:52:25 fluffypony: you mean to say him stating that anonymous internet people donating anonyous internet magic monies will make his life harder with the bank? preposterous! 13:52:30 nioc: sarang disagrees, from his perspective every raise is a risk <= I think the current raise is guaranteed by rehrar though right? 13:52:47 As in, rehrar employeed sarang, and is now recouping the cost through the CCS 13:54:18 it's not just recouping. If the proposal does not exist / is not funded, I don't think he would work on this specific topic. 13:55:26 dEBRUYNE: yes 13:55:39 and if the CCS fails then he'll just get external work for sarang 13:55:45 and sarang doesn't work on Monero 13:55:48 !tip sarang 100 14:10:16 https://twitter.com/checkmatehere/status/1381245005596086273?s=21 14:12:19 Lovera[m]: He does contract work through Cypher Stack. I don't see anything bizarre here. 14:19:49 I’m not talk about Sarang... I just don’t like how Diego is doing all this 14:21:40 how so ? diego is taking responsibility where no one else would 14:22:30 Release available -> https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/mor649/cli_gui_v01720_oxygen_orion_released/ 14:22:31 [REDDIT] CLI & GUI v0.17.2.0 'Oxygen Orion' released! (self.Monero) | 1 points (100.0%) | 1 comments | Posted by dEBRUYNE_1 | Created at 2021-04-11 - 14:04:14 14:23:19 I’m not talk about Sarang... I just don’t like how Diego is doing all this <-- set up a company and provide stability to researchers in a better way 14:24:36 Ok guys! Cool 👍🏼 14:24:38 Whatever it takes to keep Sarang around, do it! 14:24:49 ^that 14:24:56 What’s this Firo thing about though? 14:25:03 I don't get why people get upset about others trying to provide much desired stability for researchers 14:25:06 guess lelantus research 14:25:10 Would you rather have a burned out researcher again? 14:26:00 Bring back the Inquisition!! 14:27:39 What’s this Firo thing about though? <-- my understanding is that it's one of the first contracts for sarang to do research on 14:29:07 I'd love the Monero community to do a massive CCS to give enough work for a fulltime for a couple of years :) but as it's not the case atm, we have to get used to seeing sarang work on whatever he fancy within his new position 14:29:56 so a research fund ^ 14:30:34 I do wonder why rehrar did not discuss this with the Monero community in the first place? Before taking the Firo contract as well 14:30:40 Perhaps there was time pressure, but would like some clarification 14:31:59 Yeah it appears Cypher Stack has made comittments to Firo, which I am guessing is why Sarang is doing something for them as well 14:32:26 afaik rehrar did their website 14:34:51 He did their whole rebrand from Zcoin from what I gathered in his interview with them 14:35:37 would be nice to see some more proactive willingness/organizing/seeking researchers *from* the Monero community. As it was there was no ongoing proposal at all, until rehrar/sarang made one - which is then quite heavily scrutinized or criticized. I suspect the firo people were a bit more driven. 14:35:44 I can see the value in playing nice with other sound minded privacy projects, but I also think it’s easy for folks to perceive it as a conflict of interest 14:49:00 > I do wonder why rehrar did not discuss this with the Monero community in the first place? Before taking the Firo contract as well 14:49:00 I think monero community would gladly fund a full-time CCS for sarang if it were brought up here first 14:49:24 But I guess firo was faster or easier 14:59:25 Also, no CCS on firo for this contract afaik 16:08:24 binaryFate: the contents of the work being proposed were not scrutinized. the arrangement was. Firo has no history with sarang so to them it’s a win, regardless of the arrangement. They do have a history with cypher stack though. 16:12:01 what’s being scrutinized, I think, is whether the Monero community wants to enter into a relationship with cypher stack. The pros seem to outweigh the cons, especially since no alternative is available to us. 16:20:00 ^ yeah. I do agree that researchers might need more stability and the best alternative we have so far is through cypher stack 16:49:41 Anyone used trtlapps with monero? trtlapps.com seems to be similar to openmonero, but the api is simpler 16:51:40 simpler than this? lol https://github.com/mymonero/mymonero-ws-client/blob/17a03b61eeda1a9f207664f27dd6ad227dd8cb8d/tests/ws.real.spec.js#L69 16:54:12 binaryFate: "but as it's not the case atm" why exactly is it not the case? there's tons to do 16:55:09 this is one of the most important problems to me and i dont know of anyone else in the community other than me working on bringing a solution. where's all the money cake is throwing at bitcoin adoption or whatever anyweay 16:57:32 Oh, I thought websocket access for mymonero was restricted to enterprise customers. I'll have to try that out, thank you 16:58:07 not heard that before but the API and client are open source 17:05:48 "Most important problems", what problem? 17:10:03 hard to put into just a few words. the monero community needs to get itself together and decide its priorities 17:11:01 many people put their hopes of security, privacy, profit, etc on people building the future of currency technology but they still have to worry about money for some reason 17:11:10 they -> the people building 17:21:09 Sorry I can't help you. Bye. 17:24:14 step 1 in setup guide is to create a Google Firebase account. No thanks. 17:25:02 lol 17:34:42 Once again I'd like to suggest maybe trying to do something like an OpenCollective account that goes to fund developers/researchers. Having automatic reoccuring donations would help ease the stability problem IMO 17:35:43 The best time to start and collect donations is in a bull run, where everyone wants to throw money but the developers can't perform mitosis. 17:36:49 there is probably a place for a wallet that can support recurring payments 17:57:20 Hi. I'm here now. Sorry stayed up till 3 working on things so slept in. I can answer questions. 18:00:38 Rehrar I am confused about which accounts you are using and which I should DM 18:03:12 This regular IRC one 18:03:27 and the Matrix one @diego:cypherstack.com 18:03:46 rehrar: I think the question was if the triptych CCS is still as planned if sarang does Firo full time 18:04:33 Absolutely. Full time is 40 hours a week, and sarang is willing to go beyond that to work for Triptych. This is why we took the non-consecutive hour thing though. 18:04:41 *on Triptych 18:05:03 In fact, he's quite fired up to do so. 18:09:37 That's good to hear. I just hope he doesn't work himself into a burnout again. 18:10:43 I think the source of stress was mostly related to funding (and potential loss of funding), not the actual work 18:10:46 I could be wrong though 18:10:48 If he needs a rest, he can take some time off since the hours are nonconsecutive. As well, we'll be moving to part time on Firo for a couple of months in the future to just focus on Triptych. 18:11:05 dEBRUYNE: correct. The amount of work was not one of the stressors. 18:15:30 I see. Well the CypherStack construction seems like a good idea going forward if it alleviates that stress. 19:05:20 bot broke? 19:14:12 luigi1111w: no it's being updated 19:14:41 vikrants (Cake) says he can't talk in here if someone can do for him what you did for me the other day. 19:15:06 sounds broke 19:15:44 Yeah, attention Matrix people. 19:16:02 they dont know theyre in the matrix 19:16:03 We can't hear you right now. It's not your fault. Our monero-guard bot is being updated. It's the one that keeps the spam at bay. 19:16:33 Please be patient with us. :) We're trying to make the bot better and faster and more efficient and less bugs and more beautiful to look at 19:16:34 test 19:16:34 Test failed 19:16:57 thank you <3 19:17:15 Hi 19:17:29 Works through IRC 19:39:19 w0w big chorus 19:43:47 Mumuks Vikrants can't post either 19:44:13 Hola 19:44:25 I can post again! 19:49:17 Hola 19:50:55 Is there any sort of public Monero event calendar? 19:51:45 https://www.monerooutreach.org/monero-calendar/ 19:52:00 Let me know if you can see it appears buggy on my screen 19:57:05 Anyone want to give some good suggestions to Robert Breedlove on scaling?: https://twitter.com/Breedlove22/status/1381325457493172225 19:57:31 * Anyone want to give some good suggestions/discussion to Robert Breedlove on scaling?: https://twitter.com/Breedlove22/status/1381325457493172225 20:15:48 Replying, thanks for the post here!