13:46:08 -xmr-pr- [meta] Evgenii272 opened issue #523: The problem with Monero transactions 13:46:08 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/523 22:47:49 Monero presentations are online on the Grayhat website (https://www.grayhat.co/) on time for tomorrow's start with the Monero Village, thanks staff everyone (rehrar) for the excellent job so far. 22:55:06 Do we have any guidance for speakers aside from ajs-mob1's codec video selection and taiga entry? 22:55:25 I'm a bit curious how all the speakers are instructed to provide their content? 22:55:42 And I hope they have the news that they can receive a free of charge general access pass. 22:55:56 I don't have their contact information to give them the code, but probably they have it already?